32 research outputs found

    CRL4 antagonizes SCFFbxo7-mediated turnover of cereblon and BK channel to regulate learning and memory

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    Intellectual disability (ID), one of the most common human developmental disorders, can be caused by genetic mutations in Cullin 4B (Cul4B) and cereblon (CRBN). CRBN is a substrate receptor for the Cul4A/B-DDB1 ubiquitin ligase (CRL4) and can target voltage- and calcium-activated BK channel for ER retention. Here we report that ID-associated CRL4CRBNmutations abolish the interaction of the BK channel with CRL4, and redirect the BK channel to the SCFFbxo7ubiquitin ligase for proteasomal degradation. Glioma cell lines harbouring CRBN mutations record density-dependent decrease of BK currents, which can be restored by blocking Cullin ubiquitin ligase activity. Importantly, mice with neuron-specific deletion of DDB1 or CRBN express reduced BK protein levels in the brain, and exhibit similar impairment in learning and memory, a deficit that can be partially rescued by activating the BK channel. Our results reveal a competitive targeting of the BK channel by two ubiquitin ligases to achieve exquisite control of its stability, and support changes in neuronal excitability as a common pathogenic mechanism underlying CRL4CRBN–associated ID

    In vivo fluorescence imaging of the transport of charged chlorine6 conjugates in a rat orthotopic prostate tumour

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    Polymeric drug conjugates are used in cancer therapy and, varying their molecular size and charge, will affect their in vivo transport and extravasation in tumours. Partitioning between tumour vasculature and tumour tissue will be of particular significance in the case of photosensitizer conjugates used in photodynamic therapy, where this partitioning can lead to different therapeutic effects. Poly-l-lysine chlorine6 conjugates (derived from polymers of averageMr 5000 and 25 000) were prepared both in a cationic state and by poly-succinylation in an anionic state. A fluorescence scanning laser microscope was used to follow the pharmacokinetics of these conjugates in vivo in an orthotopic rat prostate cancer model obtained with MatLyLu cells. Fluorescence was excited with the 454–528 nm group of lines of an argon laser and a 570 nm long pass filter used to isolate the emission. Results showed that the conjugates initially bound to the walls of the vasculature, before extravasating into the tissue, and eventually increasing in fluorescence. The anionic conjugates produced tissue fluorescence faster than the cationic ones, and surprisingly, the largerMr conjugates produced tissue fluorescence faster than the smaller ones with the same charge. These results are consistent with differences in aggregation state between conjugates. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig