26 research outputs found

    Reggeon exchange from gauge/gravity duality

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    We perform the analysis of quark-antiquark Reggeon exchange in meson-meson scattering, in the framework of the gauge/gravity correspondence in a confining background. On the gauge theory side, Reggeon exchange is described as quark-antiquark exchange in the t channel between fast projectiles. The corresponding amplitude is represented in terms of Wilson loops running along the trajectories of the constituent quarks and antiquarks. The paths of the exchanged fermions are integrated over, while the "spectator" fermions are dealt with in an eikonal approximation. On the gravity side, we follow a previously proposed approach, and we evaluate the Wilson-loop expectation value by making use of gauge/gravity duality for a generic confining gauge theory. The amplitude is obtained in a saddle-point approximation through the determination near the confining horizon of a Euclidean "minimal surface with floating boundaries", i.e., by fixing the trajectories of the exchanged quark and antiquark by means of a minimisation procedure, which involves both area and length terms. After discussing, as a warm-up exercise, a simpler problem on a plane involving a soap film with floating boundaries, we solve the variational problem relevant to Reggeon exchange, in which the basic geometry is that of a helicoid. A compact expression for the Reggeon-exchange amplitude, including the effects of a small fermion mass, is then obtained through analytic continuation from Euclidean to Minkowski space-time. We find in particular a linear Regge trajectory, corresponding to a Regge-pole singularity supplemented by a logarithmic cut induced by the non-zero quark mass. The analytic continuation leads also to companion contributions, corresponding to the convolution of the same Reggeon-exchange amplitude with multiple elastic rescattering interactions between the colliding mesons.Comment: 60+1 pages, 14 figure

    Working Group Report: Heavy-Ion Physics and Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    This is the report of Heavy Ion Physics and Quark-Gluon Plasma at WHEPP-09 which was part of Working Group-4. Discussion and work on some aspects of Quark-Gluon Plasma believed to have created in heavy-ion collisions and in early universe are reported.Comment: 20 pages, 6 eps figures, Heavy-ion physics and QGP activity report in "IX Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-09)" held in Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India, during January 3-14, 2006. To be published in PRAMANA - Journal of Physics (Indian Academy of Science

    Quantum magnetism and criticality

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    Magnetic insulators have proved to be fertile ground for studying new types of quantum many body states, and I survey recent experimental and theoretical examples. The insights and methods transfer also to novel superconducting and metallic states. Of particular interest are critical quantum states, sometimes found at quantum phase transitions, which have gapless excitations with no particle- or wave-like interpretation, and control a significant portion of the finite temperature phase diagram. Remarkably, their theory is connected to holographic descriptions of Hawking radiation from black holes.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures, review article for non-specialists; (v2) added clarifications and references; (v3) minor corrections; (v4) added footnote on hydrodynamic long-time tail

    On the universality of thermodynamics and η/s ratio for the charged Lovelock black branes

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    Abstract: We investigate general features of charged Lovelock black branes by giving a detailed description of geometrical, thermodynamic and holographic properties of charged Gauss-Bonnet (GB) black branes in five dimensions. We show that when expressed in terms of effective physical parameters, the thermodynamic behaviour of charged GB black branes is completely indistinguishable from that of charged Einstein black branes. Moreover, the extremal, near-horizon limit of the two classes of branes is exactly the same as they allow for the same AdS2 × R3, near-horizon, exact solution. This implies that, although in the UV the associated dual QFTs are different, they flow in the IR to the same fixed point. The calculation of the shear viscosity to entropy ratio η/s confirms these results. Despite the GB dual plasma has in general a non-universal temperature-dependent η/s, it flows monotonically to the universal value 1/4π in the IR. For negative (positive) GB coupling constant, η/s is an increasing (decreasing) function of the temperature and the flow respects (violates) the KSS bound

    A hQCD model and its phase diagram in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton system

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    By use of the potential reconstruction approach we obtain a series of asymptotically AdS (aAdS) black hole solutions in an Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton (EMD) system. Basing on the solutions of the system, we reconstruct a semi-analytical holographic QCD (hQCD) model with a quadratic term in warped factor. We discuss some aspects of the hQCD model, in particular we calculate the free energy of two static color sources (a heavy quark-antiquark pair) which is an important order parameter to describe confinement/deconfinement phase transition. The behavior of the free energy with respect to temperature and chemical potential is studied. We find that in the hQCD model the deconfinement phase transition can be realized and a critical point occurs. The resulting phase diagram in the temperature-chemical potential T−ΌT-\mu plane is in quite good agreement with the one from recent lattice results and effective models of QCD.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, regular paper, add some comments and references, accepted by JHE