994 research outputs found

    Identification of Nonlinear Damping for Large-Amplitude Vibrations of Plates and Curved Panels

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    A nonlinear identification technique is presented to obtain the damping of isotropic and laminated sandwich rectangular plates and curved panels subjected to harmonic excitation as a function of the vibration amplitude. The response of the structures is approximated by (i) reduced-order models with 10 to 100 degrees of freedom and (ii) a single-degree of freedom Duffing oscillator. The method uses experimental frequency-amplitude data and the leastsquares technique to identify parameters and reconstruct frequency-response curves by spanning the excitation frequency in the neighbourhood of the lowest natural frequencies. In order to obtain the experimental data, a sophisticated measuring technique has been used. The results reveal a strongly nonlinear correlation between the damping and the vibration amplitude

    Unraveling the Salvinia paradox: design principles for submerged superhydrophobicity

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    The complex structure of the Salvinia molesta is investigated via rare event molecular dynamics simulations. Results show that a hydrophilic/hydrophobic patterning together with a re-entrant geometry control the free energy barriers for bubble nucleation and for the Cassie-Wenzel transition. This natural paradigm is translated into simple macroscopic design criteria for engineering robust superhydrophobicity in submerged applications

    Collapse of superhydrophobicity on nanopillared surfaces

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    The mechanism of the collapse of the superhydrophobic state is elucidated for submerged nanoscale textures forming a three-dimensional interconnected vapor domain. This key issue for the design of nanotextures poses significant simulation challenges as it is characterized by diverse time and length scales. State-of-the-art atomistic rare events simulations are applied for overcoming the long time scales connected with the large free energy barriers. In such interconnected surface cavities wetting starts with the formation of a liquid finger between two pillars. This break of symmetry induces a more gentle bend in the rest of the liquid-vapor interface, which triggers the wetting of the neighboring pillars. This collective mechanism, involving the wetting of several pillars at the same time, could not be captured by previous atomistic simulations using surface models comprising a small number of pillars (often just one). Atomistic results are interpreted in terms of a sharp-interface continuum model which suggests that line tension, condensation, and other nanoscale phenomena play a minor role in the simulated conditions

    Vibration of a Square Hyperelastic Plate Around Statically Pre-Loaded State

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    International audienceStatic deflection and free nonlinear vibrations of thin square plate made of biological material are investigated. The involved physical nonlinearity is described through Neo-Hookean, Mooney-Rivlin and Ogden hyperelastic laws; geometrical nonlinearity is modelled by Novozhilov nonlinear shell theory. The problem is solved by sequentially constructing the local models that describe the behavior of plate in the vicinity of a certain static configuration. These models are the systems of ordinary differential equations with quadratic and cubic nonlinear terms in displacement, which allows application of techniques used in analysis of thin-walled structures of physically linear materials. The comparison of static and dynamic results obtained with different material models is carried out

    Circular Cylindrical Shell Made of Neo-Hookean-Fung Hyperelastic Material Under Static and Dynamic Pressure

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    The present study is devoted to the investigation of static and dynamic behavior of the three-layered composite shell made of hyperelastic material. Such a shell can be considered as a model of human aorta. Since soft biological materials are essentially nonlinear even in the elasticity zone, not only geometrical, but also physical nonlinearity should be taken into account. The physical nonlinearity of soft biological tissues is usually modeled by certain hyperelastic law. The law chosen for this study is the combination of the Neo- Hookean law, which describes the isotropic response at small strains, and Fung exponential law, that models the stiff anisotropic response of the collagen fibers at larger strains. Each of three shell layers has its own hyperelastic constants set. These constants are determined basing on experiential data [1]. The straindeflection relations are modeled with higher-order shear deformation theory [2]. Initially, the shell is preloaded with static pressure. Since the defection in our study is large we use the expression for pressure as a follower load [3]. The static problem is solved with the help of the local models method [4]. Afterwards, the free and forced dynamical response of the preloaded shell is studied both in vacuo and with still fluid inside. The modes of interest are the first axisymmetric mode and mode with two half-waves in circumferential direction (so-called collapse mode). It is found that static pressure decreases the dynamic nonlinearity and it is quite weak. At the same time, the presence of fluid makes the softening nonlinearity stronger as in case of shells of conventional material [5]

    Static and Dynamic Behavior of Circular Cylindrical Shell Made of Hyperelastic Arterial Material

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    International audienceStatic and dynamic responses of a circular cylindrical shell made of hyperelastic arterial material are investigated. The material is modeled as a combination of Neo-Hookean and Fung hyperelastic materials. Two pressure loads are implemented: distributed radial force and deformation-dependent pressure. The static responses of the shell under these two different loads differ essentially at moderate strains, while the behavior is similar for small loads. The main difference is in the axial displacements that are much larger under distributed radial forces. Free and forced vibrations around pre-loaded configurations are analyzed. In both cases the nonlinearity of the single-mode (driven mode) response of the pre-loaded shell is quite weak but a resonant regime with co-existing driven and companion modes is found with more complicated nonlinear dynamics

    La fiction est-elle un outil adapté pour transmettre l’Évangile? : réflexion à partir de ma pratique d’auteure

