2,828 research outputs found

    Swedish Emigration to North America via Hamburg 1850-1870

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    Suomenhevosten askel- ja hyppyominaisuuksien periytyvyys

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida suomenhevosten askel- ja hyppyominaisuuksien periytymisasteita sekä ominaisuuksien välisiä geneettisiä- ja fenotyyppisiä korrelaatioita. Vastaavaa tutkimusta ei ole suomenhevosten osalta tehty aiemmin, vaan tutkimukset olivat käsitelleet puoliveristen ratsuhevosten suorituskykyominaisuuksien periytymistä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty suomenhevosten sukupuu sekä tulokset suomenhevosten laatuarvostelutapahtumista saatiin Suomen Hippos ry:ltä. Sukupuuaineisto sisälsi kaikki rekisteröidyt suomenhevoset, yhteensä 81 403 hevosta vuosilta 1864–2014. Laatuarvosteluaineisto rajattiin koskemaan 3-vuotiaiden karsintatuloksia; se sisälsi 656 hevosen tulokset vuosilta 2007–2014. Tutkittavat askelominaisuudet olivat käynti, ravi ja laukka ja hyppyominaisuudet olivat hyppykyky, hyppytekniikka sekä luonne ja yhteistyöhalukkuus. Varianssikomponenttien arvioitiin käytettiin DMU-ohjelmaa ja restricted maximum likelihood (REML) -menetelmää. Periytymisasteiden arvioiksi saatiin askelominaisuuksille 0,09–0,24 ja esteominaisuuksille 0,11–0,13. Periytymisasteiden arvioiden keskivirheet olivat melko korkeita aineiston pienen koon vuoksi. Suurimmat geneettiset korrelaatiot saatiin ravin ja käynnin välille (0,99) sekä tekniikan ja hyppykyvyn välille (0,99). Pienin geneettinen korrelaatio oli käynnin ja hyppykyvyn välillä (0,02.) Suomenhevosten askel- ja hyppyominaisuuksien periytymisasteet ovat tämän tutkimuksen perusteella melko matalia, ja sen vuoksi näiden ominaisuuksien jalostaminen on hankalaa. Eräiden ominaisuuksien välisistä korkeista geneettisistä korrelaatioista voidaan päätellä, että näiden ominaisuuksien kohdalla on saatettu todellisuudessa arvioida samaa ominaisuutta tai niihin vaikuttavat samat geenit. Askel- ja hyppyominaisuuksien väliset geneettiset yhteydet ovat laukkaa lukuun ottamatta matalia. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää suomenhevosten askel- ja hyppy-ominaisuuksien laatuarvostelukäytäntöjen parantamisessa sekä mahdollisen kansallinen BLUP-pohjaisen jalostusarvostelun kehittämisessä

    The Current Themes of Indian Higher Education

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Learning to Resolve Interpersonal Conflicts more Efficiently through Transformational Leadership: A Study on Coaching

