30 research outputs found

    Peripheral blood levels of cellular and humoral immunity parameters in esophageal and gastric cancer patients

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    Aim: To evaluate parameters of cellular and humoral immunity in gastric and esophageal cancer patients. Material and methods: In this study, we recruited 40 patients with newly diagnosed esophageal cancer (20 of them) or stomach cancer (20 of them) and 20 healthy individuals of similar age as a control group. In the study and control groups we measured CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, CD4/CD8 ratio and the ratio of natural killer cells using the flow cytometer device. Results were evaluated with factorial analysis of variance and Duncan test. Results: The CD3 and CD8 ratios were significantly higher in patients with esophageal cancer (p = 0.012, p = 0.003, respectively) and the ratio of NK cells was significantly higher in patients with stomach cancer (p = 0.001) when compared to the control group. The ratio of CD19 was significantly lower in the two cancer groups (p = 0.031). There were no significant differences in the ratio of CD4 and CD4/CD8 between the groups. No correlation between the stage of cancer and the ratio of CD cells was detected. Discussion: In conclusion, understanding of the cancer immunology of esophageal and stomach cancer will provide insight into the pathogenesis of the cancer Therefore, further and extensive cancer immunology studies should be conducted to understand the nature of the upper gastrointestinal tract cancers

    Orta Anadolu’daki Parkinson Hastalarında Homosistein ve MTHFR Polimorfizmleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması ve Tedavi Seçenekleri

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    Aim In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of MTHFR C677T and A1298C polymorphisms to homocysteine levels in patients with Parkinson's disease who were treated with levodopa and entekapone. Materials and Methods Plasma homocysteine (hcy), folic acid and vitamin B12 levels and MTHFR (C677T, A1298C) polymorphisms and treatment options were compared in 70 Parkinson's Disease (PD) patients who taking levodopa (n=26), dopamine agonist (n=11) and levodopa and entacapone treatment together (n=33) with 100 controls. Results Although no statistically significant difference was detected, hcy level of the patients was found higher compared to control group (patient 18.29 ± 9.22 µmol /l vs control 15.77 ± 7.58 µmol / l) and hcy level was highest in the patients receiving only levodopa (19.56 ± 10.77 µmol / l). The frequency of TT genotype in the patients was higher compared to the control group (11.4%, 6%). Especially, hcy level for levodopa-receiving patients with 677TT genotype became significantly higher level when compared with other genotypes of levodopareceiving patients (respectively 677TT 36.28 ± 16.17, 677CT 13.5 ± 1.71, 677CC 17.2 ± 6.59). No statistically significant difference was detected between patients and controls regarding their folic acid and vitamin B12 levels and A1298C polymorphism. Conclusion Finally, both 677TT genotype and levodopa treatment might be jointly contributed to the increasing of the plasma hcy levels in PD patients and entacapone limitedly decreased hcy levels during levodopa treatment. It can be said that results need to be supported with larger sample sized comprehensive studies.Amaç Çalışmamızda levodopa ve entekapon kullanan Parkinson hastalarında MTHFR genindeki C677T ve A1298C polimorfizmlerinin homosistein düzeyine etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Materyal ve Metot 70 Parkinson (PD) hastasında; plazma homosisteini (hcy), folik asit, B12 vitamini seviyeleri, MTHFR (C677T, A1298C) polimorfizmleri ve tedavi seçenekleri karşılaştırıldı. 100 kişilik bir kontrol grubunun yer aldığı çalışmada, 70 hastanın 26’sı levodopa (n=26), 11’i dopamin agonisti (n=11) kullanırken, 33 hasta da levodopa ve entakapon tedavisini birliktealmaktaydı. Bulgular İstatistiki olarak anlamlı bir fark gözlenmese de, hastalardaki homosistein seviyesinin kontrol grubunda yer alanlara göre daha fazla olduğu tespit edildi (hasta 18.29 ± 9.22 µmol /l vs kontrol 15.77 ± 7.58 µmol/ l). Ayrıca homosistein seviyesinin en yüksek olduğu hasta grubunun sadece levodopa kullanan hastalar olduğu görüldü (19.56 ± 10.77 µmol / l). Hastalardaki TT genotipinin sıklığının da kontrol grubunda yer alanlara göre daha fazla olduğu görüldü (%11.4, %6). Özellikle, levodopa kullanan ve 677TT genotipine sahip olan hastalardaki homosistein seviyesi, levodopa kullanan ve diğer genotiplere sahip olan hastalardaki homosistein seviyesine göre anlamlı bir şekilde yüksek (sırasıyla 677TT 36.28 ± 16.17, 677CT 13.5 ± 1.71, 677CC 17.2 ± 6.59). Hastalar ve kontrol grubu arasında folik asit ve B12 vitamini seviyeleri ile A1298C polimorfizmi açısından anlamlı bir farka rastlanmadı. Sonuç Sonuç olarak; Parkinson hastalarında 677TT genotipinin ve levodopa kullanımının bir arada olmasının plazma homosistein seviyesini artırdığı, ayrıca entakaponun levodopa tedavisi esnasında sınırlı da olsa homosistein seviyesini düşürdüğü gözlemlenmiştir. Ancak sonuçların daha fazla örnek sayısı içeren kapsamlı çalışmalarla desteklenmesinin gerekli olduğu söylenebilir

