97 research outputs found

    Cirurgia segura: validação de checklist pré e pós-operatório

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    Objective: to develop, evaluate and validate a surgical safety checklist for patients in the pre and postoperative periods in surgical hospitalization units. Method: methodological research carried out in a large public teaching hospital in the South of Brazil, with application of the principles of the Safe Surgery Saves Lives Programme of the World Health Organization. The checklist was applied to 16 nurses of 8 surgical units and submitted for validation by a group of eight experts using the Delphi method online. Results: the instrument was validated and it was achieved a mean score ≥1, level of agreement ≥75% and Cronbach’s alpha >;0.90. The final version included 97 safety indicators organized into six categories: identification, preoperative, immediate postoperative, immediate postoperative, other surgical complications, and hospital discharge. Conclusion: the Surgical Safety Checklist in the Pre and Postoperative periods is another strategy to promote patient safety, as it allows the monitoring of predictive signs and symptoms of surgical complications and the early detection of adverse events.Objetivo: desarrollar, evaluar y validar un checklist de seguridad quirúrgica para los períodos pre y postoperatorio de unidades de hospitalización quirúrgica.. Método: investigación metodológica llevada a cabo en un amplio hospital público de enseñanza del Sur de Brasil, con aplicación de los principios del Programa de Cirugía Segura Salva Vidas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. El checklist se aplicó a 16 enfermeros de 8 unidades quirúrgicas y fue sometida a validación por ocho expertos utilizando el método Delphi en línea. Resultados: el instrumento fue validado y se logró una puntuación media ≥1, grado de acuerdo ≥75% y alfa de Cronbach >;0.90. La versión final incluyó 97 indicadores de seguridad organizados en seis categorías: identificación, preoperatorio, postoperatorio inmediato, postoperatorio inmediato, otras complicaciones quirúrgicas y alta hospitalaria. Conclusión: el Checklist de Seguridad Quirúrgica en el Período Pre y Postoperatorio es otra estrategia más para promover la seguridad del paciente, ya que permite monitorear los signos y síntomas predictivos de las complicaciones quirúrgicas y la detección temprana de eventos adversos.Objetivo: elaborar, avaliar e validar um checklist de segurança cirúrgica para os períodos pré e pós-operatório de unidades de internação cirúrgica. Método: pesquisa metodológica, realizada em hospital de ensino público de grande porte do Sul do Brasil, com aplicação dos fundamentos do Programa Cirurgias Seguras Salvam Vidas da Organização Mundial da Saúde. O checklist foi aplicado a 16 enfermeiros de oito unidades cirúrgicas, e submetido à validação por meio da técnica Delphi on-line com oito especialistas. Resultados: o instrumento foi validado, obtendo-se ranking médio ≥1, grau de concordância ≥75% e Alfa de Cronbach >;0,90. A versão final contemplou 97 indicadores de segurança organizados em seis categorias: identificação, pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato, pós-operatório mediato, outras complicações cirúrgicas, e alta hospitalar. Conclusão: o Checklist de Segurança Cirúrgica Pré e Pós-Operatório é mais uma estratégia na promoção da segurança do paciente, pois possibilita monitorar sinais e sintomas preditivos de complicações cirúrgicas e detecção precoce de eventos adversos

    A novel dosage form for buccal administration of bupropion

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    A bupropiona é um antidepressivo utilizado no tratamento do tabagismo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a preparação de filmes hidrogelatinosos de liberação controlada para administração bucal de bupropiona. Os filmes foram preparados utilizando carboximetilcelulose sódica ultrapurificada, hidroxipropilmetilcelulose K4M e quitosana de média viscosidade. As características físico-químicas dos filmes foram avaliadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, teor de bupropiona, resistência mecânica (perfuração, relaxação, resiliência e tração) e citotoxicidade. Os resultados mostraram que os filmes em bicamada apresentaram teor de bupropiona de 121 mg por 9 cm2 de filme e que a bupropiona modifica a resistência mecânica dos filmes, sem, no entanto, inviabilizar o uso desta forma farmacêutica. Os estudos de citotoxicidade mostraram que as formulações dos filmes contendo bupropiona não causam dano celular. Este estudo mostrou que a bupropiona veiculada na forma de filme hidrogelatinoso pode ser uma alternativa útil no tratamento do tabagismo.Bupropion is an antidepressant used in the treatment of smoking. The purpose of this study was to prepare controlled-release hydrogel films for buccal administration of bupropion and investigate its physicochemical and cytotoxic properties. The films were prepared from ultrapure sodium carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K4M, and medium-viscosity chitosan. Evaluation of film physicochemical characteristics was based on scanning electron microscopy, bupropion content, mechanical strength (burst strength, relaxation, resilience, and traction), and cytotoxicity. Bupropion content in bilayer films was 121 mg per 9 cm2. The presence of bupropion modified film mechanical strength, but did not compromise the use of this pharmaceutical form. As shown by the cytotoxicity results, films containing bupropion did not cause cellular damage. Bupropion administration in the form of hydrogel films is a potentially useful alternative in the treatment of smoking