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    “It is in your hands, to make a better world for all who live in it.”- Nelson Mandela - All leaders must deal with interpersonal conflicts and know how to resolve them (Kets De Vries 2017; Bass & Riggio 2006). It has also been argued that ever more interpersonal conflicts will inevitably occur due to the transformation of business models, mergers and acquisitions, organizational turnarounds, and digitalization and robotics (De Wit & Meyer 2010; Todnem By 2005). These changes have already impacted leadership, making it more complex than ever before (Avolio, Sosik, Kahai& Baker 2014; Uhl-Bien, Riggio, Lowe & Carsten 2014). Scholars generally agree that it is critical to resolve interpersonal conflicts as they arise as such conflicts lower group cohesion and decrease followers’ effectiveness, motivation and well-being (Tekleab, Quigley & Tesluk 2009; Di Carlo & Ranalli 2008; De Dreu & Weingart 2003). However, leaders often seem to avoid intervening in and resolving interpersonal conflicts because they find them unpleasant and intervention time consuming (Saeed, Almas, Anis-ul-Haq & Niazi 2014; Jehn 1997; Wall & Callister 1995). This study builds on Bass’s (1990; 1999) theory of transformational leadership and the previous literature on interpersonal conflicts (e.g. Deutsch 1990; Jehn 1997). The study investigates how leaders orient themselves when they encounter interpersonal conflicts, asking how leaders negotiate engagement and avoidance when called upon to resolve and manage interpersonal conflicts and how they can be supported in their conflict-management efforts through coaching. In order to better understand the complexity of intervening in interpersonal conflicts, and the effects of coaching, this study investigates three leaders, focusing on their leadership styles, their current approaches to solving interpersonal conflicts and the impacts of coaching on these approaches. These three leaders, who the author of this study observed and coached for 8 lengths of time varying from three months to two years, greatly differ in terms of their leadership styles, their approaches to resolving interpersonal conflicts and the industries in which they work in (new technology, energyand media). Methodologically, this empirical study represents action research. This has allowed the author to assume the roles of both coach and researcher; in action research, the researcher is actively engaged in solving problems and developing the business or organization and in producing beneficial information for daily operations, which can also lead to the researcher’s own profound transformation (Brydon-Miller, Greenwood & Maguire 2003). The empirical data collected during this study consist of 1) notes of observations of meetings, events, workshops and seminars in the organizations over a period of two three years, 2) recorded personal interviews (audio and video), 3) emails with the three leaders, and 4) notes of the coaching sessions, which totalled over 1 000 hours. Based on the research findings, the study argues that transformational leadership, as delineated by Bass (1990; 1999), is an unattainable goal for most leaders. Nonetheless, a transformational leadership style can be taught and learned. However, to change one’s behaviour, for instance in order to perform a more transformational style or to resolve interpersonal conflicts, requires more time than the ten weeks mentioned by some scholars (Grant 2016; Kets De Vries & Korotov 2007). The findings of this dissertation have various implications for leadership education and support. 1) Leaders would benefit from peer support, as it facilitates the development of their skills and self-esteem, thereby allowing them to better intervene in and resolve interpersonal conflicts. 2) Leadershipeducation should focus more on interpersonal conflict resolution and intervention. 3) Teaching should be pragmatic in nature, including concrete advice on verbal communication and other specific techniques.Companies would benefit highly from leaders who understand the reasons behind interpersonal conflicts because such understanding can prevent these conflicts from occurring. Moreover, the ability to notice conflicts as soon as they arise is also helpful in resolving them. In addition, companies would benefit from leaders with positive self-esteem, as such leaders possess the courage to confront such challenging situations as interpersonal conflicts

    Vårdstuderandens professionella tillväxt : - mentorer som stöd i utvecklingen

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    Avsikten med denna studie är att undersöka hur mentorskapsprogrammet på Arcada har inverkat på sjukskötarstuderandens professionella tillväxt. Syftet är att kartlägga effek-ten av mentorskapsprogrammet i relation till studerandens professionella tillväxt. Un-dersökningen utgår från sjukskötarstuderandens perspektiv. I denna studie kommer vi att utreda vad den professionella tillväxten utgörs av och hur den tar sig uttryck hos sjukskötarstuderanden. Vi vill även ta reda på hur mentorn stöder den professionella utvecklingen hos studeranden. De centrala frågeställningarna för denna undersökning är: - Vad utgörs den professionella tillväxten av? - Vad ger forskningen för kunskap om mentorskap för sjukskötarstuderande? - Hur har mentorn påverkat adeptens professionella tillväxt? - Hur har mentorskapsprogrammet stött sjukskötarstuderandens utveckling mellan stadierna novis och avancerad nybörjare? Som referensram har vi valt Patricia Benners teori som ger oss en grundlig beskrivning av sjukskötarstuderandens utveckling från nybörjare till en kompetent sjukskötare. Stu-dien är uppdelad i två delar; en litteraturanalys och en empirisk studie genom en kvali-tativ intervju. Den kvalitativa intervjun riktar sig till tre informanter som deltar i men-torskapsprogrammet på Arcada. Resultatet av båda studierna har analyserats enligt en induktiv analysmetod. I studien framkommer att sjukskötarstuderandena upplever att mentorn stöder den personliga och yrkesmässiga växten genom att dela med sig av sin erfarenhet, bekräfta studeranden och ge studeranden utrymme för reflektion.The aim with this study is to examine how the mentorship program at Arcada has influenced the nursing students’ professional growth. The purpose is to map out the effects of the mentorship program in relations to the students’ professional development. The study proceeds from the nursing students point of view. In this study we will analyze what professional development is made out of and how it is expressed by the nursing students. We also want to investigate into how the mentor supports the professional development of the students. De central questions are: - What is professional growth made out of? - What kind of information/knowledge does the studies give about mentorship for nursing students? - How has the mentor influenced the mentee’s professional growth? - How has the mentorship program supported the nursing students development from novice to advanced beginner? As frame of reference we have chosen Patricia Benner’s theory that gives us a thorough description of the nursing students development from novice to a competent nurse. The study is divided into two sections; one literature analysis and the other an empiric study through a qualitative half structured interview. The qualitative interview is directed towards three informants who are all a part of the mentorship program at Arcada. The results from both the studies have been analyzed according to an inductive method. The study shows that nursing students feel that the mentor supports the personal and professional development through sharing his or her experience, confirming the student and giving the student room for reflection

