70 research outputs found

    Cell biophysical stimuli in lobodopodium formation: a computer based approach

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    Different cell migration modes have been identified in 3D environments, e.g., modes incorporating lamellopodia or blebs. Recently, a new type of cellular migration has been investigated: lobopodia-based migration, which appears only in three-dimensional matrices under certain conditions. The cell creates a protrusion through which the nucleus slips, dividing the cell into two parts (front and rear) with different hydrostatic pressures. In this work, we elucidate the mechanical conditions that favour this type of migration. One of the hypotheses about this type of migration is that it depends on the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix. That is, lobopodia-based migration is dependent on whether the extracellular matrix is linearly elastic or non-linearly elastic. To determine whether the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix are crucial in the choice of cell migration mode and which mechanotransduction mechanism the cell might use, we develop a finite element model. From our simulations, we identify two different possible mechanotransduction mechanisms that could regulate the cell to switch from a lobopodial to a lamellipodial migration mode. The first relies on a differential pressure increase inside the cytoplasm while the cell contracts, and the second relies on a change in the fluid flow direction in non-linearly elastic extracellular matrices but not in linearly elastic matrices. The biphasic nature of the cell has been determined to mediate this mechanism and the different behaviours of cells in linearly elastic and non-linearly elastic matrices

    Efecto del peso al sacrificio y de la raza en la calidad instrumental y sensorial de la carne de cabritos lechales

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    Se utilizaron 141 cabritos de 5 razas españolas a dos pesos de sacrificio y se determinó la calidad instrumental y sensorial de su carne. La influencia del peso al sacrificio es, presumiblemente, muy importante sobre la calidad de la carne, pero este efecto debe ser valorado para cada raza. Aunque la carne del cabrito más ligero tuvo mayores valores en la fuerza de compresión, en el análisis sensorial esta carne fue descrita como más tierna y jugosa

    Spanish marketing chain for kid’s meat: from breeder to wholesale

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    Se preguntó a 350 ganaderos de Andalucía, Aragón, Extremadura y castilla-La Mancha y a 350 entradores de Andalucía, Aragón, Madrid, Cataluña y Comunidad Valenciana, acerca de la manera de comprar y vender cabritos o su carne. Las zonas de producción no coinciden con las de comercialización y consumo y existen grandes diferencias entre regiones en cuanto al tamaño de las explotaciones. La distancia más frecuente entre explotación y matadero fue de 300 Km. En general, los ganaderos venden más caro y obtienen mayor margen de ganancia por el cabrito que por el cordero. Los entradores compran y venden más caro el cabrito que el cordero. La carnicería tradicional y la restauración son los destinos mayoritarios de venta de esta carne. La cadena de comercialización se complica cuando interviene una sala de despiece tras el entrador. La forma predominante de venta es la canal entera y cuando es por piezas, la pierna es la pieza más demandada. El consumo es estacional y está asociado a celebraciones. Farmers and wholesalers from different Spanish regions were enquired about the way in which they buy or sale kids or kid’s meat. Productions areas did not match with marketing points. There were great differences between regions in the farms’ size of the farms. The most frequent distance from farm to the slaughterhouse was 300 Km. Farmers sold more expensive and they obtained higher profit margin with kids than with lambs. Wholesalers buy and sold more expensive kid’s meat than lamb. Traditional butchers’ shops and restaurants were the main wholesalers’ customs. Marketing chain became more complex by the intervention of a quartering agent. The main way in which meat was sold was as whole carcasses. When they were sold by pieces, leg was the most demanded one. Kid’s meat presented a seasonal consumption, associated to holidays and celebrations

    Características de la canal de cabritos de cinco razas españolas

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    En el presente estudio se han sacrificado 136 cabritos machos de dos niveles de peso para caracterizar de forma conjunta las canales de las razas Blanca Andaluza, Negra Serrana-Castiza, Blanca Celtibérica, Pirenaica y Moncaína. Se han observado diferencias significativas entre todas las razas en las variables de conformación estudiadas excepto en el perímetro de grupa y el índice de compacidad de la canal. La interacción peso-raza fue altamente significativa en las variables engrasamiento y ancho de grupa. EI rendimiento de la canal no fue significativa entre pesos pero si entre razas. En todas las variables con el aumento de peso aumentaron también los valores

