21 research outputs found

    Adjusting a simple crop model to predict maize and sorghum yield in the northeast Brazil.

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    A agricultura de sequeiro no Nordeste do Brasil tem sido frequentemente afetada pelas condições adversas de tempo e clima. Para antecipar a ocorrência de um colapso na produção agrícola o presente trabalho objetivou ajustar um modelo agrometeorológico para as culturas de milho e sorgo nos municípios de Serra Talhada e Araripina, ambos no estado de Pernambuco. Foi utilizado o modelo de balanço hídrico do CPTEC/INPE, incluindo informações para estimar colapso de safra, como proposto por Doorenbos e Kassan (1979). A análise apresentou um índice de concordância de 80%, classificado como muito bom, e um erro menor que 30%, classificado como aceitável, o que sugere que o modelo ajustado possa também produzir estimativas satisfatórias pra toda região Nordeste

    Calibração do modelo Aquacrop para estimativa de rendimento de milho no semiárido do Brasil.

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    A região Semiárida brasileira é afetada por secas recorrentes que comprometem a agricultura de subsistência na região. Dentre as culturas de subsistência cita-se o milho tendo grande importância na alimentação humana e animal. Devido às secas recursivas a produtividade dessa cultura é relativamente baixa e afeta a segurança alimentar da população e suprimento de alimentos para os animais. Com o intuito de antever possíveis variações e quebras na produtividade agrícola, modelos de cultura podem ser utilizados para subsidiar o planejamento por parte dos tomadores de decisão, afim de mitigar os efeitos da seca na agricultura e garantir a segurança alimentar. Assim, visando avançar nos estudos sobre o tema o objetivo deste trabalho foi calibrar o modelo AquaCrop para estimar produtividade de milho na região Semiárida do Brasil. Foram considerados 21 municípios pertencentes ao semiárido brasileiro e um total de 47 safras. Dados meteorológicos observados foramobtidos junto ao INMET e CPTEC/INPE e dados experimentais da cultura de milho disponibilizados pela EMBRAPA; O desempenho do modelo foi avaliado baseando-se nos coeficientes estatísticos de precisão (r²), acurácia (d) e confiança (c). Resultados preliminares mostraram boa capacidade do modelo AquaCrop em estimar produtividade de milho na área estudada com índices de precisão, acurácia e confiança de 0.66; 0.84 e 0.68, respectivamente

    Trocas de energia e fluxo de carbono entre a vegetação de caatinga e atmosfera no Nordeste brasileiro.

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    Neste estudo foram avaliadas as variações sazonais dos fluxos de dióxido de carbono, de vapor de água e de energia em área de caatinga nativa, no nordeste do Brasil. A taxa de evapotranspiração (LE) do sistema é muito baixa tanto na estação seca quanto na estação chuvosa devido à baixa disponibilidade de água na região, com valores próximos de zero no final da estação seca. Durante a estação seca, cerca de 60 % da energia disponível (Rn) foi utilizada para aquecer o ar (H) e LE correspondeu a 10% de Rn, em média. Durante a estação chuvosa essas taxas foram, respectivamente, 46 e 17%. Quanto ao fluxo de CO2, o ecossistema atua como sumidouro de CcO2 no início da estação seca, quando o solo ainda contém umidade decorrente da estação chuvosa anterior, bem como na estação chuvosa. Já no final da estação seca, quando os estômatos se fecham e há uma redução significativa no folhedo em função do déficit hídrico, a taxa de fotossíntese torna-se nula e o sistema passa a atuar como fonte de CcO2

    Intradiurnal and seasonal variability of soil temperature, heat flux, soil moisture content, and thermal properties under forest and pasture in Rondônia.

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    Soil temperatures depend on the soil heat flux, an important parameter in meteorological and plant growth-energy balance models. Thus, they were measured, together with soil moisture contents, within the LBA program at forest (Reserva Jaru) and pasture (Fazenda Nossa Senhora) sites in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazonia during wet (February) and dry (August) periods of 1999. The wet period showed maxima of the heat flux into the soil around five to six times smaller at the forest than at the pasture, except for some spikes that are related to stronger solar forcing, such as those due to sunspecks in the forest. This pattern remained during the dry period, but with doubled maximum values. Also, the soil heat flux and the soil temperatures responded very significantly to the passage of cold fronts in both periods at both sites. Temperature profiles measured in the 0.10-0.40 m soil layer showed daily averages and ranges smaller at the forest than at the pasture. The daily average of the soil moisture content in the same layer, during the wet season, increased with depth at both sites, with consistently lower values at the forest. However, their ranges were smaller at the pasture, except for the 0.40 m depth. During the dry period, these ranges were much higher at the pasture, but with nearer average values. Finally, the computed daily apparent soil thermal diffusivities, volumetric heat contents, and thermal conductivities are presented, with the first ones crossed with the measured soil moisture content

    Deadly disasters in southeastern South America: flash floods and landslides of February 2022 in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro

