24 research outputs found

    Requirements for development of olive tourism: the case of Croatia

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    Purpose ā€“ The aim of this paper is to identify necessary requirements for development of olive tourism and compare the findings with the situation in Croatia in order to provide guidelines for the future development of this particular form of tourism. Design/methodology/approach ā€“ In this preliminary study, the method of secondary sources data analysis was used. The data includes searching of relevant scientific articles and official web sites such as web pages of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tourist Boards, etc. Findings ā€“The analysis revealed the existence of eight requirements necessary for olive tourism developments, such as: oil mills open for visitors, museums and interpretation centers dedicated to olives and olive oil, olive farms, protected geographical indications, olive groves, events/fairs devoted to olives and olive oil, Olive Oil Roads, specialized shops for olive oil ā€“ oleotece. The results could help in future research for planning and development of olive tourism in other countries. Olive tourism requirements already exist in Croatia, but there is insufficient available information about stakeholders who offer activities related to olive tourism. Originality of the research ā€“ This study has identified necessary requirements for olive tourism development. It is oriented to olive tourism in developing countries, which have received little prior research attention

    Utilization of stem cells in curing of nervous system

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    Poremećaji živčanog sustava danas joÅ” uvijek predstavljaju izazov u liječenju zbog kompleksnosti i specifičnosti cijelog sustava. Nizom novih otkrića i razvojem novih laboratorijskih protokola u području kulture stanica i genetskog inženjeringa omogućena je primjena matičnih stanica u svrhe liječenja velikog spektra poremećaja živčanog sustava. U ovom seminarskom radu napravljena je podjela patoloÅ”kih stanja koje dovode do disfunkcije živčanog sustava te do sada ispitivanih terapija za svako od tih stanja primjenom matičnih stanica. Dvije glavne skupine na koje su podijeljeni poremećaji živčanog sustava su fizička oÅ”tećenja jednog dijela CNS-a i progresivne neurodegenerativne bolesti. Zbog razlika u pristupu terapiji primjeri fizičkih oÅ”tećenja živčanog sustava su traumatska ozljeda mozga te potpuna i nepotpuna fraktura leđne moždine. Å to se tiče neurodegenerativnih bolesti navedene su dosada istražene terapije samo za Alzheimerovu bolest kao najučestaliji oblik ovakvoga tipa poremećaja živčanog sustava. DosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima u ovom području napravljen je veliki pomak u razumijevanju patologije navedenih stanja i određene su glavne crte strategija liječenja. Ipak, najuznapredovanije od ovih metoda liječenja joÅ” su uvijek u fazi kliničkih ispitivanja. Neki od glavnih problema koji će u pogledu njihove Å”iroke primjene morati biti rijeÅ”eni su nekontrolirana migracija matičnih stanica, diferencijacija u pogreÅ”an tip stanica i potencijal za razvoj tumora.Today, dysfunctions of the nervous system still appear to be a challenge in the treatment due to the complexity and specificity of the whole system. A series of new discoveries and development of new laboratory protocols in the area of cell culture and genetical engineering have enabled the use of stem cells for the purposes of treatment of a wide spectrum of nervous system disfunctions. This article presents a division of pathological conditions, which lead to dysfuncions of the nervous system as well as stem cell therapies for each of these conditions that have been tested up to date. Two main groups of nervous system disfunctions are physical damages of part of the CNS and progressive neurodegenerative diseases. Due to differences in the approach to therapy, examples of physical damages of the nervous system are a traumatic brain injury and a complete and incomplete spinal cord injury. Regarding neurodegenerative diseases, only therapies for the Alzheimer disease, as the most common type of this sort of neural dysfunctions, are described. Previous research in this field have made a big breakthrough in understanding of the pathology of mentioned conditions and determined main guidelines for the strategy of therapy. However, even the most advanced methods of therapy are still in the phase of clinical trials. Some of the major problems that will have to be solved in order for this to become widely used are an uncontrolled migration of stem cells, differentiation of stem cells in a wrong cell type and the potential for tumor development

