1,503 research outputs found
China's digital transformation has been made China's digital economic capabilities awake sharply. The digitalization of China is determined by several factors which are based on the current globalization. The Chinese government also plays an active role in accelerating the domestic digital transition process and core in way of intensive cooperation with countries in the Asia Pacific region. Changes in Chinese orientation using a digital approach create anxiety for the United States of America with the emergence of the China axis in the region. The framework of the article uses the concept of digitalization to describe the process of digital transformation in China, then Neo-liberalism theory of Robert Keohane & Joseph Nye to explain the pattern of China's cooperation with the region and the Balance of Power as the middle-range theory to emphasize the emergence of China's digital axis in Asia-Pacific. Using descriptive qualitative methods and collecting literature study data, this article emphasizes the analysis of the magnitude effect of digitizing China as a new axis in the Asia Pacific region as competitors in the United States and Australia. The digitalization and intensification of cooperation believed to be the main variable in balancing the political economy axis at the regional level.
Keywords: China Digital, Cooperation, Digital Economic Capability
Transformasi digital China telah membuat kapabilitas ekonomi China meningkat tajam. Digitalisasi China dideterminasi oleh beberapa faktor yang didasari oleh adanya arus globalisasi. Pemerintah China juga berperan aktif mempercepat proses transisi digital domestik serta menjadi kunci jalannya kerjasama kerjasama intensif dengan negara dikawasan Asia Pasifik Perubahan orientasi China menggunakan pendekatan digital menciptakan kekhawatiran bagi Amerika Serikat akan munculnya poros China dikawasan. Kerangka pemikiran artikel menggunakan konsep Digitalisasi untuk menggambarkan proses transformasi digital di China, teori Neoliberalisme versi Robert Keohanne & Joseph Nye untuk menjelaskan pola kerjasama China dengan negara dikawasan dan teori Balance of Power sebagai middle-range teori untuk menekankan kemunculan poros digital China di Asia-Pasific. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan pengumpulan data studi literatur, artikel ini menekankan pada analisis besarnya pengaruh digitalisasi China sebagai poros baru dikawasan Asia Pasifik sebagai kompetitor Amerika Serikat dan Australia. Digitalisasi dan intensifikasi kerjasama diyakini menjadi variabel utama penyeimbang poros ekonomi politik dilevel regional.
Kata Kunci: Digital China, Kerjasama, Kapabilitas Digital Ekonom
A Comparison of Decision Algorithms on Newcomblike Problems
When formulated using Bayesian networks, two standard decision algorithms
(Evidential Decision Theory and Causal Decision Theory) can be shown to fail
systematically when faced with aspects of the prisoner's dilemma and so-called
"Newcomblike" problems. We describe a new form of decision algorithm, called
Timeless Decision Theory, which consistently wins on these problems.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure
The Assessment of the Production Outsourcing Strategy in the Wood Furniture Industry of the Uba Region (Brazil), through the Development of a Dynamic Model
The wood furniture industry of the Uba's region (Brazil) presents a high degree of vertical integration. Outsourcing is cited in the literature as a way of increasing a sector's competitiveness, through higher efficiency. Aiming to test this hypothesis, the research objective was to assess the process of deverticalisation in wood furniture production chains, through the identification of factors related to this process and their effects on the profitability of chosen firms in the Uba region. The research started with the development of a chain profile, through the use of a survey. This stage was followed by the development of a case study, in which the accumulated firm profitability was studied. System dynamics were the tool used in the case study. The firm's results showed that cost and quality were the two main aspects affecting the outsourcing decision. The increase of the firm's production capacity showed to be of secondary importance. When there were no differences in quality among strategies, higher levels of outsourcing showed better results than lower levels. However, if quality differs among strategies, either cost or quality became the important decision variable, depending on the characteristics of each firm studied. Considering that cost and quality are the main variables affecting the deverticalization process in the wood furniture production chains, special attention should be given to the establishment of efficient suppliers (low production costs and quality raw materials) in the chain. This fact may bring benefits to the firms and their chains in terms of profitability and competitiveness.Industrial Organization, Q13,
Construção histórica do melhoramento genético de plantas: do convencional ao participativo.
