370 research outputs found

    Avaliação da fertilidade de dois solos do Estado do Acre, em casa de vegetação.

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    Com uma imigração constante e crescente, a ocupação do estado do Acre tem sido feita em ritmo acelerado. Este crescimento desordenado tende a se agravar, na medida em que áreas que estão sendo ocupadas são, praticamente desconhecidas no tocante ao potencial dos solos, já que os estudos desta região se restringem, na maioria dos casos, a poucos trabalhos de revisão baseados em imagens de radar, ou seja, são informações apenas aproximadas. Assim. a UEPAE Rio Branco conduziu um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar a fertilidade de um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro (LE) e de um Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo (PV), e sugerir técnicas de manejo de adubação mais econômicas para estes solos, que ocorrem com frequência na região.bitstream/item/173383/1/1068.pd

    Influência de aléias de leguminosas arbóreas na infestação de bicho-mineiro em cafeeiro.

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    O bicho-mineiro, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin - Mèneville, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), é talvez a principal praga do cafeeiro (Coffea spp.) na atualidade, principalmente nas regiões de temperaturas mais elevadas e de maior déficit hídrico. Vários estudos indicam que a abundância e diversidade de insetos dentro de um campo podem estar intimamente relacionadas com a natureza da vegetação circundante. Considerando o exposto, foi objetivo deste trabalho observar o efeito de espécies de leguminosas arbóreas utilizadas como quebra-ventos (aléias) sobre os aspectos fitossanitários do cafeeiro. As leguminosas utilizadas foram: o Guandu (Cajanus cajan Millsp.), Bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Benth.), Leucena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit) e Acácia (Acacia mangium Willd.), plantadas perpendiculares ao sentido dos ventos predominantes. Os resultados parciais, obtidos em 2003, 2004, 2005 e 2006, mostram que a menor porcentagem de folhas com minas intactas foi observada nos cafeeiros sob Leucena e Guandu e também a menor porcentagem de minas predadas. Os cafeeiros sob Leucena e Guandu apresentaram nível de controle (NC) para o bicho-mineiro (30% de folhas minadas sem sinais de predação) no final de agosto enquanto que aqueles sob Acácia e Bracatinga foram semelhantes à testemunha e apresentaram NC bem mais cedo, no mês de junho

    Controle de plantas invasoras em lavouras de café em formação no Estado do Acre.

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    A existência de áreas potenciais, ecologicamente favoráveis à cultura do café, levou o governo do estado do Acre a incluí-la, ao lado da seringueira e castanheira, como opção de cultivo nos projetos de colonização, em vários municípios acreanos. Além dos aspectos agronômicos favoráveis, confirmados pelas plantações existentes que, na grande maioria, são efetuados por pequenos produtores, a cultura do café é sócio-economicamente viável, com amplas possibilidades de êxito na região. O cafeeiro, como a maioria das culturas, é muito sensível a infestação e ocorrência natural de plantas daninhas que, devido às condições de umidade e temperatura da região, têm desenvolvimento exuberante, concorrendo com a cultura em nutrientes, água e luz. Não há dúvida de que o controle eficiente e econômico das plantas daninhas e um dos principais fatores de alta produção das culturas. De forma que o manejo adequado das plantas invasoras tem papel decisivo no rendimento da cultura e na redução do custo de produção. Ainda não existem métodos de controle na região reconhecidamente econômicos e eficientes para cafezais em formação.Com o objetivo de se estudar métodos de controle de plantas daninhas viáveis para a região, instalou-se no município de Rio Branco-AC, no km 14 da BR-364, na base física da UEPAE de Rio Branco, em lavoura de Catuaí Vermelho de seis meses de idade, plantada no espaçamento de 3,00 m x 2,00 m com duas plantas por cova, um ensaio de métodos de controle de plantas daninhas.bitstream/item/166122/1/1065.pd

    Quantum cosmological perfect fluid models

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    Perfect fluid Friedmann-Robertson-Walker quantum cosmological models for an arbitrary barotropic equation of state p=αρp = \alpha\rho are constructed using Schutz's variational formalism. In this approach the notion of time can be recovered. By superposition of stationary states, finite-norm wave-packet solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation are found. The behaviour of the scale factor is studied by applying the many-worlds and the ontological interpretations of quantum mechanics. Singularity-free models are obtained for αα>1\alpha \alpha > - 1.Comment: Latex file, 12 pages. New paragraphs in the Introduction and Conclusion, and other minor corrections in the text and in some formulas. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Modeling the quantum evolution of the universe through classical matter

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    It is well known that the canonical quantization of the Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) filled with a perfect fluid leads to nonsingular universes which, for later times, behave as their classical counterpart. This means that the expectation value of the scale factor (t)(t) never vanishes and, as tt\to\infty, we recover the classical expression for the scale factor. In this paper, we show that such universes can be reproduced by classical cosmology given that the universe is filled with an exotic matter. In the case of a perfect fluid, we find an implicit equation of state (EoS). We then show that this single fluid with an implict EoS is equivalent to two non-interacting fluids, one of them representing stiff matter with negative energy density. In the case of two non-interacting scalar fields, one of them of the phantom type, we find their potential energy. In both cases we find that quantum mechanics changes completely the configuration of matter for small values of time, by adding a fluid or a scalar field with negative energy density. As time passes, the density of negative energy decreases and we recover the ordinary content of the classical universe. The more the initial wave function of the universe is concentrated around the classical big bang singularity, the more it is necessary to add negative energy, since this type of energy will be responsible for the removal of the classical singularity.Comment: updated version as accepted by Gen. Relativ. Gravi

