140 research outputs found

    The Policy-Making Capacity of Foreign Ministries in Presidential Regimes: A Study of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, 1946–2015

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    his article investigates the sources of foreign ministries’ policy-making capacity in presidential regimes. Using the concept of family resemblance, we argue that professionalization of the diplomatic corps is a necessary condition, whereas the institutional attributions of the ministry and the degree of presidential delegation are relevant but substitutable elements. The higher the scores on either of the latter dimensions, the stronger is the capacity of the foreign ministry to influence the chief executive and to contest other players’ policy preferences. To empirically validate our concept, we measure the three dimensions in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico between 1946 and 2015 using data on diplomats’ recruitment and career paths, influence of diplomatic schools and doctrines, appointment patterns of foreign ministers, and relevance of presidential diplomacy, with an emphasis on travels abroad. Our analysis indicates that Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico enjoy a high level of professionalization of their diplomatic corps; however, differences—both across countries and over time—remain regarding institutional attributions and presidential delegation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Presidential Delegation to Foreign Ministries: A Study of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico (1946–2015)

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    When do presidents delegate policy-making authority to their foreign ministries? And is foreign policy unique in this respect? We posit that six international, national, and personal factors determine the opportunity and motivation of presidents to delegate, and then analyse the cases of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico in 1946–2015. By applying fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, we find that four combinations of factors are sufficient paths to delegation: (1) international stability and elite consensus on foreign policy; (2) international stability, right-wing president, and low diplomatic professionalisation; (3) international stability, right-wing president, and low presidential expertise on foreign policy; or (4) absence of authoritarianism combined with elite consensus on foreign policy and right-wing president. Our study of foreign ministries reinforces some of the main findings of the scholarly literature on other ministries, thus challenging the view of foreign policy-making as different from domestic policy areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regimes e intervenção política dos militares no Brasil

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    As relaçÔes entre o poder polĂ­tico e as forças armadas sĂŁo peça-chave para o funcionamento de quase todos os sistemas polĂ­ticos. Ao longo de 200 anos de histĂłria, os militares desempenharam papel de relevo ou na criação ou no fim de todos os sete regimes polĂ­ticos que o Brasil teve. Portanto, analisar o papel polĂ­tico das Forças Armadas brasileiras e suas consequĂȘncias Ă© tema crucial e complexo. Dialogando de forma seletiva com a vasta bibliografia sobre o assunto, este ensaio revisita a histĂłria nacional em busca dos aspectos mais marcantes das relaçÔes entre Forças Armadas e polĂ­tica e entre civis e militares. A conclusĂŁo a que se chega Ă© enfaticamente pessimista: hĂĄ uma relação negativa entre a relevĂąncia polĂ­tica dos militares e a qualidade da democracia no Brasil.The relations between political power and the armed forces are key to the functioning of almost every political system. Throughout 200 years of history, the military has played a major role in either the creation or the end of all seven political regimes that Brazil has had. Therefore, analyzing the political role of the Brazilian Armed Forces and its consequences is a crucial and complex issue. Dialoguing selectively with the vast literature on the subject, this essay revisits national history in search of the most outstanding aspects of the relations between the armed forces and politics and between civilians and the military. The conclusion is emphatically pessimistic: there is a negative relationship between the political relevance of the military and the quality of democracy in Brazil

    Rainfall characteristics and erosion risk in the Brazilian semi-a, d tropical region

