29 research outputs found

    The Position of Women in Agriculture

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    The text of this article is, as a matter of fact, abridged discussions of three women-peasants at the Annual meeting of the Permanent Conference for Social Activity of SR Croatia held at the end of June in Zagreb. The Editorial Board publishes them because they contain valuable observations and data on the present social and economical position of women in agriculture. Ljuba Kuml speaks on the position of women in rural regions around town Zagreb where women have affirmed themselves as good cooperative producers, Ana Kulićā€™s discussion tackles the reasons which prevent women in villages of S. Brod commune to become modern agricultural producers, and Ruža Mihalj considers the underdeveloped infrastructure in villages which makes difficult the position of women and their socio-economic affirmation in communities where they live

    Prognostička vrijednost topoizomeraze 2-alfa i B-Myb u ranom raku dojke liječenom adjuvantnom kemoterapijom

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    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in females. Despite its well-established prognostic factors, our prognostic ability at an individual patient level remains limited. In this study, the immunohistochemical expression of B-Myb and DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha (Topo2a) was analyzed in primary tumors to identify patients with a higher risk of disease recurrence after adjuvant chemotherapy for early invasive breast cancer. We analyzed a cohort of 215 early invasive breast cancer patients having undergone surgery from 2002 to 2003 at the Zagreb University Hospital Centre, including 153 patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. All of them were followed-up prospectively for at least ten years according to routine institutional practice. Statistically significant correlations were found between B-Myb and Topo2a expression levels and particular well-established prognostic factors. B-Myb expression was lower in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive tumors (p=0.0773), whereas larger tumors and those with positive lymphovascular invasion displayed a statistically significantly higher B-Myb expression (p=0.0409 and p=0.0196). Higher tumor grade indicated higher Topo2a values (p=0.0102 and p=0.0069). The subgroup with the expression of both proteins above the median value had an almost statistically significantly (p=0.0613) inferior prognosis compared to the rest of the cohort. Study results showed the B-Myb and Topo2a expression to have a prognostic value in breast cancer patients after adjuvant chemotherapy, which should be additionally explored in future studies in a larger patient cohort.Rak dojke je najčeŔći zloćudni tumor u žena. Unatoč dobro definiranim ā€œtradicionalnimā€ prognostičkim čimbenicima naÅ”a mogućnost prognoze za svaku pojedinu bolesnicu je ograničena. U ovom istraživanju smo analizirali imunohistokemijsku izraženost B-Myb-a i DNA topoizomeraze 2-alfa (Topo2a) u primarnim tumorima kako bi se identificirale bolesnice s većim rizikom povrata bolesti nakon adjuvantne kemoterapije za rani invazivni rak dojke. Analizirana je kohorta od 215 bolesnica s ranim invazivnim karcinomima dojke koje su operirane u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Zagreb od 2002. do 2003. godine, uključujući 153 bolesnice koje su liječene adjuvantnom kemoterapijom. Sve su praćene prospektivno najmanje deset godina prema rutinskoj kliničkoj praksi. Dokazali smo statistički značajne korelacije između razine izraženosti B-Myb i Topo2a te nekih ā€žtradicionalnihā€ prognostičkih čimbenika. Izraženost B-Myb je bila niža u ER pozitivnim tumorima (p=0,0773), ali su veći tumori, kao i oni s pozitivnom limfovaskularnom invazijom imali statistički značajno veću izraženost proteina B-Myb (p=0,0409 i p =0,0196). Također, pokazali smo da veći gradus tumora ukazuje na viÅ”u vrijednost Topo2a (p=0,0102 i p=0,0069). Pokazali smo da podskupina bolesnica s izraženoŔću oba proteina iznad srednje vrijednosti ima loÅ”iji ishod bolesti u odnosu na ostatak skupine, ali rezultat je blizu granice statističke značajnosti (p=0,0613). NaÅ”e istraživanje je pokazalo prognostičku vrijednost kombinacije prekomjerne imunohistokemijske izraženosti B-Myb i Topo2a u bolesnica s rakom dojke nakon adjuvantne kemoterapije, Å”to zaslužuje daljnja istraživanja na većim skupinama bolesnica

    Hypoxia in solid tumors: biological responses to hypoxia and implications on therapy and prognosis

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    Tumor development, promotion and ability to spread depend greatly on tumor microenvironment. Rapid growth accompanied by inadequate angiogenesis is the reason why most solid tumors contain hypoxic regions. Activation of hypoxia signaling pathways stimulates neoangiogenesis, alters tumor metabolism, promotes a more aggressive tumor behavior and significantly affects its responsiveness to therapy. Growing amount of evidence suggest that hypoxia induces transcription of tumor promoting genes leading to increased tumor cell proliferation and metastatic potential. Improved understanding of molecular pathways will enable establishment of useful prognostic and predictive factors, along with more effective treatment options