    Quantum Cosmology in Scalar-Tensor Theories With Non Minimal Coupling

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    Quantization in the minisuperspace of non minimal scalar-tensor theories leads to a partial differential equation which is non separable. Through a conformal transformation we can recast the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in an integrable form, which corresponds to the minimal coupling case, whose general solution is known. Performing the inverse conformal transformation in the solution so found, we can construct the corresponding one in the original frame. This procedure can also be employed with the bohmian trajectories. In this way, we can study the classical limit of some solutions of this quantum model. While the classical limit of these solutions occurs for small scale factors in the Einstein's frame, it happens for small values of the scalar field non minimally coupled to gravity in the Jordan's frame, which includes large scale factors.Comment: latex, 18 page

    Cold black holes and conformal continuations

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    We study Einstein gravity minimally coupled to a scalar field in a static, spherically symmetric space-time in four dimensions. Black hole solutions are shown to exist for a phantom scalar field whose kinetic energy is negative. These ``scalar black holes'' have an infinite horizon area and zero Hawking temperature and are termed ``cold black holes'' (CBHs). The relevant explicit solutions are well-known in the massless case (the so-called anti-Fisher solution), and we have found a particular example of a CBH with a nonzero potential V(ϕ)V(\phi). All CBHs with V(ϕ)≢0V(\phi) \not \equiv 0 are shown to behave near the horizon quite similarly to those with a massless field. The above solutions can be converted by a conformal transformation to Jordan frames of a general class of scalar-tensor theories of gravity, but CBH horizons in one frame are in many cases converted to singularities in the other, which gives rise to a new type of conformal continuation.Comment: 15 pages, late

    A comparative study of high-field diamagnetic fluctuations in deoxygenated YBa2Cu3O(7-x) and polycrystalline (Bi-Pb)2Sr2Ca3O(10)

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    We studied three single crystals of YBa2Cu3O{7-x} with Tc= 62.5, 52, and 41 K, and a textured specimen of (Bi-Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 with Tc=108 K, for H//c axis. The reversible data were interpreted in terms of 2D lowest-Landau-level fluctuation theory. The data were fit well by the 2D LLL expression for magnetization obtained by Tesanovic etal., producing reasonable values of kappa but larger values of dHc2/dT. Universality was studied by obtaining a simultaneous scaling of Y123 data and Bi2223. An expression for the 2D x-axis LLL scaling factor used to obtain the simultaneous scaling was extracted from theory, and compared with the experimental values. The comparison between the values of the x-axis produced a deviation of 40% which suggests that the hypothesis of universality of the 2D-LLL fluctuations is not supported by the studied samples. We finaly observe that Y123 magnetization data for temperatures above TcT_c obbey a universal scaling obtained for the diamagnetic fluctuation magnetization from a theory considering non-local field effects. The same scaling was not obbeyed by the corresponding magnetization calculated from the two-dimensional lowest-Landau-level theory.Comment: 7 pages 5 figures, accept in Journ. Low Temp. Phy

    Dynamical Vacuum in Quantum Cosmology

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    By regarding the vacuum as a perfect fluid with equation of state p=-rho, de Sitter's cosmological model is quantized. Our treatment differs from previous ones in that it endows the vacuum with dynamical degrees of freedom. Instead of being postulated from the start, the cosmological constant arises from the degrees of freedom of the vacuum regarded as a dynamical entity, and a time variable can be naturally introduced. Taking the scale factor as the sole degree of freedom of the gravitational field, stationary and wave-packet solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation are found. It turns out that states of the Universe with a definite value of the cosmological constant do not exist. For the wave packets investigated, quantum effects are noticeable only for small values of the scale factor, a classical regime being attained at asymptotically large times.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Understanding traditional and modern eating: The TEP10 framework

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    Across the world, there has been a movement from traditional to modern eating, including a movement of traditional eating patterns from their origin culture to new cultures, and the emergence of new foods and eating behaviors. This trend toward modern eating is of particular significance because traditional eating has been related to positive health outcomes and sustainability. Yet, there is no consensus on what constitutes traditional and modern eating. The present study provides a comprehensive compilation of the various facets that seem to make up traditional and modern eating. Specifically, 106 facets were mentioned in the previous literature and expert discussions, combining international and interdisciplinary perspectives. The present study provides a framework (the TEP10 framework) systematizing these 106 facets into two major dimensions, what and how people eat, and 12 subdimensions. Hence, focusing only on single facets of traditional and modern eating is an oversimplification of this complex phenomenon. Instead, the multidimensionality and interplay between different facets should be considered to gain a comprehensive understanding of the trends, consequences, and underlying factors of traditional and modern eating