457 research outputs found

    For arbejderen, universitetet og videnskaben - Gerson Trier og Kristian Erslev i Folkeuniversitetet 1898-1918

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    Artiklen tager afsæt i to personer, der var blandt hovedkræfterne bag oprettelsen af et folkeuniversitet på dansk grund, den revolutionære socialist Gerson Trier og historikeren Kristian Erslev. Den viser, hvorledes de to personer havde vidt forskellige ideologiske bevæggrunde for at engagere sig i den nye institution. Trier så institutionen som et led i højnelsen af proletariatets levevilkår, mens Erslev inddrog Folkeuniversitetet i kampen for en nyorientering af Københavns Universitet. Troen på værdien af videnskabsbaseret folkeoplysning havde de til fælles. Artiklen stiller skarpt på de kompromiser og strategier Trier og Erslev betjente sig af for at skabe rum for Folkeuniversitetet i det danske oplysningslandskab, og artiklen undersøger herved den komplekse proces, hvorigennem idéer gennem forhandling glider ind i institutioner og omsættes til praksis


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    Geographies of Connectivity in East Africa: Trains, Telecommunications, and Technological Teleologies.

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    The paper analyses and compares two transformative moments of technologically-mediated change in East Africa, the construction of the Uganda railway between Mombasa and Lake Victoria (1896-1903) and the introduction of fibre-optic cables that landed into the ports of Dar Es Salaam and Mombasa in 2009. It uses discourse analysis to examine how technologically-mediated connectivity has been represented by political and economic actors during these transformative moments. In both cases, we explore the origins of the expectations of connectivity and the hope and fear associated with them. Building on Massey’s notion of power-geometry and Sheppard’s concept of positionality the paper focuses on power relationships in discussions of connectivity and asks how people understand the abilities of transformative technologies to modify positionalities and alter relational distance and proximity. Ultimately, by examining historical and contemporary expectations of connectivity in East Africa, this paper allows us to work towards creating more grounded and historicised understandings of the coming-together of technology and connectivity

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    Afrika: Koloniale grænsedragningers konsekvenser

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    Casper Andersen analyserer de koloniale grænsedragninger og konsekvenserne heraf for dagens Afrika. &nbsp

    Imperiernes legitimeringsbryde

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    Russells frontalangreb

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    Methodological toolkit

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    This document represents the ‘Methodological toolkit’ for the Horizon2020 Project ECHOES; European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities. The ECHOES Project brings together scholars from a wide range of disciplines and nationalities and entails cases in cityscapes from Asia, Africa and South America and from Northern, Western, Southern and Eastern Europe. ECHOES focuses on various forms and levels of engagements with colonial heritage from local street performances to EU political discourse. The overall aim is to investigate decolonial heritage practices outside Europe in former colonized territories with multiple and different histories of colonialisms as well as to look at decolonial practices inside Europe while keeping in mind the very different trajectories of the different European colonial projects. The fact that Europe’s colonial past is simultaneously present as an undeniable heritage in its cities, institutions and international relationships, and also constantly ‘echoed’ back to it from the former colonized ‘outside’ constitutes both the challenge and the promise of the ECHOES project; to look for way in which to engage a decolonized future by seeking inspiration in how the colonial past is managed, transformed and worked on by various artistic, political, heritage or civil actors in cityscapes within and beyond the with European continent