3,214 research outputs found

    Re: Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis: A peculiar presentation of scrub typhus

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    Os desafios dos docentes t?m um papel importante para a forma??o do professor no campo da Educa??o B?sica, percebemos as suas dificuldades no uso da linguagem musical na sala de aula. Este artigo visa investigar se os docentes se sentem seguros e motivados para inovar com base em novas abordagens educativas nas aulas de L?ngua Estrangeira nas Escolas Estaduais, e averiguar se a m?sica, como mais um meio de pr?tica pedag?gica, contribui para o ensino desse idioma. O embasamento te?rico para essa investiga??o ? formado a partir dos estudos voltados ? forma??o do docente no seu ?agir-reflexivo? em Candau (2014), N?voa (2009), Titone (1983), Tozetto e Larocca (2020) e Teixeira e Magnabosco (2010) e na sua compreens?o musical em Ferreira (2012) e Godoy e Senna (2012). Sendo assim, analisamos se esses desafios contribuem/influenciam no processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos alunos. A pesquisa quantitativa emprega ainda, como meio de coleta de dados, a aplica??o de um question?rio online. Por fim, analisamos os dados e interpretamos os discursos atrelados a esses desafios, como tamb?m as implica??es deles na aprendizagem da L?ngua Inglesa

    Renal Artery Angioplasty

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    Efectuámos angioplastia transiuminal percutânea (ATP) da artéria renal em 59 doentes hipertensos e houve benefício inicial na tensão arterial em 91,5% e tardio em 79,6%. Obtivemos melhores resultados nas lesões unilaterais (81,4%) do que nas bilaterais (72,7%); nas lesões fora do ostium (82,5%) do que nas do ostium (7 1,4%); nas lesões de origem fibromuscular (88,9%) do que nas de origem aterosclerótica(75%); e nos doentes com idade igual ou inferior a 55 anos (84,8%) do que em doentes com idade superior (71,4%). Estas diferenças não foram contudo significativas. Os bons resultados da ATP da artéria renal na hipertensão renovascular levam-nos a considerar esta forma de intervenção como uma alternativa do seu tratamento

    Giant Barocaloric Effect at the Spin Crossover Transition of a Molecular Crystal

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    The first experimental evidence for a giant, conventional barocaloric effect (BCE) associated with a pressure‐driven spin crossover transition near room temperature is provided. Magnetometry, neutron scattering, and calorimetry are used to explore the pressure dependence of the SCO phase transition in polycrystalline samples of protonated and partially deuterated [FeL2][BF4]2 [L = 2,6‐di(pyrazol‐1‐yl)pyridine] at applied pressures of up to 120 MPa (1200 bar). The data indicate that, for a pressure change of only 0–300 bar (0–30 MPa), an adiabatic temperature change of 3 K is observed at 262 K or 257 K in the protonated and deuterated materials, respectively. This BCE is equivalent to the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) observed in gadolinium in a magnetic field change of 0–1 Tesla. The work confirms recent predictions that giant, conventional BCEs will be found in a wide range of SCO compounds

    Synthesis and Anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Activity of Imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]oxazine Derivatives against Multidrug-Resistant Strains

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    The emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis has raised concerns due to the greater difficulties in patient treatment and higher mortality rates. Herein, we revisited the 2-nitro-6,7-dihydro-5H-imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]oxazine scaffold and identified potent new carbamate derivatives having MIC90 values of 0.18–1.63 μM against Mtb H37Rv. Compounds 47–49, 51–53, and 55 exhibited remarkable activity against a panel of clinical isolates, displaying MIC90 values below 0.5 μM. In Mtb-infected macrophages, several compounds demonstrated a 1-log greater reduction in mycobacterial burden than rifampicin and pretomanid. The compounds tested did not exhibit significant cytotoxicity against three cell lines or any toxicity to Galleria mellonella. Furthermore, the imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]oxazine derivatives did not show substantial activity against other bacteria or fungi. Finally, molecular docking studies revealed that the new compounds could interact with the deazaflavin-dependent nitroreductase (Ddn) in a similar manner to pretomanid. Collectively, our findings highlight the chemical universe of imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]oxazines and their promising potential against MDR-TB

    Radiation attenuation by single-crystal diamond windows

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    As artificial diamond becomes more cost effective it is likely to see increasing use as a window for sample environment equipment used in diffraction experiments. Such windows are particularly useful as they exhibit exceptional mechanical properties in addition to being highly transparent to both X-ray and neutron radiation. A key application is in high-pressure studies, where diamond anvil cells (DACs) are used to access extreme sample conditions. However, despite their utility, an important consideration when using single-crystal diamond windows is their interaction with the incident beam. In particular, the Bragg condition will be satisfied for specific angles and wavelengths, leading to the appearance of diamond Bragg spots on the diffraction detectors but also, unavoidably, to loss of transmitted intensity of the beam that interacts with the sample. This effect can be particularly significant for energy-dispersive measurements, for example, in time-of-flight neutron diffraction work using DACs. This article presents a semi-empirical approach that can be used to correct for this effect, which is a prerequisite for the accurate determination of diffraction intensities