187 research outputs found

    Tularemia-related skin lesions

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    Tularemi zoonotik bir hastalık olup, sporadik vakalara veya salgınlara neden olabilir. Ülkemiz de hastalığın görüldüğü ülkelerdendir. En sık prezentasyonu boyunda lenfadenopatidir. Ancak hastalık deri bulguları dahil çeşitli klinik sunumlara neden olabilir. Bu derleme çalışmasında, tulareminin deri tutulumlarının literatür eşliğinde incelenmesi amaçlandı.Tularemia is a zoonotic disease and may cause sporadic cases or epidemics. Our country is one of the countries where the disease is seen. The most common presentation is lymphadenopathy in the neck. However, the disease can cause a variety of clinical presentations, including skin manifestations. In this review study, it was aimed to examine the skin involvement of tularemia in the light of the literature

    A Quantum Otto Engine with Shortcuts to Thermalization and Adiabaticity

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    We investigate the energetic advantage of accelerating a quantum harmonic oscillator Otto engine by use of shortcuts to adiabaticity (for the power and compression strokes) and to equilibrium (for the hot isochore), by means of counter-diabatic (CD) driving. By comparing various protocols with and without CD driving, we find that, applying both type of shortcuts leads to enhanced power and efficiency even after the driving costs are taken into account. The hybrid protocol not only retains its advantage in the limit cycle, but also recovers engine functionality (i.e., a positive power output) in parameter regimes where an uncontrolled, finite-time Otto cycle fails. We show that controlling three strokes of the cycle leads to an overall improvement of the performance metrics compared with controlling only the two adiabatic strokes. Moreover, we numerically calculate the limit cycle behavior of the engine and show that the engines with accelerated isochoric and adiabatic strokes display a superior power output in this mode of operation.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Evaluating functional capacity, and mortality effects in the presence of atrial electromechanical conduction delay in patients with systolic heart failure

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    Objective: Atrial functions are relatively suppressed in heart failure (HF). We aimed to investigate the associations of intra- and inter-atrial electromechanical conduction delay (EMCD) with functional class and mortality over a 12-month follow-up period. Methods: The prospective study included 65 patients with systolic HF and 65 healthy subjects with normal sinus rhythm. Left ventricular (LV) systolic functions and left atrial (LA) dimensions and volumes were evaluated by transthoracic echocardiography. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) signals at the lateral border of the mitral annulus (lateral PA’), septal mitral annulus (septal PA’), and tricuspid annulus (tricuspid PA’) were measured. Intra- and inter-atrial EMCD were calculated. Results: Mitral inflow velocities were studied using pulsed-wave Doppler after placing the sample volume at the leaflets’ tips. The peak early (E wave) and late (A wave) velocities were measured. The septal annular E/E’ ratio was relatively higher and lateral, septal, and right ventricular S, E’, and A’ waves were significantly lower in the HF group than in the control group (12.49±6.03 - 7.16±1.75, pE/E’ <0.0001). Intra-atrial EMCD was detected as 117.5 ms and inter-atrial EMCD as 127.5 ms in patients with prolonged atrial EMCD. A significant increase was found in prolonged intra- and inter-atrial EMCD according to functional capacity increase (p=0.012 and p=0.031, respectively). The incidence of mortality was significantly higher in patients with prolonged atrial EMCD (p=0.025), and 5 patients in the HF group died during the study over the 12-month follow-up period. Conclusions: In this study, we found a relationship between prolonged atrial conduction time and increased functional class and mortality in patients with systolic HF. © 2016 by Turkish Society of Cardiology

    Recent tectonic features of the central part Bolu-Corum of the North Anatolian Fault

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    After the 1999 Izmit and Düzce earthquakes, the earth science studies increase on the NAF to better understand mechanism and to monitor the motion of it. Monitoring such motion can be achieved by the instrumental tools or techniques like GPS, InSAR, LIDAR, creep meter, etc. The GPS observations showed that while the NW-SE trending section of the NAF between Karlıova and Vezirköprü has nearly strike slip mechanism, the NE-SW trending section of the NAF between Vezirköprü and Bolu has transpressive character. While the fault-parallel velocities have been estimated from just a few GPS vectors available in the region, little is known about the fault-perpendicular component of the regional velocity. The rate of conversion and how it varies along strike are not known due to the sparsely distributed GPS benchmarks in the region. At the same time, the aseismic fault creep determined using InSAR has needed to proof and improve by other techniques and tools. For this propose the new project has been started to determine quantitatively the rate of convergence and its variation along segment of the NAF between Bolu and Çorum. In this study, we focus on the Bolu-Çorum segment of the NAFZ using GPS technique. The main aim of this study is determination of creep rate with geodetic measurements and combination of the data obtained from seismology, geodesy and geophysics to understand fault mechanism. Therefore, in this paper we discuss tectonic phenomena on the central part of the NAFZ and present the first results of the projec

    Effects of two different extenders on the storage of cock semen at +5 degrees C

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    Total 12 cocks kept in individual cages were used in this study. Two times a week, total 24 ejaculates were collected from each cock and semen was pealed for spermatological evaluations. Spermatological tests were semen volume, mass activity, spermatozoa motility, spermatozoa concentration, live-dead spermatozoa rate and abnormal spermatozoa rate. The values of these characters were 3.29 +/- 1.19 ml, 3.29 +/- 0.62 (+), 85.83 +/- 6.19 %, 4.34 +/- 1.69 x 10(9)/ml, 83.34 +/- 6.43 %, 11.83 +/- 0.96 % respectively

    Kanatlı Hayvanlarda Sperma Alma Yöntemleri ve Spermatolojik Referans Değerler

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    Memeli hayvanlardaki kadar yoğun kullanılmamasına rağmen kanatlılarda da suni tohumlama iyi bir d&ouml;lverimi amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Hem suni tohumlama ile iyi bir d&ouml;lverimi elde etmek hem de neslin korunmasını sağlamak i&ccedil;in optimum şartlarda muhafaza edilmiş kaliteli bir sperma gereklidir. Kaliteli sperma da kanatlılar i&ccedil;in ideal sperma alma y&ouml;ntemlerinin kullanılmasını zorunlu hale getirmektedir. Bu derlemede erkek kanatlılarda suni tohumlama, spermatolojik incelemeler ve sperma saklama ama&ccedil;ları i&ccedil;in kullanılan sperma alma y&ouml;ntemleri ve bazı spermatolojik değerler hakkında bilgi sunulmuştur