8,604 research outputs found

    On the Fractal Distribution of HII Regions in Disk Galaxies

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    In this work we quantify the degree to which star-forming events are clumped. We apply a precise and accurate technique to calculate the correlation dimension Dc of the distribution of HII regions in a sample of disk galaxies. Our reliable results are distributed in the range 1.5<Dc<2.0. We get significant variations in the fractal dimension among galaxies, contrary to a universal picture sometimes claimed in literature. The faintest galaxies tend to distribute their HII regions in more clustered (less uniform) patterns. Moreover, the fractal dimension for the brightest HII regions within the same galaxy seems to be smaller than for the faintest ones suggesting some kind of evolutionary effect.Comment: 6 pages including 4 figures. To appear in Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V: Proceedings of the VIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society held in Santander, July 7-11, 200

    Generalized Lagrangian Master Equations

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    We discuss the geometry of the Lagrangian quantization scheme based on (generalized) Schwinger-Dyson BRST symmetries. When a certain set of ghost fields are integrated out of the path integral, we recover the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, now extended to arbitrary functional measures for the classical fields. Keeping the ghosts reveals the crucial role played by a natural connection on the space of fields.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, CERN--TH-7247/9

    Stellar Open Clusters' Membership Probabilities: an N-Dimensional Geometrical Approach

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    We present a new geometrical method aimed at determining the members of open clusters. The methodology estimates, in an N-dimensional space, the membership probabilities by means of the distances between every star and the cluster central overdensity. It can handle different sets of variables, which have to satisfy the simple condition of being more densely distributed for the cluster members than for the field stars (as positions, proper motions, radial velocities and/or parallaxes are). Unlike other existing techniques, this fact makes the method more flexible and so can be easily applied to different datasets. To quantify how the method identifies the clus- ter members, we design series of realistic simulations recreating sky regions in both position and proper motion subspaces populated by clusters and field stars. The re- sults, using different simulated datasets (N = 1, 2 and 4 variables), show that the method properly recovers a very high fraction of simulated cluster members, with a low number of misclassified stars. To compare the goodness of our methodology, we also run other existing algorithms on the same simulated data. The results show that our method has a similar or even better performance than the other techniques. We study the robustness of the new methodology from different subsamplings of the ini- tial sample, showing a progressive deterioration of the capability of our method as the fraction of missing objects increases. Finally, we apply all the methodologies to the real cluster NGC 2682, indicating that our methodology is again in good agreement with preceding studies.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Large-NN Limit of the Two-Hermitian-matrix model by the hidden BRST method

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    This paper discusses the large N limit of the two-Hermitian-matrix model in zero dimensions, using the hidden BRST method. A system of integral equations previously found is solved, showing that it contained the exact solution of the model in leading order of large NN.Comment: 19 pages, Latex,CERN--TH-6531/9

    Origin of Antifields in the Batalin-Vilkovisky Lagrangian Formalism

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    The antifields of the Batalin-Vilkovisky Lagrangian quantization are standard antighosts of certain collective fields. These collective fields ensure that Schwinger-Dyson equations are satisfied as a consequence of the gauge symmetry algebra. The associated antibracket and its canonical structure appear naturally if one integrates out the corresponding ghost fields. An analogous Master Equation for the action involving these ghosts follows from the requirement that the path integral gives rise to the correct Schwinger-Dyson equations.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX, CERN--TH-6788/9