    Letters to the editor

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    No Abstract.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/50165/1/880191103_ftp.pd

    Acute neurology: a suggested approach.

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    Acute neurological problems are common, accounting for 10-20% of medical admissions. In the coming years, there will be increased neurology involvement in the acute care of these patients complementing traditional outpatient-based services. Models of acute neurology are reliant on close collaboration between the emergency department, acute medicine and neurology and should integrate with existing hyperacute stroke pathways. In this article the authors briefly describe the two models of acute neurology set up recently in our neuroscience group and suggest a clinical approach that may help non-neurologists involved in acute care settings. The authors emphasise some of the lessons learnt in delivering the service, particularly the importance of focusing on the acute problem and tailoring the examination and investigations to tackling it in the context of the patient's functional level and personal circumstances. Early neurology intervention can reduce admission and hospital length of stay

    Famous Faces Activate Contextual Associations in the Parahippocampal Cortex

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    The parahippocampal cortex (PHC) has been traditionally implicated both in place processing and in episodic memory. How could the same cortical region mediate these cognitive functions that seem quite different? We have recently proposed that the PHC should be seen as more generally mediating contextual associative processing, which is required for both navigation and memory. We therefore predicted that any associative objects should activate the PHC. To test this generalization, we investigated the extent to which common stimuli that are nonspatial by nature, namely faces, activate the PHC, although their perception is typically associated with other cortical structures. Specifically, we compared the activation elicited by famous faces, which are highly associated with rich pictorial and contextual information (e.g., Tom Cruise) and are not associated with a specific place, with activation elicited by unfamiliar faces. Consistent with our prediction, contrasting famous with unfamiliar faces revealed significant activation within the PHC. Taken collectively, these findings indicate that the PHC should be regarded as mediating contextual associations in general and not necessarily spatial or episodic informatio

    The Cortical Underpinnings of Context-based Memory Distortion

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    Everyday contextual settings create associations that later afford generating predictions about what objects to expect in our environment. The cortical network that takes advantage of such contextual information is proposed to connect the representation of associated objects such that seeing one object (bed) will activate the visual representations of other objects sharing the same context (pillow). Given this proposal, we hypothesized that the cortical activity elicited by seeing a strong contextual object would predict the occurrence of false memories whereby one erroneously "remembers'' having seen a new object that is related to a previously presented object. To test this hypothesis, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging during encoding of contextually related objects, and later tested recognition memory. New objects that were contextually related to previously presented objects were more often falsely judged as "old'' compared with new objects that were contextually unrelated to old objects. This phenomenon was reflected by activity in the cortical network mediating contextual processing, which provides a better understanding of how the brain represents and processes context.Psycholog
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