6,024 research outputs found

    Global critical temperature in disordered superconductors with weak multifractality

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    There is growing evidence, from experiments and numerical simulations, that a key feature of sufficiently disordered superconductors is the spatial inhomogeneity of the order parameter. However not much is known analytically about the details of its spatial distribution or the associated global critical temperature that signals the breaking of long-range order. Here we address this problem for disordered systems around an Anderson transition characterized by multifractal one-body eigenstates. In the limit of weak multifractality and for weakly coupled superconductors we compute the superconducting order parameter analytically, including its energy dependence and statistical distribution in space. The spatial distribution of the order parameter is found to be always log-normal. The global critical temperature, computed by percolation techniques and neglecting phase fluctuations, is enhanced with respect to the clean limit only for very weakly coupled superconductors. Some enhancement still persists even in the presence of moderate phase fluctuations crudely modelled by increasing the percolation threshold. Our results are also consistent with experiments, where enhancement of the critical temperature is observed in Al thin films, a very weakly coupled metallic superconductor, but not in more strongly coupled materials.A.M.G. was supported by EPSRC, Grant No. EP/I004637/1, FCT, Grant PTDC/FIS/111348/2009, and a Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant PIRG07-GA-2010-268172. J.M. acknowledges the support of an EPSRC Ph.D. studentship.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from APS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.92.17452

    Anomalous Thouless energy and critical statistics on the metallic side of the many-body localization transition

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    We study a one-dimensional (1d) XXZ spin-chain in a random field on the metallic side of the many-body localization transition by level statistics. For a fixed interaction, and intermediate disorder below the many-body localization transition, we find that, asymptotically, the number variance grows faster than linear with a disorder dependent exponent. This is consistent with the existence of an anomlaous Thouless energy in the spectrum. In non-interacting disordered metals this is an energy scale related to the typical time for a particle to diffuse across the sample. In the interacting case it seems related to a more intricate anomalous diffusion process. This interpretation is not fully consistent with recent claims that, for intermediate disorder, level statistics are described by a plasma model with power-law decaying interactions whose number variance grows slower than linear. As disorder is further increased, still on the metallic side, the Thouless energy is gradually washed out. In the range of sizes we can explore, level statistics are scale invariant and approach Poisson statistics at the many-body localization transition. Slightly below the many-body localization transition, spectral correlations, well described by critical statistics, are quantitatively similar to those of a high dimensional, non-interacting, disordered conductor at the Anderson transition.A.M.G. acknowledges support from EPSRC, Grant No. EP/I004637/1.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Physical Society via https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.94.14420

    Marginal and irrelevant disorder in Einstein-Maxwell backgrounds

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    We study analytically the effect of a weak random chemical potential of zero average in an Einstein-Maxwell background. For uncorrelated disorder this perturbation is relevant however we show that it can become marginal or even irrelevant by tuning disorder correlations. At zero temperature we find that, to leading order in the disorder strength, the correction to the conductivity for irrelevant perturbations vanishes. In the marginal case, in order to renormalize a logarithmic divergence, we carry out a resummation of the perturbative expansion of the metric that leads to a Lifshitz-like geometry in the infrared. Disorder in this case also induces a positive correction to the conductivity. At finite temperature the black hole acquires an effective charge and the thermal conductivity has the expected Drude peak that signals the breaking of translational invariance. However the electric conductivity is not affected by the random chemical potential to leading order in the disorder strength.A. M. G. thanks Hong Liu and Elias Kiritsis for illuminating discussions. A. M. G. acknowledges partial support from EPSRC, grant No. EP/I004637/1. B. L. thanks Andrew Lucas for interesting discussions and suggestions concerning the conductivity. B.L. is supported by a CAPES/COT grant No. 11469/13-17. Both authors are grateful to the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics for the hospitality and the INFN for partial support during the completion of this work.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by the American Physical Society

    Defect formation beyond kibble-zurek mechanism and holography

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    We study the dynamic after a smooth quench across a continuous transition from the disordered phase to the ordered phase. Based on scaling ideas, linear response and the spectrum of unstable modes, we develop a theoretical framework, valid for any second order phase transition, for the early-time evolution of the condensate in the broken phase. Our analysis unveils a novel period of non-adiabatic evolution after the system passes through the phase transition, where a parametrically large amount of coarsening occurs before a well-defined condensate forms. Our formalism predicts a rate of defect formation parametrically smaller than the Kibble-Zurek prediction and yields a criterion for the break-down of Kibble-Zurek scaling for sufficiently fast quenches. We numerically test our formalism for a thermal quench in a 2 + 1 dimensional holographic superfluid. These findings, of direct relevance in a broad range of fields including cold atom, condensed matter, statistical mechanism and cosmology, are an important step towards a more quantitative understanding of dynamical phase transitions.We thank Laurence Yaffe for useful discussions. The work of P. M. C. is supported by the Fundamental Laws Initiative of the Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature at Harvard University. The work of H. L. is partially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Cooperative Research Agreement No. DE-FG0205ER41360. A. M. G.-G. was supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Grant No. EP/I004637/1; Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia, Grant No. PTDC/FIS/111348/2009; and a Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant No. PIRG07-GA-2010-268172.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from APS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.5.02101