    An experimental rat model of ex vivo lung perfusion for the assessment of lungs after prostacyclin administration: inhaled versus parenteral routes

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentar um modelo experimental de administração de prostaglandina I2 (PGI2) por via inalatória vs. parenteral e avaliar o desempenho funcional dos pulmões em um sistema de perfusão pulmonar ex vivo. MÉTODOS: Quarenta ratos Wistar foram anestesiados, ventilados, submetidos a laparotomia com ressecção do esterno e anticoagulados. O tronco da artéria pulmonar foi canulado. Todos os animais foram submetidos a ventilação mecânica. Os animais foram randomizados em quatro grupos (10 ratos/grupo): salina nebulizada (SN); salina parenteral (SP); PGI2 nebulizada (PGI2N); e PGI2 parenteral (PGI2P). A dose de PGI2 nos grupos PGI2N e PGI2P foi de 20 e 10 µg/kg, respectivamente. Os blocos cardiopulmonares foram submetidos in situ a perfusão anterógrada com solução de baixo potássio e dextrana a 4ºC via artéria pulmonar, extraídos em bloco e armazenados a 4ºC por 6 h. Os blocos foram ventilados e perfundidos em um sistema ex vivo por 50 min, sendo obtidas medidas de mecânica ventilatória, hemodinâmica e trocas gasosas. RESULTADOS: Houve redução da pressão arterial pulmonar média após a nebulização em todos os grupos (p < 0,001), sem diferença entre os grupos. Na perfusão ex vivo, a mecânica ventilatória não diferiu entre os grupos. Houve redução da capacidade relativa de oxigenação ao longo da perfusão nos grupos SN e SP (p = 0,04), e houve aumento significativo da pressão arterial pulmonar no grupo SN. CONCLUSÕES: O modelo experimental de administração de PGI2 na extração pulmonar é exequível e confiável. Na reperfusão, os resultados de hemodinâmica e de trocas gasosas demonstraram tendência a um melhor desempenho com o uso de PGI2 do que com solução salina.OBJECTIVE:To present a model of prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) administration (inhaled vs. parenteral) and to assess the functional performance of the lungs in an ex vivo lung perfusion system. METHODS: Forty Wistar rats were anesthetized and placed on mechanical ventilation followed by median sterno-laparotomy and anticoagulation. The main pulmonary artery was cannulated. All animals were maintained on mechanical ventilation and were randomized into four groups (10 rats/group): inhaled saline (IS); parenteral saline (PS); inhaled PGI2 (IPGI2); and parenteral PGI2 (PPGI2). The dose of PGI2 used in the IPGI2 and PPGI2 groups was 20 and 10 µg/kg, respectively. The heart-lung blocks were submitted to antegrade perfusion with a low potassium and dextran solution via the pulmonary artery, followed by en bloc extraction and storage at 4ºC for 6 h. The heart-lung blocks were then ventilated and perfused in an ex vivo lung perfusion system for 50 min. Respiratory mechanics, hemodynamics, and gas exchange were assessed. RESULTS: Mean pulmonary artery pressure following nebulization decreased in all groups (p < 0.001), with no significant differences among the groups. During the ex vivo perfusion, respiratory mechanics did not differ among the groups, although relative oxygenation capacity decreased significantly in the IS and PS groups (p = 0.04), whereas mean pulmonary artery pressure increased significantly in the IS group. CONCLUSIONS: The experimental model of inhaled PGI2 administration during lung extraction is feasible and reliable. During reperfusion, hemodynamics and gas exchange trended toward better performance with the use of PGI2 than that with the use of saline.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    The effects of individually ventilated cages on the respiratory systems of male and female Wistar rats from birth until adulthood