    Calidad instrumental de la carne de cabrito lechal. Revisión bibliográfica

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    El ganado caprino es de gran importancia en España, tanto por censo como por su repercusión en la Producción Final Ganadera. Esta revisión bibliográfica se ha realizado de manera sistemática con los estudios encontrados en revistas científicas sobre cabrito lechal con un peso vivo de menos de 13 kg y alimentado exclusivamente con leche. El peso de la canal de estos cabritos se distribuye en dos grandes grupos, con pesos por encima y por debajo de 5 kg. A ambos pesos de canal, la carne de cabrito lechal se confirma como una fuente de proteína baja en grasa. No se puede concluir que exista una relación lineal del sistema de lactancia o del peso canal con el pH. La carne de cabritos alimentados con leche natural tiene un índice de amarillo más alto que los de la carne de cabritos alimentados con lactoreemplazantes. No se apreció una influencia marcada del peso de la canal ni del sistema de lactación en la dureza, que tuvo un valor medio de 35 N. En líneas generales, la carne de canales de más de 5 kg tuvo menor porcentaje de ácidos grasos saturados y mayor de insaturados, y una ratio n-6/n-3 mayor que la de carne de canales de menos de 5 kg. Hay muy poca información científica sobre la calidad de carne instrumental de los cabritos, por lo que existe un amplio campo de investigación para cubrir la laguna de conocimiento encontrada. Goat production is quite important in Spain having high census and economic impact. This review has been performed systematically with studies about suckling kids with slaughter weight lower than 13 kg and fed exclusively milk. The carcass weight of kids were distributed into two groups, above and below of 5 kg. Kid meat appears as a useful protein source with low fat content. It was found any linear relationship between rearing system or carcass weight with pH. Meat of kids fed maternal milk had greater yellowness index than those fed milk replacers. Toughness was not affected by carcass weight or rearing system and the average value was 35 N. In general, meat of carcasses heavier than 5 kg had less miensaturated and more unsaturated fatty acids, as well a higher n-6/n-3 ratio than meat of carcasses with less than 5 kg. There is few scientific information on the instrumental quality of suckling kid meat. Therefore, there is a wide field of research to cover the absence of knowledge in this topic

    En cabrito lactante, la dureza de la carne discrimina mejor entre sistemas de cría que el valor absoluto de la integral del espectro trasladado (SUM)

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    Los consumidores buscan cada vez más información clara sobre los sistemas de producción, por lo que se necesitan sistemas de trazabilidad. Si los animales se han criado en un sistema de pastoreo, los carotenoides de las plantas pueden acumularse en su grasa, dando colores amarillentos. Esto ha permitido, en ovino, utilizar el color de la grasa como biomarcador (Ripoll et al., 2008) pero el caprino está naturalmente poco engrasado. El objetivo del presente experimento fue estudiar si en el ganado caprino el SUM es un buen discriminante del sistema de cría de los animales y, en caso de no serlo, buscar otro atributo que permita discriminar entre sistemas de cría.A la Asociación de Criadores de Raza Caprina Payoya

    Genomic Population Structure of the Main Historical Genetic Lines of Spanish Merino Sheep

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    According to historiographical documentation, the Romans first began to select Merino sheep in the Iberian Peninsula during the first century, with the aim of obtaining a breed appreciated for the quality of its wool. This process continued locally during the Middle Ages, when Spanish sheep were protected, and their export to foreign countries was banned. It was during the 16th century when individual Merino sheep were allowed to spread around the world to be used to improve the wool quality of local breeds. However, the wool crisis of the 1960s shifted the selection criteria of the Merino breed towards meat production at the expenses of wool. Consequently, individuals that display the genetic and phenotypic characteristics of those sheep originally bred in the kingdom of Spain in the Middle Ages are extremely difficult to find in commercial herds. In this study, we characterized the genetic basis of 403 individuals from the main historical Spanish Merino genetic lines (Granda, Hidalgo, Lopez-Montenegro, Maeso, Donoso and Egea), which were bred in isolation over the last 200 years, using a genomic approach based on genotyping data from the Axiom™ Ovine 50 K SNP Genotyping Array. Our analysis included measuring population structure, genomic differentiation indexes, runs of homozygosity (ROH) patterns, and an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). The results showed large genetic differences between the historical lines, even though they belong to the same breed. In addition, ROH analysis showed differences due to increased inbreeding among the ancient generations compared with the modern Merino lines, confirming the breed’s ancestral and closed origin. However, our results also showed a high variability and richness within the Spanish historical Merino lines from a genetic viewpoint. This fact, together with their great ability to produce high-quality wool, suggests that ancestral Merino lines from Spain should be considered a valuable genetic population to be maintained as a resource for the improvement of wool-producing sheep breeds all around the world

    Influence of the use of milk replacers and pH on the texture profiles of raw and cooked meat of suckling kids

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    The aim of this work was to study the texture profile of fresh and cooked longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle from suckling kids raised with natural milk or milk replacers. Suckling Male kids from eight goat breeds (Florida, FL; Cabra del Guadarrama, GU; Majorera, MA; Palmera, PL; Payoya, PY; Retinta, RE; Tinerfeña, TI; Verata, VE), all of single parturition, were raised with milk replacers (MR) or with natural milk from the dams (NM). The meat pH, Warner-Bratzler shear force, texture profile analysis and chemical composition were determined. Kids were clustered based on their pH by k-means clustering. The effect of the rearing system on the textural profile was strongly modulated by breed. The values of Warner-Bratzler shear force and hardness found in these breeds under both rearing systems were very low. Hence, the toughness of very light suckling kids should not be a determining factor in choosing a breed or rearing system. Nevertheless, the use of milk replacers increased the presence of meat with high pH, which modified the textural parameters, decreasing the shear force but increasing cohesiveness and adhesiveness. Consequently, depending on the commercial strategy of the farm, the election of the breed and rearing system must be considered together

    Multivariate analysis of meat from non-pregnant ewes and light lambs of Merino breed

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    Acknowledgements and funding To Merino Farmers Association for the animals. To Service of Analysis of University of Zaragoza and to Juan Ramón Bertolín for its technical assistance.AgeSexNutritional valueQualityPublishe