    EpidemioloÅ”ke karakteristike i čimbenici povezani sa smrtnoŔću teÅ”ko opečenih bolesnika - iskustvo hrvatskog opeklinskog centra

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    The authors conducted a single-center retrospective study during the last 6.5 years. The study aimed to describe demographic data of burn patients in the Croatian Burn Center and investigate factors affecting mortality for the first time after the Center was established. The study included 109 severely burned patients with a total body surface area (TBSA) burned ā‰„20%, admitted to the burn intensive care unit. The relationship between the fatal outcome and age, sex, comorbidity, mechanism of injury, TBSA burned, and inhalation injury was investigated. The mean patient age was 54.50Ā±20.21 years and the mean TBSA burned was 42.48Ā±18.64%, with the mortality rate of 50%. The results demonstrated that patients with 2 or more comorbidities compared with those with no comorbidities had a higher chance of lethal outcome (p<0.0001). With an increase of TBSA by 1%, the odds of lethal outcome are expected to increase by 7% (p<0.0001). Other variables included in the analysis did not show statistical significance. TBSA percentage is a well-known predictor of mortality and numerous studies indicate an association between comorbidities and mortality but there are conflicting results about other demographic factors and injury characteristics.Provedena je prva retrospektivna studija u tercijarnom centru u Hrvatskoj u posljednjih 6,5 godina s ciljem opisivanja demografskih podataka te čimbenika koji utječu na smrtnost teÅ”ko opečenih bolesnika. U istraživanje je uključeno 109 teÅ”ko opečenih bolesnika s ukupnom opečenom povrÅ”inom ā‰„20%, hospitaliziranih u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja. Analizirana je povezanost smrtnog ishoda i dobi, spola, supostojećih bolesti, mehanizma ozljede, postotka opečene povrÅ”ine i prisutnosti inhalacijske ozljede. Srednja dob bolesnika uključenih u istraživanje bila je 54,50Ā±20,21 godina, srednja vrijednost postotka opečene povrÅ”ine bila je 42,48Ā±18,64%, a smrtnost je iznosila 50%. Rezultati pokazuju veće izglede za smrtni ishod kod bolesnika s 2 ili viÅ”e supostojećih bolesti u odnosu na one bez takvih bolesti (p<0,0001). Porastom postotka opečene povrÅ”ine kože za 1% izgledi za smrtni ishod rastu za 7% (p<0,0001). Analizom nije nađena statistički značajna razlika za ostale varijable. Postotak opečene povrÅ”ine je dobro poznati prediktor smrtnosti i brojne studije ukazuju na povezanost supostojećih bolesti i smrtnosti, dok su za ostale demografske čimbenike i značajke ozljede rezultati studija oprečni


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    Brother of the Regulator of Imprinted Sites (BORIS) has a role in intracellular signalization and is important in epigenetic mechanism control, such as methylation/demethylation of DNA and histones. BORIS may deregulate some tumor suppressor genes. Immunohistochemical expression of BORIS was found in different tumors, some of them showing correlation with poor prognosis. The aim of this study was to determine immunohistochemical expression of BORIS in pure seminomas and different components of testicular mixed germ cell tumors (MGCT). In this study, immunohistochemical expression of BORIS in testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) was analyzed. Staining intensity and percentage of positive staining cells were used to evaluate the level of expression. Tumor samples from 44 patients were analyzed; 26 pure seminomas and 18 MGCT. In MGCTs, seminoma component was found in 4, yolk sac in 7, teratoma in 11 and embryonal carcinoma in 13 samples. Expression of BORIS was strong in 80.8% of seminoma cases and in 76.9% of embryonal carcinoma component, 71.4% of yolk sac, 63.6% of teratoma component and 25% of seminomatous component of MGCT. In MGCT, positive correlation was found between BORIS expression in teratomatous component and presence of yolk sac component (BORIS (engl. Brother of the Regulator of Imprinted Sites) sudjeluje u unutarstaničnoj signalizaciji i kontrolira epigenetske mehanizme kao Å”to su metilacija/demetilacija DNK i histona. Aktivacija BORIS-a dovodi do poremećaja određenih tumorskih supresora. Imunohistokemijska izraženost BORIS-a utvrđena je u različitim tumorima. U nekim tumorima nađena je korelacija s loÅ”ijom prognozom. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi imunohistokemijsku izraženost BORIS-a u čistim seminomima i različitim komponentama mijeÅ”anih tumora zametnih stanica testisa (engl. mixed germ cell tumors, MGCT). Materijal i metode: Analizirana je imunohistokemijska izraženost BORIS-a u tumorima zametnih stanica testisa (engl. testicular germ cell tumors, TGCT), a intenzitet bojenja i postotak reaktivnih stanica koriÅ”ten je za evaluaciju razine ekspresije. Analizirani su uzorci tumora 44 bolesnika; 26 čistih seminoma i 18 MGCT. Kod MGCT-a komponenta seminoma nađena je u 4, yolk sac-a u 7, teratoma u 11 te embrionalnog karcinoma u 13 uzoraka tumora. Rezultati: Imunohistokemijska izraženost bila je jaka kod 80,8% čistih seminoma te kod 76,9% komponente embrionalnog karcinoma, 71,4% yolk sac-a, 63,6% teratoma i 25% seminomske komponente MGCT-a. Dobivena je pozitivna korelacija izraženosti BORIS-a teratomske komponente i prisutnosti komponente yolc sac