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    On 15 February 2022, the city of Petrópolis in the highlands of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, received an unusually high volume of rain within 3 h (258 mm), generated by a strongly invigorated mesoscale convective system. It resulted in flash floods and subsequent landslides that caused the deadliest landslide disaster recorded in Petrópolis, with 231 fatalities. In this paper, we analyzed the root causes and the key triggering factors of this landslide disaster by assessing the spatial relationship of landslide occurrence with various environmental factors. Rainfall data were retrieved from 1977 to 2022 (a combination of ground weather stations and the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation – CHIRPS). Remotely sensed data were used to map the landslide scars, soil moisture, terrain attributes, line-of-sight displacement (land surface deformation), and urban sprawling (1985–2020). The results showed that the average monthly rainfall for February 2022 was 200 mm, the heaviest recorded in Petrópolis since 1932. Heavy rainfall was also recorded mostly in regions where the landslide occurred, according to analyses of the rainfall spatial distribution. As for terrain, 23 % of slopes between 45–60∘ had landslide occurrences and east-facing slopes appeared to be the most conducive for landslides as they recorded landslide occurrences of about 9 % to 11 %. Regarding the soil moisture, higher variability was found in the lower altitude (842 m) where the residential area is concentrated. Based on our land deformation assessment, the area is geologically stable, and the landslide occurred only in the thin layer at the surface. Out of the 1700 buildings found in the region of interest, 1021 are on the slope between 20 to 45∘ and about 60 houses were directly affected by the landslides. As such, we conclude that the heavy rainfall was not the only cause responsible for the catastrophic event of 15 February 2022; a combination of unplanned urban growth on slopes between 45–60∘, removal of vegetation, and the absence of inspection were also expressive driving forces of this disaster.</p

    Radiação fotossinteticamente ativa incidente e Refletida acima e abaixo do dossel de floresta de Mata Atlântica em Coruripe, Alagoas

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    The study of solar radiation is important to understand the several physical, chemical and biological processes that occur in the biosphere, particularly in the forest. The objective of this study has been to evaluate the temporal evolution of incident and reflected Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) above and below the canopy of the Mata Atlantica forest. The study has been conducted in a Private Reserve Natural Heritage, located in the Coruripe city, Alagoas, during the period from October 2009 to September 2010, based on the PAR (2, 13, 26 m) observations obtained at the micrometeorological station, installed on a 24 meters high tower (10° 17' 36"S, 36° 17' 24"W, 160 m asl). According to the results the incident and reflected PAR outside (PAR↓_Ext and PAR↑_Ext) and inside (PAR↑_Spf) forest follow the seasonality imposed by the apparent motion of the Sun. The higher PAR values occur during the dry season, exceeding 600 and 12 W m-2, and during the wet season these averages was less than 300 and 8.0 W m-2, influenced by cloudiness. At the beginning and ending of sunlight time PAR↑_Spf values near zero were measured. The opposite measurements of about 14 W m-2, around 12 h (November and December) were observed

    Intradiurnal and seasonal variability of soil temperature, heat flux, soil moisture content, and thermal properties under forest and pasture in Rondonia.

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    Soil temperatures depend on the soil heat flux, an important parameter in meteorological and plant growth-energy balance models. Thus, they were measured, together with soil moisture contents, within the LBA program at forest (Reserva Jaru) and pasture (Fazenda Nossa Senhora) sites in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazonia during wet (February) and dry (August) periods of 1999. The wet period showed maxima of the heat flux into the soil around five to six times smaller at the forest than at the pasture, except for some spikes that are related to stronger solar forcing, such as those due to sunspecks in the forest. This pattern remained during the dry period, but with doubled maximum values. Also the soil heat flux and the soil temperatures responded very significantly to the passage of cold fronts in both periods at both sites. Temperature profiles measured in the 0.10-0.40 m soil layer showed daily averages and ranges smaller at the forest than at the pasture. The daily average of the soil moisture content in the same layer, during the wet season, increased with depth at both sites, with consistently lower values at the forest. However, their ranges were smaller at the pasture, except for the 0.40 m depth. During the dry period, these ranges were much higher at the pasture, but with nearer average values. Finally, the computed daily apparent soil thermal diffusivities, volumetric heat contents, and thermal conductivities are presented, with the first ones crossed with the measured soil moisture content. Copyright 2002 by the American Geophysical Union

    Intradiurnal and seasonal variability of soil temperature, heat flux, soil moisture content, and thermal properties under forest and pasture in Rondônia.

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    Soil temperatures depend on the soil heat flux, an important parameter in meteorological and plant growth-energy balance models. Thus, they were measured, together with soil moisture contents, within the LBA program at forest (Reserva Jaru) and pasture (Fazenda Nossa Senhora) sites in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazonia during wet (February) and dry (August) periods of 1999. The wet period showed maxima of the heat flux into the soil around five to six times smaller at the forest than at the pasture, except for some spikes that are related to stronger solar forcing, such as those due to sunspecks in the forest. This pattern remained during the dry period, but with doubled maximum values. Also, the soil heat flux and the soil temperatures responded very significantly to the passage of cold fronts in both periods at both sites. Temperature profiles measured in the 0.10-0.40 m soil layer showed daily averages and ranges smaller at the forest than at the pasture. The daily average of the soil moisture content in the same layer, during the wet season, increased with depth at both sites, with consistently lower values at the forest. However, their ranges were smaller at the pasture, except for the 0.40 m depth. During the dry period, these ranges were much higher at the pasture, but with nearer average values. Finally, the computed daily apparent soil thermal diffusivities, volumetric heat contents, and thermal conductivities are presented, with the first ones crossed with the measured soil moisture content.Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-19T00:13:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlvalaIntradiurnal6959.pdf: 1784190 bytes, checksum: 76fbd27a9181893b98266367b758b8b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-0