30 research outputs found

    Comparación de indicadores subjetivos y objetivos para describir el contexto nacional para emprender: las contribuciones del Global Entrepreneurship Monitor y del Índice de Competitividad Global

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    Entrepreneurship research is progressing towards the construction of indexes that integrate the information of the three predominant approaches: the entrepreneurial activity output; the population’s entrepreneurial behavior, values and aspirations; and the context in which entrepreneurship takes place. In this study we compare the Global Competitiveness Index data, one of the objective sources of information selected among those recognized as descriptors of national contexts, with the national entrepreneurial context qualitative information provided by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. The main purpose of this research is to contribute to the knowledge of entrepreneurial context sources of information by opening a discussion around the usefulness and contribution that could make the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor source in this field, and to determine if it is recommendable to proceed to its formal validation in the short time. The obtained results evidence that the two sources do not overlap to the degree of substituting one by the other and that the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor provides relevant qualitative details about the state of entrepreneurial context that are interesting to complement the Global Competitiveness Index information. The conclusion is to recommend the formal validation of this source, being also necessary to make comparisons with other relevant sources and to clear up its role in the progress of the integrated indexes construction.La investigación sobre emprendimiento está avanzando hacia la construcción de índices que integran la información de los tres enfoques predominantes en esta materia: el resultado de la actividad emprendedora propiamente dicha; el comportamiento, valores y aspiraciones emprendedoras de la población, y el contexto en que se desarrolla el emprendimiento. En este estudio se comparan los datos del Índice de Competitividad Global —una de las fuentes objetivas de información seleccionadas entre aquéllas más reconocidas como descriptoras de contextos nacionales— con la información cualitativa acerca del estado del entorno nacional para emprender proporcionada por Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el de contribuir al conocimiento de las fuentes de información sobre el contexto emprendedor, abriendo un debate en torno a la utilidad y la contribución que puede hacer Global Entrepreneurship Monitor como fuente de información en este ámbito, y para determinar si es recomendable proceder a la validación formal de la herramienta que utiliza en el corto plazo. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación evidencian que las dos fuentes de información comparadas no se solapan hasta el punto de poder sustituir una por la otra, y que la fuente de Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, proporciona detalles cualitativos relevantes sobre el estado del contexto emprendedor que son interesantes para complementar los datos proporcionados por el Índice de Competitividad Global. La conclusión es recomendar la validación formal de la fuente de información GEM, así como la realización de comparaciones con otras fuentes de información relevantes, clarificando su papel en el avance de la construcción de índices integrados de emprendimiento

    Entrepreneurs´ perceptions of success: examining differences across gender and family status

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    Our study examines to what extent female and male entrepreneurs differ in the way they perceive and assess entrepreneurial success, measured by extrinsic or intrinsic dimensions. Our results indicate a number of similarities between men and women entrepreneurs but also reveal interesting gender-based differences related to family status. Rather than assuming that women entrepreneurs are a homogeneous group, we found that family factors, and especially parental status, play a key role in shaping fundamentally different perceptions of entrepreneurial success amongst different types of women entrepreneurs.Entrepreneur, Gender, Children, Perception of success

    The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor United Kingdom 2008 Executive Report

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    This report compares Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) measures of entrepreneurial attitudes, activity and aspiration in the UK with participating G7 countries and the large industrialized or industrializing countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China ('BRIC'). It also summarizes entrepreneurial attitudes, activity and aspiration within Government Official Regions of the UK and, for the first time, demonstrates the pattern of entrepreneurial activity at the sub-regional (NUTS2) level

    Entrepreneurial Strategy, Innovation, and Cognitive Capabilities: What Role for Intuitive SMEs?

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    The role of intuition applied to entrepreneurship remains under-researched. The present work contributes to the progress on research on this field proposing and testing an indicator to measure the degree of intuition of entrepreneurs at early and consolidated stages. The indicator is designed under the literature highlights and applied over a sample of 501 early stage and consolidated entrepreneurs, a sample extracted from GEM Spain 2011-2012. The intuitive behavior of the Spaniard entrepreneurs is moderated and depends significantly on leadership abilities along with skills to motivate others, capacity to develop technological products or services, and the age. The intuitive style is proportionally more prevalent at early stages of entrepreneurship and, in Spain, does not show significant dependence on the previous experience of the entrepreneurs as employees, managers of companies, other entrepreneurial activities or years in the same sector as they are operating at present

    Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Special Report : A Global Perspective on Entrepreneurship Education and Training

