134 research outputs found


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    The disasters of the Syrian civil war that started in 2011 as a result of the Arab Spring have not been limited to Syria alone; rather they have affected many other countries both in the region and beyond. One of those most impacted in the region is Turkey, an immediate neighbor of Syria, which hosts over three million refugees from the latter. In addition to harming the civilians of the country, the civil war in Syria has caused numerous political, economic, and social problems for other states. It has ruined the everyday lives of the majority of Syria’s citizens, including a substantial number of children, who are innocent victims of this human tragedy. The war has exposed the incompetence and seeming helplessness of the international and regional organizations such as the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation, which claims to be the voice of all the Muslims in the world, to aid in the peace process. The ambitions of the regional and remote states on the ground in Syria attempting to meet their own national interests at the expense of civilian casualties and the greed of the illegal organizations attempting to establish and maintain their own power have also been revealed. This paper will discuss the impact of the war in Syria on its displaced civilians, especially focusing on children, who have sought refuge in Turkey. It will explore political, economic, social, and security effects the war in Syria has had in Turkey, the region, and the World highlighting critical discussion of the policies the Turkish government has implemented to address the refugee crisis. The data used to put this paper together were collected primarily through interviewing, observation, and news from everyday regional media


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pola pewarisan sifat warna polong tanaman buncis (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) dari tanaman buncis introduksi (Cherokee sun dan Purple queen) ke tanaman buncis varietas lokal (Gogo kuning, Gilik hijau, Mantili). Penelitian masa tanam buncis pertama, terdiri dari lima varietas (dua introduksi dan tiga lokal ) dengan 6 kombinasi perlakuan (persilangan). Setiap kombinasi perlakuan terdiri dari 30 tanaman. Penelitian masa tanam buncis kedua dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode single plant dan terdiri dari 12 hasil persilangan, dua introduksi, tiga lokal. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa F1 hasil persilangan varietas introduksi I1 dengan varietas lokal L1, L2, L3, masing-masing memiliki perbandingan yang sesuai dengan nisbah teoritis Mendel, sedangkan resiprok tidak sesuai dengan nisbah teoritis Mendel. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa persilangan pada introduksi I1 dipengaruhi oleh maternal effect, sedangkan untuk hasil persilangan introduksi I2 tidak dipengaruhi oleh maternal effect (tetua betina). Untuk hasil perhitungan Chi-Kuadrat, F1 hasil persilangan diperoleh data bahwa peluang dari nisbah teoritis Mendel 3:1 memiliki persentase lebih besar dari nisbah lainnya. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya gen tunggal dominan yang mengendalikan karakter warna polong

    Analisis Literasi Digital Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan Angkatan 2017 Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana literasi digital mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan Angkatan 2017 Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan berdasarkan kompetensi literasi digital Paul Gilster. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa aktif Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan Angkatan 2017 Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan yang berjumlah 7 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa literasi digital mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan Angkatan 2017 Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan secara umum menguasai beberapa aspek kompetensi literasi digital. Terutama kemampuan internet searching yaitu memanfaatkan search engine untuk mencari informasi dan search engine yang digunakan google, dan menggunakan strategi boolean logic untuk memperoleh informasi yang relevan. Pada aspek hypertextual navigation memahami hyperlink meskipun belum memahami hypertext, mahasiswa mengetahui kriteria website yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi. Aspek content evaluation mahasiswa ketika memperoleh informasi di internet akan menganalisisnya untuk mengetahui relevan tidak informasi tersebut dengan yang dibutuhkan dan melakukan evaluasi alamat website untuk memastikan alamat resmi atau tidak yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi. Dan pada aspek knowledge assembly mahasiswa melakukan cross check untuk memastikan informasi yang diperoleh akurat dan relevan dan mampu meyusun informasi yang diperoleh yaitu akan mencantumkan sumber referensi untuk mengindari tindakan plagiat

    Heterogeneous Mobile Phone Ownership and Usage Patterns in Kenya

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    The rapid adoption of mobile phone technologies in Africa is offering exciting opportunities for engaging with high-risk populations through mHealth programs, and the vast volumes of behavioral data being generated as people use their phones provide valuable data about human behavioral dynamics in these regions. Taking advantage of these opportunities requires an understanding of the penetration of mobile phones and phone usage patterns across the continent, but very little is known about the social and geographical heterogeneities in mobile phone ownership among African populations. Here, we analyze a survey of mobile phone ownership and usage across Kenya in 2009 and show that distinct regional, gender-related, and socioeconomic variations exist, with particularly low ownership among rural communities and poor people. We also examine patterns of phone sharing and highlight the contrasting relationships between ownership and sharing in different parts of the country. This heterogeneous penetration of mobile phones has important implications for the use of mobile technologies as a source of population data and as a public health tool in sub-Saharan Africa

    Franchisee failures in Malaysia: Contribution of financial and non-financial factors

