722 research outputs found

    Hypothalamic actions of neuromedin U.

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    The central nervous system and gut peptide neuromedin U (NMU) inhibits feeding after intracerebroventricular injection. This study explored the hypothalamic actions of NMU on feeding and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Intraparaventricular nucleus (intra-PVN) NMU dose-dependently inhibited food intake, with a minimum effective dose of 0.1 nmol and a robust effect at 0.3 nmol. Feeding inhibition was mapped by NMU injection into eight hypothalamic areas. NMU (0.3 nmol) inhibited food intake in the PVN (0-1 h, 59 Β± 6.9% of the control value; P < 0.001) and arcuate nucleus (0-1 h, 76 Β± 10.4% of the control value; P < 0.05). Intra-PVN NMU markedly increased grooming and locomotor behavior and dose-dependently increased plasma ACTH (0.3 nmol NMU, 24.8 Β± 1.9 pg/ml; saline, 11.4 Β± 1.0; P < 0.001) and corticosterone (0.3 nmol NMU, 275.4 Β± 40.5 ng/ml; saline, 129.4 Β± 25.0; P < 0.01). Using hypothalamic explants in vitro, NMU stimulated CRH (100 nM NMU, 5.9 Β± 0.95 pmol/explant; basal, 3.8 Β± 0.39; P < 0.01) and arginine vasopressin release (100 nM NMU, 124.5 Β± 21.8 fmol/explant; basal, 74.5 Β± 7.6; P < 0.01). Leptin stimulated NMU release (141.9 Β± 20.4 fmol/explant; basal, 92.9 Β± 9.4; P < 0.01). Thus, we describe a novel role for NMU in the PVN to stimulate the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and locomotor and grooming behavior and to inhibit feeding

    Ghrelin causes hyperphagia and obesity in rats.

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    Ghrelin, a circulating growth hormone–releasing pep-tide derived from the stomach, stimulates food intake. The lowest systemically effective orexigenic dose of ghrelin was investigated and the resulting plasma ghre-lin concentration was compared with that during fast-ing. The lowest dose of ghrelin that produced a significant stimulation of feeding after intraperitoneal injection was 1 nmol. The plasma ghrelin concentration after intraperitoneal injection of 1 nmol of ghrelin (2.83 0.13 pmol/ml at 60 min postinjection) was not significantly different from that occurring after a 24-h fast (2.79 0.32 pmol/ml). After microinjection into defined hypothalamic sites, ghrelin (30 pmol) stimu-lated food intake most markedly in the arcuate nucleus (Arc) (0–1 h food intake, 427 43 % of control; P &lt

    Preprandial ghrelin is not affected by macronutrient intake, energy intake or energy expenditure

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    BACKGROUND: Ghrelin, a peptide secreted by endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract, is a hormone purported to have a significant effect on food intake and energy balance in humans. The influence of factors related to energy balance on ghrelin, such as daily energy expenditure, energy intake, and macronutrient intake, have not been reported. Secondly, the effect of ghrelin on food intake has not been quantified under free-living conditions over a prolonged period of time. To investigate these effects, 12 men were provided with an ad libitum cafeteria-style diet for 16 weeks. The macronutrient composition of the diets were covertly modified with drinks containing 2.1 MJ of predominantly carbohydrate (Hi-CHO), protein (Hi-PRO), or fat (Hi-FAT). Total energy expenditure was measured for seven days on two separate occasions (doubly labeled water and physical activity logs). RESULTS: Preprandial ghrelin concentrations were not affected by macronutrient intake, energy expenditure or energy intake (all P > 0.05). In turn, daily energy intake was significantly influenced by energy expenditure, but not ghrelin. CONCLUSION: Preprandial ghrelin does not appear to be influenced by macronutrient composition, energy intake, or energy expenditure. Similarly, ghrelin does not appear to affect acute or chronic energy intake under free-living conditions

    Ghrelin Indirectly Activates Hypophysiotropic CRF Neurons in Rodents

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    Ghrelin is a stomach-derived hormone that regulates food intake and neuroendocrine function by acting on its receptor, GHSR (Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor). Recent evidence indicates that a key function of ghrelin is to signal stress to the brain. It has been suggested that one of the potential stress-related ghrelin targets is the CRF (Corticotropin-Releasing Factor)-producing neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, which secrete the CRF neuropeptide into the median eminence and activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. However, the neural circuits that mediate the ghrelin-induced activation of this neuroendocrine axis are mostly uncharacterized. In the current study, we characterized in vivo the mechanism by which ghrelin activates the hypophysiotropic CRF neurons in mice. We found that peripheral or intra-cerebro-ventricular administration of ghrelin strongly activates c-fos – a marker of cellular activation – in CRF-producing neurons. Also, ghrelin activates CRF gene expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis at peripheral level. Ghrelin administration directly into the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus also induces c-fos within the CRF-producing neurons and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, without any significant effect on the food intake. Interestingly, dual-label immunohistochemical analysis and ghrelin binding studies failed to show GHSR expression in CRF neurons. Thus, we conclude that ghrelin activates hypophysiotropic CRF neurons, albeit indirectly

    Transcriptional analysis of temporal gene expression in germinating Clostridium difficile 630 endospores.

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    Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of hospital acquired diarrhoea in industrialised countries. Under conditions that are not favourable for growth, the pathogen produces metabolically dormant endospores via asymmetric cell division. These are extremely resistant to both chemical and physical stress and provide the mechanism by which C. difficile can evade the potentially fatal consequences of exposure to heat, oxygen, alcohol, and certain disinfectants. Spores are the primary infective agent and must germinate to allow for vegetative cell growth and toxin production. While spore germination in Bacillus is well understood, little is known about C. difficile germination and outgrowth. Here we use genome-wide transcriptional analysis to elucidate the temporal gene expression patterns in C. difficile 630 endospore germination. We have optimized methods for large scale production and purification of spores. The germination characteristics of purified spores have been characterized and RNA extraction protocols have been optimized. Gene expression was highly dynamic during germination and outgrowth, and was found to involve a large number of genes. Using this genome-wide, microarray approach we have identified 511 genes that are significantly up- or down-regulated during C. difficile germination (p≀0.01). A number of functional groups of genes appeared to be co-regulated. These included transport, protein synthesis and secretion, motility and chemotaxis as well as cell wall biogenesis. These data give insight into how C. difficile re-establishes its metabolism, re-builds the basic structures of the vegetative cell and resumes growth

    Solitary metastatic clear cell carcinoma to the spleen

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    A 57-year-old with a 9-year history of increased abdominal girth, presented with increased abdominal pain, anemia, and acute renal failure. His past medical history was only remarkable for a previous lung cancer 21 years ago that was treated with a right upper lung lobectomy. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the patient's abdomen showed a solitary 20Γ—20Γ—25cm cystic splenic mass. The patient underwent an urgent splenectomy. Intra-operatively a large splenic cystic cavity was found with a solid inferior splenic mass. An exhaustive histological analysis of the splenic mass confirmed a clear cell carcinoma with low malignant potential that likely represented a metastatic lesion from the patient's previous distant lung cancer. Postoperatively the patient recovered well and at 1-year followup the patient demonstrated no further evidence of metastatic disease. This case is extremely unique and provides a very rare example of a metastatic solitary clear cell carcinoma to the spleen, with a presumed latency period of more than 20 years
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