    Hâfız Halil İbrahim Efendi Cöngü Üzerine Mukayeseli Bir İnceleme

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    The manuscripts, which include many verses and prose works such as runs, sermons, epics, manias, hymns, folk tales, proverbs, are the most important written sources of Turkish culture. In this study, a comparative analysis was carried out on a 135 page manuscript registered at the National Library under the number “06 Yz Mil Cönk 51. First of all, Hâfız Halil İbrahim Efendi’s Cönk has been examined in terms of form, content and language characteristics with reference to the general characteristics of cönks and their importance in Turkish culture. Then, transcriptions of 710 poems and 3 prose texts belonging to 120 different minstrels / poets were given. The poems of Seyrânî, Âşık Ömer and Gevherî, which are the most poems in the cönk, have been compared with the previous studies on these minstrels. Apart from these minstrels, traces of very few poems belonging to Muhibbi, Bâkî, Emrî, Kemal Ümmî, Niyâzî-i Mısrî and Aziz Mahmut Hüdâyî were traced in other sources and the levels of variation in word, verse and benthose were revealed. On the original forms of the texts, attention has been drawn to the determinations of the poetry, the spelling of the poems, and the personal savings of the individual. The obtained data and the findings were subjected to a general evaluation. Key Words: Cönk 51, Âşık Ömer, Gevherî, Seyrânî, variant, poetryKoşmalar, semâiler, destanlar, maniler, ilâhiler, halk hikâyeleri, atasözleri gibi daha birçok manzum ve mensur eseri bünyesinde barındıran el yazması cönkler Türk kültürünün en önemli yazılı kaynaklarından olma özelliğine sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, Millî Kütüphanede “06 Yz Mil Cönk 51” yer numarasıyla kayıtlı ve 135 varaktan müteşekkil cönk üzerine mukayeseli bir inceleme yapılmıştır. Öncelikle cönklerin genel özelliklerinden ve Türk kültüründeki önemine dair bilgilerden hareketle Hâfız Halil İbrahim Efendi Cöngü şekil, muhteva ve dil özellikleri bakımından incelenmiştir. Daha sonra cönkte tespit edilen 120 farklı âşığa/şaire ait 710 şiir ile 3 mensur metnin çeviriyazıları verilmiştir. Cönkte en fazla şiiri olan Seyrânî, Âşık Ömer ve Gevherî’ye ait şiirler daha önce bu âşıklar hakkında yapılan çalışmalarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu âşıklar dışında Muhibbî, Bâkî, Emrî, Kemal Ümmî, Niyâzî-i Mısrî ve Aziz Mahmut Hüdâyî’ye ait çok az sayıdaki şiirin de başka kaynaklardaki izleri sürülerek kelime, mısra ve bent düzeyinde meydana gelen varyantlaşma düzeyleri ortaya konulmuştur. Metinlerin özgün biçimleri üzerinde ise şiirlerin dizgisine, cönk imlâsına ve müstensihin şahsî tasarruflarına dair tespitlere dikkat çekilmiştir. Sonuçta elde edilen veriler ve yapılan tespitler genel bir değerlendirmeye tâbi tutulmuştur

    Investigation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) sub-types in children via EEG frequency domain analysis

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    Aim of the study: To investigate the frequency domain effects and changes in electroencephalography (EEG) signals in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Patients and methods: The study contains 40 children. All children were between the ages of 7 and 12 years. Participants were classified into four groups which were ADHD (n=20), ADHD-I (ADHD-Inattentive type) (n=10), ADHD-C (ADHD-Combined type) (n=10), and control (n=20) groups. In this study, the frequency domain of EEG signals for ADHD, subtypes and control groups were analyzed and compared using Matlab software. The mean age of the ADHD children's group was 8.7 years and the control group 9.1 years.Results: Spectral analysis of mean power (V-2) and relative-mean power (%) was carried out for four different frequency bands: delta (0--4 Hz), theta (4--8 Hz), alpha (8--13 Hz) and beta (13--32 Hz). The ADHD and subtypes of ADHD-I, and ADHD-C groups had higher average power value of delta and theta band than that of control group. However, this is not the case for alpha and beta bands. Increases in delta/beta ratio and statistical significance were found only between ADHD-I and control group, and in delta/beta, theta/delta ratio statistical significance values were found to exist between ADHD-C and control group.Conclusion: EEG analyzes can be used as an alternative method when ADHD subgroups are identified