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    Brother of the Regulator of Imprinted Sites (BORIS) has a role in intracellular signalization and is important in epigenetic mechanism control, such as methylation/demethylation of DNA and histones. BORIS may deregulate some tumor suppressor genes. Immunohistochemical expression of BORIS was found in different tumors, some of them showing correlation with poor prognosis. The aim of this study was to determine immunohistochemical expression of BORIS in pure seminomas and different components of testicular mixed germ cell tumors (MGCT). In this study, immunohistochemical expression of BORIS in testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) was analyzed. Staining intensity and percentage of positive staining cells were used to evaluate the level of expression. Tumor samples from 44 patients were analyzed; 26 pure seminomas and 18 MGCT. In MGCTs, seminoma component was found in 4, yolk sac in 7, teratoma in 11 and embryonal carcinoma in 13 samples. Expression of BORIS was strong in 80.8% of seminoma cases and in 76.9% of embryonal carcinoma component, 71.4% of yolk sac, 63.6% of teratoma component and 25% of seminomatous component of MGCT. In MGCT, positive correlation was found between BORIS expression in teratomatous component and presence of yolk sac component (BORIS (engl. Brother of the Regulator of Imprinted Sites) sudjeluje u unutarstaničnoj signalizaciji i kontrolira epigenetske mehanizme kao Å”to su metilacija/demetilacija DNK i histona. Aktivacija BORIS-a dovodi do poremećaja određenih tumorskih supresora. Imunohistokemijska izraženost BORIS-a utvrđena je u različitim tumorima. U nekim tumorima nađena je korelacija s loÅ”ijom prognozom. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi imunohistokemijsku izraženost BORIS-a u čistim seminomima i različitim komponentama mijeÅ”anih tumora zametnih stanica testisa (engl. mixed germ cell tumors, MGCT). Materijal i metode: Analizirana je imunohistokemijska izraženost BORIS-a u tumorima zametnih stanica testisa (engl. testicular germ cell tumors, TGCT), a intenzitet bojenja i postotak reaktivnih stanica koriÅ”ten je za evaluaciju razine ekspresije. Analizirani su uzorci tumora 44 bolesnika; 26 čistih seminoma i 18 MGCT. Kod MGCT-a komponenta seminoma nađena je u 4, yolk sac-a u 7, teratoma u 11 te embrionalnog karcinoma u 13 uzoraka tumora. Rezultati: Imunohistokemijska izraženost bila je jaka kod 80,8% čistih seminoma te kod 76,9% komponente embrionalnog karcinoma, 71,4% yolk sac-a, 63,6% teratoma i 25% seminomske komponente MGCT-a. Dobivena je pozitivna korelacija izraženosti BORIS-a teratomske komponente i prisutnosti komponente yolc sac

