5 research outputs found

    Virus Capsid Dissolution Studied by Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Dissolution of many plant viruses is thought to start with swelling of the capsid caused by calcium removal following infection, but no high-resolution structures of swollen capsids exist. Here we have used microsecond all-atom molecular simulations to describe the dynamics of the capsid of satellite tobacco necrosis virus with and without the 92 structural calcium ions. The capsid expanded 2.5% upon removal of the calcium, in good agreement with experimental estimates. The water permeability of the native capsid was similar to that of a phospholipid membrane, but the permeability increased 10-fold after removing the calcium, predominantly between the 2-fold and 3-fold related subunits. The two calcium binding sites close to the icosahedral 3-fold symmetry axis were pivotal in the expansion and capsid-opening process, while the binding site on the 5-fold axis changed little structurally. These findings suggest that the dissociation of the capsid is initiated at the 3-fold axis

    A Stevedore's Protein Knot

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    Protein knots, mostly regarded as intriguing oddities, are gradually being recognized as significant structural motifs. Seven distinctly knotted folds have already been identified. It is by and large unclear how these exceptional structures actually fold, and only recently, experiments and simulations have begun to shed some light on this issue. In checking the new protein structures submitted to the Protein Data Bank, we encountered the most complex and the smallest knots to date: A recently uncovered Ξ±-haloacid dehalogenase structure contains a knot with six crossings, a so-called Stevedore knot, in a projection onto a plane. The smallest protein knot is present in an as yet unclassified protein fragment that consists of only 92 amino acids. The topological complexity of the Stevedore knot presents a puzzle as to how it could possibly fold. To unravel this enigma, we performed folding simulations with a structure-based coarse-grained model and uncovered a possible mechanism by which the knot forms in a single loop flip

    In vitro differentiation of peripheral blood T cells towards a type 2 phenotype is impaired in rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

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    We have examined the capacity of peripheral blood T cells from RA patients to be polarized in vitro towards a type 1 (T1) or a type 2 (T2) phenotype. Peripheral blood T cells from RA patients and from healthy donors were primed by 1 week of culture with soluble OKT3 in the presence of polarizing cytokines. The recovered T cells were restimulated and their cytokine secretion profile determined. Priming of T cells from RA patients in the presence of recombinant (r)IL-2 plus rIL-12 induced a shift towards a T1 pattern, characterized by increased production of interferon-gamma, that was more pronounced than in the case of healthy donors. Conversely, priming of T cells from RA patients in the presence of IL-4 failed to induce a shift towards a T2 profile after 1 week, whereas it induced T cells from healthy donors to acquire such a profile characterized by heightened production of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. However, a T2 polarization profile emerged in T cells from RA patients that were primed in the presence of rIL-4 and subsequently maintained in culture in rIL-2 alone for 1 or 2 additional weeks. We conclude that in vitro differentiation of peripheral T cells towards a type 2 phenotype is impaired in RA. Nevertheless, conditions required to drive peripheral T cells towards a type 2 phenotype were established. Administration of autologous polyclonal T cells expressing a type 2 cytokine secretion profile is proposed as a therapeutic strategy in RA

    Glycotope Sharing between Snail Hemolymph and Larval Schistosomes: Larval Transformation Products Alter Shared Glycan Patterns of Plasma Proteins

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    Recent evidence supports the involvement of inducible, highly diverse lectin-like recognition molecules in snail hemocyte-mediated responses to larval Schistosoma mansoni. Because host lectins likely are involved in initial parasite recognition, we sought to identify specific carbohydrate structures (glycans) shared between larval S. mansoni and its host Biomphalaria glabrata to address possible mechanisms of immune avoidance through mimicry of elements associated with the host immunoreactivity. A panel of monoclonal antibodies (mABs) to specific S. mansoni glycans was used to identify the distribution and abundance of shared glycan epitopes (glycotopes) on plasma glycoproteins from B. glabrata strains that differ in their susceptibilities to infection by S. mansoni. In addition, a major aim of this study was to determine if larval transformation products (LTPs) could bind to plasma proteins, and thereby alter the glycotopes exposed on plasma proteins in a snail strain-specific fashion. Plasma fractions (<100 kDa/>100 kDa) from susceptible (NMRI) and resistant (BS-90) snail strains were subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analyses using mAB to LacdiNAc (LDN), fucosylated LDN variants, Lewis X and trimannosyl core glycans. Results confirmed a high degree of glycan sharing, with NMRI plasma exhibiting a greater distribution/abundance of LDN, F-LDN and F-LDN-F than BS-90 plasma (<100 kDa fraction). Pretreatment of blotted proteins with LTPs significantly altered the reactivity of specific mABs to shared glycotopes on blots, mainly through the binding of LTPs to plasma proteins resulting in either glycotope blocking or increased glycotope attachment to plasma. Many LTP-mediated changes in shared glycans were snail-strain specific, especially those in the <100 kDa fraction for NMRI plasma proteins, and for BS-90, mainly those in the >100 kDa fraction. Our data suggest that differential binding of S. mansoni LTPs to plasma proteins of susceptible and resistant B. glabrata strains may significantly impact early anti-larval immune reactivity, and in turn, compatibility, in this parasite-host system