19 research outputs found

    Uma autobiografia operária: a memória entre a entrevista e o romance

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    TRATA-SE da apresentação e análise de uma rara autobiografia romanceada feita por um trabalhador e entregue aos pesquisadores após entrevista realizada com o autor em trabalho de campo na vila operária da cidade de Paulista, em Pernambuco. Apesar de apresentar metáforas e fábulas comuns ao gênero de literatura para leitura em voz alta, como o cordel, o autor domina uma narrativa elaborada com três versões de uma história comum, vista por três personagens, com pequenos mistérios e surpresas: só no meio da narrativa é que o leitor percebe se tratar de uma autobiografia. Por meio de uma narrativa ficcional de sua história vivida, o autor aborda suas origens rurais, a importância de alguns membros do grupo familiar na sua infância e adolescência; aspectos não-revelados nas entrevistas que versavam sobre sua participação recente no trabalho industrial. A experiência de migração para os centros metropolitanos, a diversidade de trabalhos na indústria, a relação com a leitura e a autodidaxia desse filho caçula são fatores, como em outras autobiografias operárias de que se tem conhecimento em escala internacional, para explicar esse trabalho reflexivo por escrito sobre o passado e suas origens sociais.IN THIS article is presented and analysed a rare ficional worker's autobiography given to the anthropologists after interviews in fieldwork done in the company-town located at the city of Paulista, Pernambuco. In spite of the use of fables and metaphors that are common to the literary genre for loud voice lecture, as cordel, the author masters an elaborate narrative with three versions of the same story, seen by three characters, with some mysteries and surprises: only in the middle of the text the reader perceives that it is an autobiography. Through fictional narrative of his living history, the author describes his rural origins and the importance of some members of his family unit in his childhood and youth; all non revealed aspects in the interviews that focused in his recent industrial work participation. The experience of migration to metropolitan centres, the diversity of industrial jobs, the relation to lecture and self-instruction, the position of youngest between brothers, are all factors, as show other working-class autobiographies seen in international comparison, to explain this reflexive written work about the past and about social origins


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    O artigo analisa o processo de controle da mão-de-obra através do monopólio da moradia pela Companhia de Tecidos Paulista (Paulista - PE) e a transformação desta condição em função da mobilização dos trabalhadores que conquistaram o direito à propriedade de suas residências, ao mesmo tempo em que construíam sua identidade de grupo social

    Uma utopia brasileira: Vargas e a construção do estado de bem-estar numa sociedade estruturalmente desigual

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    L'usine et la véranda.

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    The Factory and the Veranda : Staging Domination - What were the procedures for recruiting labor to a big textile factory in the Nordeste from 1930 to 1950 ? Families from the countryside were attracted to settle in town and work in the factory. During an institutionalized ceremony in front of the veranda at the boss's house {casa- grande), families were presented to the boss. The similarities and dissimilarities are pointed out between this staging of the boss's authority and the traditional senhorlmorador relationship on sugar plantations, which also took place in the setting of the casa- grande' s veranda. This ceremony plays out a specific form of domination and illustrates the history, with all its contradictions, of how workers have internalized this domination.L'article décrit les procédures de recrutement d'une grande industrie textile du Nordeste entre 1930 et 1950 faisant appel à des familles d'origine rurale pour peupler sa cité et embaucher des ouvriers pour l'usine. Il s'agit d'un véritable rituel au cours duquel les familles sont présentées devant le patron en personne. Cette cérémonie institutionnalisée se déroule au seuil de la maison patronale (casa-grande) devant la véranda. Cette étude permet de dégager les ressemblances et les différences entre cette théâtralisation de l'autorité patronale et les rapports traditionnels senhores/moradores des plantations sucrières, qui ont également pour cadre la véranda de la casa-grande. Ce rituel de présentation est l'illustration exemplaire d'un mode de domination spécifique et de l'histoire de l'intériorisation de la domination par les travailleurs, avec toutes ses contradictions.Leite Lopes José Sergio, Alvim Rosilene. L'usine et la véranda. In: Études rurales, n°131-132, 1993. Droit, politique, espace agraire au Brésil. pp. 39-56

    The Strength of Working-Class Social Memory in a Northeast-Brazilian Deindustrialised Town

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    This article discusses the making of working-class social memory in the city of Paulista in Northeast-Brazil. When returning to the place researched twenty years before, the authors noticed the depth of social change that had followed its de-industrialisation and decided to produce a documentary film about the local workers, who welcomed the researchers as collaborators in their quest to preserve their local history. In this article, the authors assess the transformations of life experiences among textile workers from Paulista during an earlier period of Brazilian industrialisation in comparison to the more recent context of de-industrialisation, which has left its mark on many communities in the country. In comparing their past and present field experiences, the authors describe the history of the previous industrial regime as a process which combined new and traditional forms of legitimisation of class domination

    Familles ouvrières, familles d'ouvrières

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    Arbeiterfamilien, Familie von Arbeiterinnen. Die Sozialgeschichte der durch die Textilfirma von Paulista in Pernambuko im Nordosten Brasiliens geschaffenen Gruppe der Arbeiter und Arbeiterinnen ist wesentlich die Geschichte der Veränderung der Rolle der Frauen in Arbeit und Familie. Diese reicht von der anfänglichen Unterordnung unter eine direkt durch die Handelsgesellschaft vollzogenen Rekrutierung aus dem Familienverband in den bäuerlichen Regionen bis zur Erringung einer dominanten Position nicht nur innerhalb der Arbeitsökonomie der Familien, sondern darüber Muaus in den Vereinsaktivitaten und der Konstruktion der sozialen Identitat dieser Gruppen von Arbeitern und Arbeiterinnen.Labouring Families and their Women. The social history of the working-class group created by the Textile Company of Paulista, at Pernambouc in North-East Brazil, is essentially the history of the transformations of the role of women in work and the family, from their initial subordination to family recruitment performed directly by the Company in the peasant regions, to their acquisitions of a dominant position not only in the labouring family economy but also in collective life and in the construction of the social identity of this working-class group.Familles ouvrières, familles d'ouvrières. L'histoire sociale du groupe ouvrier créé par la Compagnie textile de Paulista, à Pernambouc dans le Nordest brésilien, est essentiellement l'histoire des transformations du rôle des femmes dans le travail et la famille, depuis leur subordination initiale à un recrutement familial effectué directement par la Compagnie dans les régions paysannes jusqu'à leur acquisition d'une position dominante non seulement dans l'économie ouvrière familiale, mais encore dans les activités associatives et la construction de l'identité sociale de ce groupe ouvrier.Alvim Rosilene, Leite Lopes José Sergio. Familles ouvrières, familles d'ouvrières. In: Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. Vol. 84, septembre 1990. Masculin/féminin-2. pp. 78-84