    Bus Split Contingency Analysis Implementation in the NetVision DAM EMS

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    Implementation of the bus coupler outage scenarios, commonly known as bus splitting, in the NetVision DAM energy management system (EMS) contingency analysis is presented in this paper. In order to identify the bus coupler branches in the network model, the existing topology processor was upgraded. The description of the topological algorithm for detection of the bus couplers is given. Based on the topology analysis results, calculation subnodes are created. Calculation model was modified in order to include the bus couplers and the subnodes as the new calculation objects. These modifications are fundamental for the introduction of the bus coupler outages in the contingency analysis. Implications of the bus coupler outages on the load flow mathematical model are discussed. Implemented NetVision DAM solution for the analysis of such outage scenarios is presented

    Structure of the apple supply chain and analysis of relationship between supplyĀ chain members

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi strukturu i stanje u opskrbnim lancima jabuka, te analizirati odnose između članova lanca. Anketno istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku od 50 proizvođača i 10 otkupljivača (distributera) jabuka. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da proizvođači jabuke plasiraju na tržiÅ”te putem izravnih i neizravnih kanala prodaje. Izravna prodaja krajnjem potroÅ”aču vrÅ”i se prodajom na gospodarstvu i dostavom na kućni prag dok neizravni kanali prodaje uključuju prodaju jabuka voćarnama i distributerima. Jabuka iz malih privatnih voćarni dolazi izravno do kupca, dok se jabuka iz distribucijskih centara plasira preko gradskih tržnica, malih prodavaonica u susjedstvu i trgovačkih lanaca do krajnjeg kupca. Analizirajući ukupnu suradnju između članova opskrbnog lanca utvrđeno je da su međusobnim odnosima najzadovoljniji proizvođači, a najmanji stupanj zadovoljstva utvrđen je u odnosu između otkupljivača (distributera) i trgovaca. NajčeŔći problemi s kojim se proizvođači susreću prilikom prodaje jabuka su niska otkupna cijena, način plaćanja, te nepoÅ”tivanje rokova plaćanja, dok otkupljivači (distributeri) kao najčeŔće probleme u odnosu s proizvođačima navode nepoÅ”tivanje rokova isporuke i kvalitetu jabuka, te poÅ”tivanje dogovora. Kod prodaje jabuka trgovcima distributeri kao najvažnije probleme u poslovanju izdvajaju dogovor oko postizanja prihvatljive prodajne cijene te previsoke standarde kvalitete jabuka pri otkupu. Prema nalazima istraživanja moguće je zaključiti da postoje značajne razlike u percepciji odnosa proizvođača i tržnih posrednika u opskrbnom lancu jabuka. Kako bi povećali uspjeÅ”nost opskrbnih lanaca jabuka potrebno je: (1) poslovati u skladu s zakonom u kojem su definirani rokovi ispunjenja novčanih obveza, (2) zakonski regulirati nepoÅ”tene trgovačke prakse (eksploatacijski ugovori, visoki rabati, kratki rokovi isporuke, povrat neprodane robe), (3) poboljÅ”ati komunikaciju i razvijati partnerske odnose temeljene na povjerenju. Rezultati istraživanja mogu poslužiti kao informativna podloga istraživačima u području upravljanja opskrbnim lancima prehrambenih proizvoda te svim ispitanicima čije su tvrtke sudjelovale u istraživanju na način da ih potakne da na temelju utvrđenog stanja poduzmu određene mjere za poboljÅ”anje uspjeÅ”nosti opskrbnih lanaca kojima pripadaju.The aim of this paper was to determine the structure and condition of the apple supply chain and to analyze the relationships between chain members. The survey was conducted on a sample of 50 apple producers and 10 buyers (distributors). Distribution of apple to consumers can be undertaken using direct and indirect channels. Direct sales to consumers include selling apples on the family farm and doorstep delivery while indirect sales channels include selling apples to small private fruit store and distributors. Apples from the small private fruit stores are placed directly to the consumers, while the apples from distribution centers are sold to the city markets, small grocery shops near the residence and supermarkets. Analyzing the overall cooperation between supply chain members it can be conclude that producers are the most satisfied stakeholders. The least degree of satisfaction is determined in relationship between distributors and retailers. The most present problems that producers face selling apples are low purchase price, payment procedure and payment deadlines. The most serious problems expressed by buyers (distributors) in relationship with apples producers are un- satisfied delivering accuracy, apples quality, and ignorance of the agreement. The most important problems seen by distributors in relationship with retailers are disagreement to achieve acceptable sales price and too high apples quality standards. According to the findings it can be concluded that there are significant differences between the satisfaction perceptions of relationship between producers and other market intermediaries of the apple supply chain. In order to increase performance of apple supply chain, it is necessary to (1) operate in accordance with the law which define the terms of fulfillment of the financial obligations, (2) legally regulate use of unfair trade practices (exploitative contracts, high rebates, short delivery deadlines, return of unsold goods), (3) improve communication and develop trust-based partnerships. Results can be used as theoretical basis to all respondents those whose companies were participated in the survey in a way to encourage them to based on identified problems take certain measures to improve the performance of their supply chains