    Hypoxia in solid tumors: biological responses to hypoxia and implications on therapy and prognosis

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    Tumor development, promotion and ability to spread depend greatly on tumor microenvironment. Rapid growth accompanied by inadequate angiogenesis is the reason why most solid tumors contain hypoxic regions. Activation of hypoxia signaling pathways stimulates neoangiogenesis, alters tumor metabolism, promotes a more aggressive tumor behavior and significantly affects its responsiveness to therapy. Growing amount of evidence suggest that hypoxia induces transcription of tumor promoting genes leading to increased tumor cell proliferation and metastatic potential. Improved understanding of molecular pathways will enable establishment of useful prognostic and predictive factors, along with more effective treatment options

    Sirtuins in tumorigenesis

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    Sirtuins (SIRT) are group of enzymes that require nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to catalyze their reactions. These chemical compounds have mono (ADP-ribosyl) transferase or deacetylases activities, and they can be found in nearly all species. The mammalian sirtuin family is described by seven proteins, namely. Every group of sirtuins can be found in the different regions of the cells; SIRT1 is predominantly nuclear, SIRT2 is located mainly in the cytoplasm (but it can shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm), SIRT3, SIRT4, and SIRT5 are mitochondrial proteins, (SIRT3 can move from the nucleus to mitochondria during cellular stress), SIRT6 and SIRT7 are nuclear sirtuins. Sirtuins have a lot of functions in different physiological processes such as gene repression, metabolic control, apoptosis and cell survival, DNA repair, development, inflammation, neuroprotection, and healthy aging. Because of so many roles in physiological processes there is a huge interest not just in their functions but also in the different compounds which can modify their functions. In this article we will focus on the role of sirtuins in tumorigenesis

    Mitochondrial unfolded protein response, mitophagy and other mitochondrial quality control mechanisms in heart disease and aged heart

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    Mitochondria are involved in crucial homeostatic processes in the cell: the production of adenosine triphosphate and reactive oxygen species, and the release of pro-apoptotic molecules. Thus, cell survival depends on the maintenance of proper mitochondrial function by mitochondrial quality control. The most important mitochondrial quality control mechanisms are mitochondrial unfolded protein response, mitophagy, biogenesis, and fusion-fission dynamics. This review deals with mitochondrial quality control in heart diseases, especially myocardial infarction and heart failure. Some previous studies have demonstrated that the activation of mitochondrial quality control mechanisms may be beneficial for the heart, while others have shown that it may lead to heart damage. Our aim was to describe the mechanisms by which mitochondrial quality control contributes to heart protection or damage and to provide evidence that may resolve the seemingly contradictory results from the previous studies


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    Optimalno zbrinjavanje oboljelih od malignih bolesti, ovisno o vrsti tumora, uključuje i određivanje serumskih tumorskih biljega. Ti su biljezi heterogena skupina molekula čija je koncentracija poviÅ”ena kod ljudi oboljelih od zloćudnih tumora, ali se u niskim koncentracijama mogu naći i u plazmi zdravih pojedinaca. PoviÅ”ene koncentracije u plazmi nastaju zbog: promjena u samoj stanici, nekroze stanice te promjene izražaja ili izlučivanja različitih molekula. Kod nekih tumora same tumorske stanice mogu potaknuti druge stanice na lučenje određenih spojeva. U kliničkoj primjeni u ovom je trenutku između ostalih dostupno određivanje nekoliko serumskih tumorskih biljega: CEA, CA 19-9, CA 15-3, CA 125, CYFRA, NSE, PSA, HCG, AFP, LDH i tiroglobulin. Veći broj serumskih tumorskih biljega primjenjuje se eksperimentalno i čeka svoje mjesto u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj primjeni. Smjernice o primjeni tumorskih biljega Nacionalne akademije kliničke biokemije (National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry ā€“ NACB) osmiÅ”ljene su da bi poticale prikladniju upotrebu testova tumorskih biljega od liječnika primarne zaÅ”tite, kirurga, onkologa, ginekologa te ostalih specijalista koji se bave bolesniĀ­cima sa solidnim tumorima.Optimal management of patients with solid tumors, depending on the tumour type, includes measurement of serum tumour markers levels. Serum tumour markers are heterogeneous molecules with concentrations elevated in persons with solid tumours, but could also be found in small amounts in plasma of healthy individuals. Elevated plasma concentrations are caused by cell changes, necrosis, changed expression or secretion of different molecules. In some tumour types tumour cells by themselves could stimulate other cells to secrete particular molecules. There are several serum tumour markers in the routine clinical praxis: CEA, CA 19-9, CA15-3, CA 125, CYFRA, NSE, PSA, HCG, AFP, LDH, thyreoglobulin. There are also several serum tumour markers in experimental use, waiting to be included into the routine clinical use. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) practice guidelines for use of tumour markers in clinical practice are designated to encourage more appropriate use of serum tumour marker tests by general medicine practitioners, surgeons, oncologists, and other health care professionals giving care to patients with solid tumours