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    In 2008 the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor set out to investigate the prevalence and sources of entrepreneurship education and training, and the effect of this training on starting a business. Thirty-eight national teams participated in this study, adding specialized questions to the standard GEM Adult Populations Surveys (APS). In addition, 30 countries added questions to the National Expert Surveys (NES). This report expands on the eight-page education and training section found on pages 41-48 of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2008 Executive Report. After a brief literature review, we present expert opinions on the current state of entrepreneurship education and training in 30 countries. The report then details the level and sources of training received by the adult population (18-64) in the 38 countries surveyed by GEM. By examining data from the APS, GEM is able to develop profiles of individuals most and least likely to have received training. Additionally, we present new information on the effects of training on an individual’s entrepreneurial awareness, attitudes, intentions and activity in each of the participating countries. Then, five GEM countries provide insights about the types of advisors used by entrepreneurs. The report concludes with possible implications of these new findings and suggests areas for further research

    Has the First Global Financial Crisis Changed the Entrepreneurial Values in a Digitalized Marketing-based Society? The Case of GEM Latin American Countries

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    As the world economy is globalized, crises are rapidly spread due to the massive use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), also affecting the entrepreneurial values involved in business creation processes. In this sense, digital marketing has a vital role to play, as it can serve as a tool based on technology applied to foster nascent entrepreneurship. Using data for GEM Latin American countries, and applying clustering analysis based on the K-means method, the objective of this work is to test if the actual First Global Financial Crisis (FGFC) has altered the entrepreneurial values in Latin American firms. The main result of this work is that the traits of entrepreneurial activity in GEM Latin American countries have progressively shifted from quantity to quality, so digital marketing has increasing importance

    Immigrant Entrepreneurship: An International Comparison

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    The actual triple-C, as a combination of economic and financial crises, in addition to the crisis in credibility of economic policy, has fostered North-North and South-North immigration. The objective of this work is to determine the dimension of immigrant´s entrepreneurship, according to their recipient countries being factor driven, efficiency driven, and innovation driven economies. We demonstrate that efficiency driven nations are characterized by modera-te demographic growth and immigrant´s entrepreneurial activity along with a very discrete immigration, while the innovation driven nations are defined by a negative demographic growth and discrete immigrant´s entrepreneurial activity along with an important reception of immigrants

    Emprendimiento inmigrante : una comparación internacional

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    The actual triple-C, as a combination of economic and financial crises, in addition to the crisis in credibility of economic policy, has fostered North-North and South-North immigration. The objective of this work is to determine the dimension of immigrant´s entrepreneurship, according to their recipient countries being factor driven, efficiency driven, and innovation driven economies. We demonstrate that efficiency driven nations are characterized by moderate demographic growth and immigrant´s entrepreneurial activity along with a very discrete immigration, while the innovation driven nations are defined by a negative demographic growth and discrete immigrant´s entrepreneurial activity along with an important reception of immigrants.La actual triple-C, como combinación de crisis económica, fiscal y de credibilidad en política económica, ha impulsado la emigración Norte-Norte y Sur-Norte. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la dimensión del emprendimiento de los emigrantes, según los países estén impulsados por factores de producción tradicionales, por su eficiencia y por la innovación. Se demuestra que las naciones impulsadas por factores se caracterizan por un alto crecimiento demográfico y una fuerte actividad emprendedora inmigrante, los países impulsados por la eficiencia muestran un crecimiento demográfico moderado y una actividad emprendedora inmigrante muy discreta, mientras que los países guiados por la innovación se definen por una tasa de crecimiento demográfico negativo y una discreta actividad emprendedora inmigrante acompañada por una importante llegada de este tipo de colectivo

    Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022/2023 Global Report : Adapting to a "New Normal"

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    Entrepreneurship, or the act of starting and running a new business, is a key catalyst of economic development. It is also an important driver of economic recovery: from the effects of the recent COVID-19 pandemic as well as more recent shocks, such as the war between Russia and Ukraine, with its related supply chain issues and rising energy costs. At any time, but especially during times of crisis, it is vital that the entrepreneurship dynamics and national frameworks to promote entrepreneurship are carefully defined and measured. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research can provide significant metrics to policymakers along the road to economic recovery, which enable informed and astute — but, most importantly, effective — decision-making. This 2022/2023 Global Report presents the results of GEM’s 24th research cycle. This adds another round of extensive national surveys to an already substantial GEM database of entrepreneurial results. In 2022, over 170,000 individuals were interviewed across 49 different economies, adding their views and experiences to over 3 million previously interviewed for the GEM Adult Population Survey (APS) over the previous two decades. These 49 economies represent about two-thirds of the global population in 2022. It includes China with a population of 1.3 billion, as well as India, which according to the United Nations is likely to be declared the world’s most populous country in 2023. Furthermore, GEM’s National Expert Survey (NES) features 51 economies (all of the 49 economies that participated in the GEM APS, plus Italy and Argentina). The NES is a survey of national experts in each economy charged with assessing the key components and characteristics of the entrepreneurial environment for that economy

    Entrepreneurship y creación de empleo: en caso de Andalucía

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