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    A variabilidade anual da precipitação e da erosividade foi avaliada utilizando-se dados do posto meteorolĂłgico de CatolĂ© do Rocha, PB. Resguardando-se as limitaçÔes da utilização de apenas uma localidade e de um perĂ­odo relativamente curto, os resultados permitiram as seguintes conclusĂ”es: 1. A precipitação anual Ă© muito variĂĄvel e a sua distribuição Ă© extremamente irregular. 2. Grandes precipitaçÔes diĂĄrias sĂŁo mais frequentes em janeiro, março e abril. 3. Aproximadamente 44% da precipitação tem intensidade superior a 20 mm/h. 4. As intensidades mĂĄxima da chuva, para perĂ­odos de ocorrĂȘncia superiores a 30 min, foram maiores do que as de outras regiĂ”es tropicais brasileiras. 5. O perĂ­odo de maior risco de erosĂŁo, por falta de cobertura vegetal e por causa da mobilização de solo para o plantio, vai de janeiro a março.The annual variability of the rainfall and the erosivity were evaluated for CatolĂ© do Rocha, PB, Brazil. Although the data records correspond to only one location for a relatively short period, the analysis permits the following conclusions: 1. The annual rainfall is highly variable and its distribution is very irregular. 2. The highest daily rainfalls are more frequent in January, March and April. 3. More than 44% for the annual precipitation has Intensity higher than 20 mm/h. 4. The highest rainfall intensities for periods longer than 30 min were higher than in other brazilian tropical regions. 5. The critical period for erosion losses is January-March, because the soil is bare and is being prepared for planting

    Duverger, semi-presidentialism and the supposed French archetype

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    The concept of semi-presidentialism was first operationalised by Maurice Duverger. There are now 17 countries with semi-presidential constitutions in Europe. Within this set of countries France is usually considered to be the archetypal example of semi-presidentialism. This article maps the main institutional and political features of European semi-presidentialism on the basis of Duverger’s original three-fold schema. The most striking feature is the diversity of practice within this set of countries. This means that semi-presidentialism should not be operationalised as a discrete explanatory variable. However, there are ways of systematically capturing the variation within semi-presidentialism to allow cross-national comparisons. This diversity also means that France should not be considered as the archetypal semi-presidential country. At best, France is an archetypal example of a particular type of semi-presidentialism. Overall, Duverger’s main contribution to the study of semi-presidentialism was the original identification of the concept and his implicit insight that there are different types of semi-presidentialism. In the future, the study of semi-presidentialism would benefit from the development of theory-driven comparative work that avoids a reliance on France as the supposed semi-presidential archetype

    Building a Robust, Densely-Sampled Spider Tree of Life for Ecosystem Research

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    Phylogenetic relatedness is a key diversity measure for the analysis and understanding of how species and communities evolve across time and space. Understanding the nonrandom loss of species with respect to phylogeny is also essential for better-informed conservation decisions. However, several factors are known to influence phylogenetic reconstruction and, ultimately, phylogenetic diversity metrics. In this study, we empirically tested how some of these factors (topological constraint, taxon sampling, genetic markers and calibration) affect phylogenetic resolution and uncertainty. We built a densely sampled, species-level phylogenetic tree for spiders, combining Sanger sequencing of species from local communities of two biogeographical regions (Iberian Peninsula and Macaronesia) with a taxon-rich backbone matrix of Genbank sequences and a topological constraint derived from recent phylogenomic studies. The resulting tree constitutes the most complete spider phylogeny to date, both in terms of terminals and background information, and may serve as a standard reference for the analysis of phylogenetic diversity patterns at the community level. We then used this tree to investigate how partial data affect phylogenetic reconstruction, phylogenetic diversity estimates and their rankings, and, ultimately, the ecological processes inferred for each community. We found that the incorporation of a single slowly evolving marker (28S) to the DNA barcode sequences from local communities, had the highest impact on tree topology, closely followed by the use of a backbone matrix. The increase in missing data resulting from combining partial sequences from local communities only had a moderate impact on the resulting trees, similar to the difference observed when using topological constraints. Our study further revealed substantial differences in both the phylogenetic structure and diversity rankings of the analyzed communities estimated from the different phylogenetic treatments, especially when using non-ultrametric trees (phylograms) instead of time-stamped trees (chronograms). Finally, we provide some recommendations on reconstructing phylogenetic trees to infer phylogenetic diversity within ecological studies