    Racionalna primjena serumskih tumorskih biljega u dijagnostici i liječenju solidnih tumora [Rational use of serum tumour markers in diagnostics and treatment of solidtumours]

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    Optimal management of patients with solid tumors, depending on the tumour type, includes measurement of serum tumour markers levels. Serum tumour markers are heterogeneous molecules with concentrations elevated in persons with solid tumours, but could also be found in small amounts in plasma of healthy individuals. Elevated plasma concentrations are caused by cell changes, necrosis, changed expression or secretion of different molecules. In some tumour types tumour cells by themselves could stimulate other cells to secrete particular molecules. There are several serum tumour markers in the routine clinical praxis: CEA, CA 19-9, CA15-3, CA 125, CYFRA, NSE, PSA, HCG, AFP, LDH, thyreoglobulin. There are also several serum tumour markers in experimental use, waiting to be included into the routine clinical use. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) practice guidelines for use of tumour markers in clinical practice are designated to encourage more appropriate use of serum tumour marker tests by general medicine practitioners, surgeons, oncologists, and other health care professionals giving care to patients with solid tumours

    Racionalna primjena serumskih tumorskih biljega u dijagnostici i liječenju solidnih tumora [Rational use of serum tumour markers in diagnostics and treatment of solidtumours]

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    Optimal management of patients with solid tumors, depending on the tumour type, includes measurement of serum tumour markers levels. Serum tumour markers are heterogeneous molecules with concentrations elevated in persons with solid tumours, but could also be found in small amounts in plasma of healthy individuals. Elevated plasma concentrations are caused by cell changes, necrosis, changed expression or secretion of different molecules. In some tumour types tumour cells by themselves could stimulate other cells to secrete particular molecules. There are several serum tumour markers in the routine clinical praxis: CEA, CA 19-9, CA15-3, CA 125, CYFRA, NSE, PSA, HCG, AFP, LDH, thyreoglobulin. There are also several serum tumour markers in experimental use, waiting to be included into the routine clinical use. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) practice guidelines for use of tumour markers in clinical practice are designated to encourage more appropriate use of serum tumour marker tests by general medicine practitioners, surgeons, oncologists, and other health care professionals giving care to patients with solid tumours

    Proceso traductivo de textos espaƱoles-croatas

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    En la presente tesina se expondrĆ” un estudio corto sobre el proceso traductivo de los textos originales en espaƱol y sus respectivas traducciones al croata. Se utilizarĆ”n dos tipos de textos: uno proveniente del Ć”mbito de la literatura y otro del Ć”mbito de la diplomacia. En primer lugar se introducirĆ”n los procedimientos de traducciĆ³n mĆ”s comunes, para a continuaciĆ³n presentar los ejemplos concretos. En la traducciĆ³n del texto literario el Ć©nfasis estĆ” en la transmisiĆ³n del sentido mientras que en la traducciĆ³n del texto tĆ©cnico-cientĆ­fico se intenta transmitir la terminologĆ­a del Ć”mbito de diplomacia con toda precisiĆ³n. En ambos casos, las traducciones pretenden mantener la naturalidad de expresiĆ³n en la lengua meta. En los anĆ”lisis se describen los problemas concretos a los que se enfrenta un traductor durante el proceso traductivo y sus soluciones. El objetivo del anĆ”lisis es sacar conclusiones prĆ”cticas para futuras traducciones tanto en el campo literario como en el tĆ©cnico-cientĆ­fico.U ovom radu izložit će se kratko istraživanje o procesu prevođenja izvornih tekstova na Å”panjolskom jeziku i pripadajućih prijevoda na hrvatskom jeziku. Koristit će se dva tipa tekstova: jedan iz područja književnosti te drugi iz područja diplomacije. Prvo će se navesti najčeŔći prevoditeljski postupci, a zatim će se prijeći na konkretne primjere. U prijevodu književnoga teksta naglasak je na prenoÅ”enju značenja dok se u prijevodu stručnoga teksta pokuÅ”alo precizno prenijeti terminologiju iz područja diplomacije. Ipak, oba prijevoda nastoje zadržati prirodnost izražavanja u ciljnom jeziku. U analizama su opisani konkretni problemi s kojima se prevoditelj susreće tijekom procesa prevođenja, kao i njihova rjeÅ”enja. Cilj analiza je donijeti praktične zaključke za buduće prijevode kako na književnom tako i na stručnom polju