No presente trabalho, procura-se apontar elementos importantes dos sistemas agrícolas desenvolvidos pelas populações tradicionais, destacando o início da agricultura, a domesticação das plantas, a construção do melhoramento de plantas nos primórdios da agricultura até o advento das modernas técnicas dando origem ao melhoramento convencional de plantas. Destaca-se a construção do melhoramento genético convencional associada ao uso de insumos químicos e a formação de grandes oligopólios na cadeia das sementes no qual envolveu processos de perda de variabilidade e diversidade genética estabelecendo fortes processos de erosão genética e cultural. Como contraponto a esta estratégia surge o melhoramento participativo vinculado a questões sociais como a segurança alimentar e ambiental com a minimização de insumos químicos e ênfase aos sistemas agroecológico, elementos fundamentais à adoção de um modelo agrícola sustentável
Case Law and its Binding Effect in the System of Formal Sources of Law
The author proposes changes to the traditional concept of formal sources of law. This concept originates in the 18th century, but it fails in adapting to the development of the law, especially in relation to principles of legal certainty and predictability of legal decisions. The definition of formal sources of law is also vague and unclear and it brings more problems than it offers solutions and insight. To replace it, the author offers a new distinction – based on the criterion of autonomy of the sources of law. To support his arguments, the author compares the status of court decisions in common law and civil law systems but also focuses on the difference between individual countries belonging to the civil law system. The comparative criteria are mainly focusing on the nature and strength of the binding effect of the case law for the lower courts, but also on institutional aspects within the court hierarchy, e.g. if a judge can be liable in any way for ignoring a source of law
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana jenis-jenis pelanggaran hukum disiplin militer menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2014 tentang Hukum Disiplin Militer dan bagaimana penyelesaian pelanggaran hukum disipilin militer menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2014 tentang Hukum Disiplin Militer. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Jenis-jenis pelanggaran hukum disiplin militer terdiri atas segala perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan perintah kedinasan, peraturan kedinasan, atau perbuatan yang tidak sesuai dengan tata tertib militer dan perbuatan yang melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan pidana yang sedemikian ringan sifatnya. 2. Penyelesaian pelanggaran hukum disipilin militer menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 25 tahun 2014 tentang Hukum Disiplin Militer dilakukan melalui tahapan Pemeriksaan; Penjatuhan Hukuman Disiplin Militer; Pelaksanaan Hukuman Disiplin Militer; dan Pencatatan dalam buku Hukuman Disiplin Militer.Setiap militer yang melakukan Pelanggaran Hukum disiplin militer dikenai tindakan disiplin militer; dan/atau hukuman disiplin militer.Tindakan disiplin militer,diberlakukan oleh atasan berwenang mengambil tindakan disiplin militer terhadap setiap bawahan yang melakukan pelanggaran hukum disiplin militer.Tindakan disiplin militer diberikan seketika oleh setiap Atasan kepada bawahan berupa tindakan fisik dan/atau teguran lisan yang bersifat mendidik dan mencegah terulangnya pelanggaran hukum disiplin militer.Tindakan Disiplin Militer sebagaimana tidak menghapus kewenangan Ankum untuk menjatuhkan hukuman disiplin militer.Hukuman disiplin militer berupa penahanan bagi perwira dilaksanakan di ruang tahanan untuk perwira dan penahanan bagi bintara dan tamtama dilaksanakan di ruang tahanan untuk bintara dan tamtama. Ruang tahanan harus dipisahkan antara ruang tahanan untuk militer laki-laki dan ruang tahanan untuk militer perempuan.Kata kunci: Penyelesaian Pelanggaran, Hukum Disiplin Militer
Two phenomena are occurring simultaneously within the agribusiness sector: customers are requiring tighter product specifications and agricultural chains are becoming more coordinated. However, the exact relationship between these two phenomena is not clear. This research explores that relationship. Five New Zealand fresh meat chains were the focus of multiple case-study research, which used a chain-level (multi-dyadic) approach. Chains were assessed as to the nature of product specifications demanded at the end-customer level, as well as to the nature of inter-firm relationships. Interestingly, tighter product specifications in themselves do not lead to more coordinated chains; coordination seems to be linked to the level of effort required to meet product specifications.Industrial Organization, Livestock Production/Industries,
El rol de las políticas de vivienda en la eficiencia sistémica de los países en desarrollo: análisis aplicado a la experiencia en Uruguay.
This paper analyzes the inclusion of the housing sector in the systemic efficiency of States and applies the case study to the Uruguayan process by scrutinizing the reforms implemented by left-wing governments since 2005. It presents and analyzes the nature of the housing sector, which is defined as systemic due to its impact (in conjunction with the social issue) on the general development of the production and financial systems of a country and its systemic efficiency in relation to the external situation. This paper scrutinizes the different stages involved in the evolution of the systemic integration of housing, which includes the transformation of its social function into a financial and productive function. These policy categories evolved as follows: from the classical (universal) social policies on housing and (targeted) social housing policies defining the role of the State in the production of dwellings, to the recent inclusion of the low-cost housing concept that replicates the experience of other Latin American countries and creates a quasi-housing market that ignores the social issue.Se analiza la inserción del área pública de la vivienda en la eficiencia sistémica de los Estados, aplicando el análisis de caso al proceso uruguayo, tomando como período de estudio las reformas efectuadas en gobiernos de izquierda desde 2005 al presente. Expongo y analizo la naturaleza del sector público de la vivienda, al cual defino como de carácter sistémico porque, aunado a la cuestión social, su desempeño incide en el desarrollo general del sistema productivo y financiero de un país y en su eficiencia sistémica en relación al ambiente externo. En el estudio de caso analizo las distintas etapas que muestran el cambio hacia una integración sistémica de la vivienda pasando de una función social a una función financiera y productiva. Como fueron transformadas las categorías de políticas: de la tradicional política social de vivienda (de carácter universal) y política de vivienda social (focalizadas) que definieron claramente el rol estatal de productor de vivienda, se incorpora recientemente a semejanza de otros países latinoamericanos el concepto de vivienda de interés social, formando de un cuasi mercado de la vivienda que soslaya la cuestión social.
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