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    L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’analyser une praxis, la mienne, au moyen des techniques de la praxéologie, en tentant ainsi de réaffirmer le bien-fondé de mon travail d’auteure au service de la foi. En effet, la rédaction de Saffia, femme de Smyrne, débutée après une quinzaine d’années de vie professionnelle active en tant qu’écrivaine, me laisse croire que ce roman historique et sa présentation sont des outils adaptés pour transmettre l’Évangile. Ma recherche débute par une présentation générale de l’œuvre de fiction Saffia, femme de Smyrne ainsi que des conférences qui en découlent. Je mettrai ensuite en mots l’observation du discours secondaire, composé des appréciations ou des impressions de lecteurs. Mon interprétation ou mon hypothèse surgiront de ma problématisation par la question praxéologique Pourquoi est-ce que je fais ce que je fais et seront formulées au moyen des cinq fonctions d’élaboration. La partie ayant trait à la transmission de l’Évangile sera évaluée par des lectures en théologie, qui mettent en exergue les études d’auteurs : Jean-Guy Nadeau, Pierre Vadeboncœur, et Norbert Greinacher tandis que celle référant aux sciences humaines sera étudiée au moyen des œuvres de spécialistes Gérard Delteil, Régis Debray, Félix Moser et Antoine Compagnon. Soutenue par ces différentes études, je serai en mesure de mieux définir ce que la fiction en général peut apporter à la transmission de l’Évangile en m’appuyant sur l’étude de la fiction en théologie faite par des auteurs comme Paul Ricœur et Joseph Moingt. Je conclurai par une réflexion sur le mode de transmission de Saffia, femme de Smyrne et, je l’espère, par une explication de la raison pour laquelle je continuerai à utiliser la fiction pour transmettre l’Évangile. Une courte nouvelle me permettra d’appliquer mon étude et ainsi d’ouvrir ma réflexion dans une praxis.The objective of this dissertation is to analyze a praxis, mine, using praxeology techniques, in an attempt at reaffirming the validity of my work as an author serving faith. As a matter of fact, the writing of Saffia, femme de Smyrne, which started after about fifteen years of an active professional life as a writer, lead me to believe that this historical novel and its presentation are tools adapted for the transmission of the Gospel. My research begins with a general presentation of the work of fiction, Saffia, femme de Smyrne, as well as the ensuing conferences. I then put into words the observation of the secondary discourse composed of readers’ opinions or impressions. My interpretation and/or hypothesis arise from my problematisation defined by the praxeological question Why do I do what I do and through the five development functions. The part relating to the transmission of the Gospel is evaluated through readings in theology which highlight the studies of authors such as Jean-Guy Nadeau, Pierre Vadeboncœur, and Norbert Greinacher, while that referring to the social sciences is studied using works of specialists such as Gérard Delteil, Régis Debray, Félix Moser and Antoine Compagnon. Supported by these different studies, I am in a better position to define what fiction can bring to the transmission of the Gospel based on studies of fiction in theology by authors such as Paul Ricœur and Joseph Moingt. I conclude with a reflection on the transmission method of Saffia, femme de Smyrne and, I hope, with an explanation, namely, of why I continue using fiction to transmit the Gospel. A short story makes it possible for me to apply my study and, thereby, to open my reflection in a praxis

    Nonlinear vibrations of laminated and sandwich rectangular plates with free edges. Part 2: Experiments & comparisons

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    Large-amplitude (geometrically nonlinear) forced vibrations of completely free sandwich rectangular plates are investigated experimentally. Harmonic excitation is applied by using an electro-dynamic exciter and the plate vibration is measured by using laser Doppler vibrometers. A scanning laser Doppler vibrometer is used for experimental modal analysis since it provides non-contact vibration measurements with very high spatial resolution. The large-amplitude vibration experiments are carried out by using a single point laser Doppler vibrometer and a stepped-sine testing procedure. The nonlinear frequency response curves are obtained by increasing and decreasing the excitation frequency in very small steps at specific force amplitudes controlled in a closed-loop. The experimental results are compared to numerical simulations obtained by reduced-order models and show very good agreement. The nonlinear damping is experimentally obtained as a function of the vibration amplitude

    Axisymmetric deformations of circular rings made of linear and Neo-Hookean materials under internal and external pressure: A benchmark for finite element codes

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    International audienceThe axisymmetric deformations of thick circular rings are investigated. Four materials are explored: linear material, incompressible Neo-Hookean material and Ogden's and Bower's forms of compressible Neo-Hookean material. Radial distributed forces and a displacement-dependent pressure are the external loads. This problem is relatively simple and allows analytical, or semi-analytical, solution; therefore it has been chosen as a benchmark to test commercial finite element software for various material laws at large strains. The solutions obtained with commercial finite element software are almost identical to the present semi-analytical ones, except for the linear material, for which commercial finite element programs give incorrect results.Highlights: Linear, incompressible and compressible Neo-Hookean materials are used. Analytical benchmark solution to test commercial programs. Two commercial FE programs give incorrect results for large strains and linear elastic material.</ol

    A Taxonomy-Driven Model for Designing Educational Games in Visualization

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    Visualization literacy of the broader audiences is becoming an important topic, as we are increasingly surrounded by misleading, erroneous, or confusing visualizations. How can we educate the general masses about data visualization We propose a twofold model for designing educational games in visualization based on the concept of constructivism and learning-by-playing. We base our approach on the idea of deconstruction and construction, borrowed from the domain of mathematics. We describe the conceptual development and design of our model through two games. First, we present a deconstruction-based game that requires the inspection, identification, and categorization of the visualization characteristics (data, users, tasks, visual variables, visualization vocabulary), starting from a finalized visualization. Second, we propose a construction-based game where it is possible to compose visualizations bottom-up from individual visual characteristics. The two games use the same deck of cards with a simple design based on visualization taxonomies, popular in visualization teaching