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    This paper reports on the exploratory study on Malaysian franchisees who have failed in their franchise business. A stratified purposive sampling frame was used in which all the five failed franchisees who have registered with the Registrar of Franchise (ROF) were selected for this study. In-depth telephone interviews were carried out.The interview was a semi-structured open-ended format questions which has been formulated based on the franchising research literature in which 13 factors have been identified as contributing to the franchisee failure.These 13 factors can be categorized into two categories, non-financial and financial factors. The non-financial factors consisted of nine factors and financial factors consisted of four factors. The non-financial factors include too rapid expansion of the franchise business, greed of franchisee, franchisee attitude, poor service, poor management of the franchise business, conflict with franchisor, legal imperfection, location and external factor. The financial factors include under capitalization of the franchisee, high overhead expenses, cash flow mismanagement and bad payers’ franchisee. This paper provides evidence that the 13 factors linked with franchisee failure also contributed to franchisee failures in Malaysia

    Fuzzy Delphi Method (fdm): Determining phase for multicultural-based model of peace education curriculum for preschool children

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    Recently, peace has become an issue being discussed especially in regards tocultural diversity. With education, peace canbe conveyedto all walks of life and levels, in particular,the children as our future generation. This study aimedto determine phases and their interrelation towardsmulticultural-based model of peace education curriculum for preschool children.In order to acquire the accepted(agreement) value for each phase and their interrelation based on experts’ opinion, the Fuzzy Delphi Method was adopted. A set of questionnaire was administered to a group of 12 expertsselected based on specified criteria. Sevenphases(internal awareness, external stimuli, self-formation, personality cultivation, character development, identity development and action build-up)was given to each expert for their suitable selection of the model. Only 4 phases were selected based on the agreement value of above 75% while their interrelation was stipulated by defuzzificationvalue of the phases from high to low value. The interrelated and selectedphases were internal awareness, personality cultivation, character development and action build-up

    The structure of a franchise disclosure document for a new franchise system in Malaysia

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    Franchising is the fastest growing method of doing business.In Malaysia in particular, franchising has been aggressively promoted by the government since the early 1990s.However, there is little academic research to guide or regulate industry practices.Thus this research investigates the process of developing a new franchise system, with particular reference to the elements of franchise disclosure documents.This research used action research methodology to develop a new practical framework of franchise disclosure documents within the Malaysian government department that handles franchise regulation. Three main action research cycles (with two mini-action cycles for each main cycle) were conducted with three new franchise systems seeking to register with the Registrar of Franchise.To triangulate the findings of the action research, the researcher also presented them at a National Franchise Workshop.These activities showed that the franchise disclosure documents should comprise 25 elements: 9 elements of financial planning and 16 elements of non-financial items. This practical framework for franchise disclosure documents in a new franchise system was adopted by the Registrar of Franchise in Malaysia

    Snapticon: Developing effective listening skills for group oral discussion

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    In many higher education institutions (HEIs) around the world, one of the popular English oral assessments for ESL learners is group discussion. In group discussions, it is vital that they have the ability to manage topics in a discussion by knowing how to initiate a topic, expand on the topic, seamlessly shift from one topic to another as well as close the topic appropriately. Students are therefore required to utilise their verbal and non-verbal skills to actively interact with all group members. Listening and speaking skills are equally important for effective communication including participating in group oral discussion. In order to help ESL learners to be active participants in group discussions, a card game called Snapticon was created. Open-ended questionnaires were distributed to 25 respondents in the study and observations were made while the game was being played. It was found from the findings that the respondents were positive as they regarded the game as interesting and fun. Therefore, it can be concluded that Snapticon has the potential to be used as a learning material to help develop ESL learners’ effective listening skills in group oral discussions. Moreover, the use of Snapticon enables learners to be interactionally competent when participating in group oral discussions

    Requirements engineering of Malaysian radiological medical emergency response simulator

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    The development of the Malaysian radiological medical emergency response simulator emphasized human factors according to the stakeholder's tacit and explicit knowledge. These human factors criteria were usability tested and analysed according to the socio-technical components. These analyses and interpretations were corroborated by the statistical criteria which emphasized on business process-based requirements modelling and simulation system development tools. Recent findings suggested that there were no differences of risk perceptions among these multi-agency stakeholders in the respective emergency planning framework and simulator. However, the stakeholders had differences in knowledge and experiences in the radiological and nuclear emergency planning framework (RANEPF). This paper analyses the proposed conceptual framework for further enhancement of the current RANEPF simulator. This development was in concurrence with the proposed hypothesis of the process factors and response diagram. The majority (75%) of the stakeholders and experts, who had been interviewed, witnessed and accepted that the simulator would be effective to resolve various types of disaster and resource management issues. We suggest further investigation to establish the additional functionality of the simulator as a strategist, condensed, concise, comprehensive public disaster preparedness and intervention guidelines to be a useful and efficient computer simulation