    Transport in a gravity dual with a varying gravitational coupling constant

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    We study asymptotically AdS Brans-Dicke (BD) backgrounds, where the Ricci tensor R is coupled to a scalar in the radial dimension, as effective models of metals with a varying coupling constant. We show that, for translationally invariant backgrounds, the regular part of the dc conductivity σQ_{Q} deviates from the universal result of Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton (EMD) models. However, the shear viscosity to entropy ratio saturates the Kovtun-Son-Starinets (KSS) bound. Similar results apply to more general f(R) gravity models. In four bulk dimensions we study momentum relaxation induced by gravitational and electromagnetic axion-dependent couplings. For sufficiently strong momentum dissipation induced by the former, a recently proposed bound on the dc conductivity σ is violated for any finite electromagnetic axion coupling. Interestingly, in more than four bulk dimensions, the dc conductivity for strong momentum relaxation decreases with temperature in the low temperature limit. In line with other gravity backgrounds with momentum relaxation, the shear viscosity to entropy ratio is always lower than the KSS bound. The numerical computation of the optical conductivity reveals a linear growth with the frequency in the limit of low temperature, low frequency and large momentum relaxation. We have also shown that the module and argument of the optical conductivity for intermediate frequencies are not consistent with cuprates' experimental results, even assuming several channel of momentum relaxation.A.M.G. acknowledges support from EPSRC, Grant No. EP/I004637/1. B.L. is supported by CAPES/COT Grant No. 11469/13-17. A.R.B. acknowledges support from the Department of Physics and the Theory of Condensed Matter group of the University of Cambridge as well as the Cambridge Philosophical Society

    Spectral and thermodynamic properties of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model

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    We study spectral and thermodynamic properties of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, a variant of the k-body embedded random ensembles studied for several decades in the context of nuclear physics and quantum chaos. We show analytically that the fourth- and sixth-order energy cumulants vanish in the limit of a large number of particles N→∞, which is consistent with a Gaussian spectral density. However, for finite N, the tail of the average spectral density is well approximated by a semicircle law. The specific heat coefficient, determined numerically from the low-temperature behavior of the partition function, is consistent with the value obtained by previous analytical calculations. For energy scales of the order of the mean level spacing we show that level statistics are well described by random matrix theory. Due to the underlying Clifford algebra of the model, the universality class of the spectral correlations depends on N. For larger energy separations we identify an energy scale that grows with N, reminiscent of the Thouless energy in mesoscopic physics, where deviations from random matrix theory are observed. Our results are a further confirmation that the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model is quantum chaotic for all time scales. According to recent claims in the literature, this is an expected feature in field theories with a gravity dual.EPSRC, Grant No. EP/I004637/1; U.S. Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG-88FR4038

    Environmental epigenomics: Current approaches to assess epigenetic effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC's) on human health

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    Environmental Epigenomics is a developing field to study the epigenetic effect on human health from exposure to environmental factors. Endocrine disrupting chemicals have been detected primarily in pharmaceutical drugs, personal care products, food additives, and food containers. Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has been associated with a high incidence and prevalence of many endocrine-related disorders in humans. Nevertheless, further evidence is needed to establish a correlation between exposure to EDC and human disorders. Conventional detection of EDCs is based on chemical structure and concentration sample analysis. However, substantial evidence has emerged, suggesting that cell exposure to EDCs leads to epigenetic changes, independently of its chemical structure with non-monotonic low-dose responses. Consequently, a paradigm shift in toxicology assessment of EDCs is proposed based on a comprehensive review of analytical techniques used to evaluate the epigenetic effects. Fundamental insights reported elsewhere are compared in order to establish DNA methylation analysis as a viable method for assessing endocrine disruptors beyond the conventional study approach of chemical structure and concentration analysis

    WiBAF into a CMS: Personalization in learning environments made easy

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    Adaptivity has proven successful in reducing navigation and comprehension problems in hypermedia documents. Authoring of adaptive hypermedia documents and especially of the adaptivity in these documents has been problematic or at least labour intensive throughout AH history. This paper shows how the integration of a CMS with an adaptive framework greatly simplifies the inclusion of personalization in existing educational applications. It does this within the context of European project Autism&Uni that uses adaptive hypermedia to offer information for students transitioning from high school to university, especially to cater for students on the autism spectrum as well as for non-autistic students. The use of our Within Browser adaptation framework (WiBAF) reduces privacy concerns because the user model is stored on the end-user's machine, and eliminates performance issues that currently prevent the adoption of adaptivity in MOOC platforms by having the adaptation performed on the end-user's machine as well (within the browser). Authoring of adaptive applications within the educational domain with the system proposed was tried out with first year students from the Design-Based Learning Hypermedia course at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) to gather feedback on the problems they faced with the platform