    Prikaz rada Službe za prevenciju i izvanbolničko liječenje ovisnosti i mentalno zdravlje Zavoda za javno zdravstvo Zadar

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    U Zadarskoj županiji Centar za prevenciju i izvanbolničko liječenje ovisnosti djeluje od 1997. godine, a u lipnju 2005. godine preuzima ga Zavod za javno zdravstvo Zadar te čini jednu od njegovih stručnih Službi, Službu za prevenciju i izvanbolničko liječenje ovisnosti. U prosincu 2009. godine Služba za prevenciju i izvanbolničko liječenje ovisnosti dobila je dodatnu zadaću da se pored prevencije i izvanbolničkog liječenja ovisnosti bavi i mentalnim zdravljem. Služba obavlja poslove određene Zakonom o zdravstvenoj zaÅ”titi i Zakonom o suzbijanju zlouporabe opojnih droga u skladu s Nacrtom nacionalne strategije suzbijanja zlouporabe opojnih droga u Republici Hrvatskoj za 2006. - 2012. godinu i Akcijskim planom suzbijanja zlouporabe opojnih droga za Zadarsku županiju od 2009. - 2012. godine

    The COVID-19 pandemic: a letter to G20 leaders

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    Therapy followed by interim PET-CT in patient with Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Hodgkinov tumor je jedan od najčeŔćih tumora mlađe odrasle dobi. Napretkom dijagnostike i liječenja postotak izlječenja Hodgkinova limfoma je vrlo visok. S obzirom da mlada populacija obolijeva cilj je smanjiti kasne nuspojave liječenja. To se može postići stratificiranjem bolesnika u rizične i manje rizične skupine te se temeljem toga može prilagoditi terapija. Krajnji rezultat bi bio smanjenje toksičnosti kemoterapije i pojave kasnih nuspojava liječenja te također smanjenje rizika od relapsa bolesti. Cilj ove studije je bio istražiti prognostičku vrijednost kliničkog nalaza interim PET-CT-a. Nalaz interima omogućuje evaluaciju metaboličkog odgovora na kemoterapiju rano u tijeku liječenja. Rezultati ove studije pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku u trogodiÅ”njem vremenu bez progresije bolesti s obzirom na klinički nalaz interim PET-CT-a. Iako rezultati ove studije zahtijevaju daljnje potvrde ukazuju na prognostički značaj interim te potencijalnu vrijednost terapije prilagođene na temelju nalaza.Hodgkin lymphoma is one oft he most common tumor in young adults. Diagnostic and treatment improvement led to high precentage of curability in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. Considering that young population is affected the aim is to decrease long-term side effects of treatment. Ultimate goal is to decrease toxicity an long-term side effects of chemotherapy as well as risk of relapse of disease. Aim of this study was to investigate prognostic value of interim PET-CT using clinical assessment. Interim gives information about metabolic response to chemotherapy early during treatment. There was a static significant difference in three-year progression free survival considering interim PET-CT. Although this study requires further investigation, it shows the prognostic importance of interim and potential value of therapy followed by interim PET-CT