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the respiratory systems of male and female rats maintained in individually ventilated cages (IVCs) from birth until adulthood. METHODS: Female Wistar rats were housed in individually ventilated cages or conventional cages (CCs) and mated with male Wistar rats. After birth and weaning, the male offspring were separated from the females and kept in cages of the same type until 12 weeks of age. RESULTS: The level of food consumption was lower in male offspring (IVC=171.7±9; CC=193.1±20) than in female offspring (IVC=100.6±7; CC=123.4±0.4), whereas the water intake was higher in female offspring (IVC=149.8±11; CC=99.2±0) than in male offspring (IVC=302.5±25; CC=249.7±22) at 11 weeks of age when housed in IVCs. The cage temperature was higher in individually ventilated cages than in conventional cages for both male (IVCs=25.9±0.5; CCs=22.95±0.3) and female (IVCs=26.2±0.3; CCs=23.1±0.3) offspring. The respiratory resistance (IVC=68.8±2.8; CC=50.6±3.0) and elastance (IVC=42.0±3.9; CC=32.4±2.0) at 300 µm/kg were higher in the female offspring housed in ventilated cages. The ciliary beat values were lower in both the male (IVCs=13.4±0.2; CC=15±0.4) and female (IVC=13.5±0.4; CC=15.9±0.6) offspring housed in individually ventilated cages than in those housed in conventional cages. The total cell (IVC=117.5±9.7; CC=285.0±22.8), neutrophil (IVC=13.1±4.8; CC=75.6±4.1) and macrophage (IVC=95.2±11.8; CC=170.0±18.8) counts in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were lower in the female offspring housed in individually ventilated cages than in those housed in conventional cages. CONCLUSIONS: The environmental conditions that exist in individually ventilated cages should be considered when interpreting the results of studies involving laboratory animals. In this study, we observed gender dimorphism in both the water consumption and respiratory mechanics of rats kept in ventilated cages

    Does methylene blue attenuate inflammation in nonischemic lungs after lung transplantation?

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    Objective: To evaluate whether methylene blue (MB) could minimize the effects of ischemia-reperfusion injury in the nonischemic lung on a lung transplantation rodent model. Methods: Forty female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 20 donors and 20 recipients. The 20 recipient rats were divided into two groups (n = 10) according to the treatment (0.9% saline vs. 1% MB solutions). All animals underwent unilateral lung transplantation. Recipients received 2 mL of saline or MB intraperitoneally prior to transplantation. After 2 h of reperfusion, the animals were euthanized and histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses were performed in the nonischemic lung. Results: There was a significant decrease in inflammation-neutrophil count and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression in lung parenchyma were higher in the saline group in comparison with the MB group-and in apoptosis-caspase-3 expression was higher in the saline group and Bcl-2 expression was higher in MB group. Conclusions: MB is an effective drug for the protection of nonischemic lungs against inflammation and apoptosis following unilateral lung transplantation in rats.

    Randomized trial of physiotherapy and hypertonic saline techniques for sputum induction in asthmatic children and adolescents

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyze the efficiency of physiotherapy techniques in sputum induction and in the evaluation of pulmonary inflammation in asthmatic children and adolescents. Although hypertonic saline (HS) is widely used for sputum induction (SI), specific techniques and maneuvers of physiotherapy (P) may facilitate the collection of mucus in some asthmatic children and adolescents. METHODS: A randomized crossover study was performed in patients with well-controlled asthma, and 90 sputum samples were collected. Children and adolescents were assessed using spirometry and randomized at entry into one of three sputum induction techniques: (i) 3% hypertonic saline – HS technique; (ii) physiotherapy (oscillatory positive expiratory pressure, forced expiration, and acceleration of expiratory flow) – P technique; and (iii) hypertonic saline + physiotherapy – HSP technique. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03136042. RESULTS: The total cells (mL) and the percentage (%) of differential inflammatory cells were similar in all techniques. The sputum weight (g) in the HSP technique was significantly higher than that in the HS technique. In all techniques, the percentage of viable cells was 450%, and there was no difference between the HS and P techniques. Moreover, sputum induction did not cause any alterations in the pulmonary function of patients. CONCLUSION: The physiotherapy sputum collection technique was effective in obtaining viable cells from mucus samples and yielded the same amount of sputum as the gold standard technique (hypertonic saline). In addition, the physiotherapy maneuvers were both safe and useful for sputum induction in asthmatic children and adolescents with well-controlled asthma

    Comparação de dois modelos experimentais de hipertensão pulmonar

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    Objective: To compare two models of pulmonary hypertension (monocrotaline and monocrotaline+pneumonectomy) regarding hemodynamic severity, structure of pulmonary arteries, inflammatory markers (IL-1 and PDGF), and 45-day survival. Methods: We used 80 Sprague-Dawley rats in two study protocols: structural analysis; and survival analysis. The rats were divided into four groups: control; monocrotaline (M), pneumonectomy (P), and monocrotaline+pneumonectomy (M+P). In the structural analysis protocol, 40 rats (10/group) were catheterized for the determination of hemodynamic variables, followed by euthanasia for the removal of heart and lung tissue. The right ventricle (RV) was dissected from the interventricular septum (IS), and the ratio between RV weight and the weight of the left ventricle (LV) plus IS (RV/LV+IS) was taken as the index of RV hypertrophy. In lung tissues, we performed histological analyses, as well as using ELISA to determine IL-1 and PDGF levels. In the survival protocol, 40 animals (10/group) were followed for 45 days. Results: The M and M+P rats developed pulmonary hypertension, whereas the control and P rats did not. The RV/LV+IS ratio was significantly higher in M+P rats than in M rats, as well as being significantly higher in M and M+P rats than in control and P rats. There were no significant differences between the M and M+P rats regarding the area of the medial layer of the pulmonary arteries; IL-1 and PDGF levels; or survival. Conclusions: On the basis of our results, we cannot conclude that the monocrotaline+pneumonectomy model is superior to the monocrotaline model.Comparar dois modelos de hipertensão pulmonar (monocrotalina e monocrotalina+pneumonectomia) em relação à gravidade hemodinâmica, estrutura de artérias pulmonares, marcadores inflamatórios (IL-1 e PDGF) e sobrevida em 45 dias. métodos: Foram utilizados 80 ratos Sprague-Dawley em dois protocolos de estudo: análise estrutural e de sobrevida. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: controle, monocrotalina (M), pneumonectomia (P) e monocrotalina+pneumonectomia (M+P). Para a análise estrutural, 40 animais (10/grupo) foram cateterizados após 28 dias para a medição dos valores hemodinâmicos e sacrificados, obtendo-se tecidos cardíaco e pulmonar. O ventrículo direito (VD) foi dissecado do septo interventricular (SI), e a relação do peso \ud do VD e do peso do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) com o SI foi obtida como índice de hipertrofia de VD. No tecido pulmonar, foram realizadas análises histológicas e dosados IL-1 e PDGF por ELISA. Para o estudo de sobrevida, 40 animais (10/grupo) foram observados por 45 dias. Resultados: Os grupos M e M+P apresentaram hipertensão pulmonar em relação aos demais. Houve um aumento significativo da relação VD/VE+S no grupo M+P em \ud relação aos demais. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos M e M+P quanto à área da camada média das artérias pulmonares, dosagens de IL-1 e PDGF ou sobrevida. Conclusões: Baseados nos resultados, não podemos afirmar que o modelo de monocrotalina+pneumonectomia é superior ao modelo de monocrotalina

    Revisão Integrativa das Terapias Utilizadas no Tratamento da Síndrome de Sjögren

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    A Síndrome de Sjögren é uma condição crônica, imunomediada e inflamatória que afeta as glândulas exócrinas e outros tecidos epiteliais devido a um infiltrado linfocitário focal. Geralmente diagnosticada em mulheres entre 50 e 60 anos, apresenta uma progressão lenta com sintomas predominantes de secura, fadiga e dor crônica não inflamatória, frequentemente acompanhados de manifestações sistêmicas. Esta revisão integrativa baseou-se em pesquisas nas bases de dados MedLine, SciELO e Lilacs, com critérios de inclusão que contemplaram artigos publicados em inglês, português ou espanhol entre 2019 e 2024. Um total de oito artigos foi selecionado para análise. Os estudos revisados destacaram avanços nos tratamentos da secura ocular com terapias combinadas, como o uso de soro autólogo em conjunto com ciclosporina. Além desses, medicamentos como telitacicept, hidroxicloroquina, pilocarpina e anticorpos monoclonais (rituximabe, belimumabe, ianalumabe e tocilizumabe) demonstraram variações individuais na resposta clínica e prognóstico. Embora apresentem benefícios significativos, essas terapias também apresentam desvantagens. Portanto, é crucial continuar investigando novas abordagens terapêuticas para fornecer evidências robustas que possam orientar a prática clínica e a tomada de decisão médica, visando aprimorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes
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