8,051 research outputs found

    Influencia do tipo de estaca e de alguns reguladores de crescimento no enraizamento e desenvolvimento de estacas de figueira (Ficus carica L.).

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as influencias da posicao da estaca no ramo (apical, mediana e basal) e dos acidos naftalenoacetico (ANA) e indolbutirico (IBA), isolados e combinados, sobre o enraizamento e desenvolvimento da parte aerea de estacas de figueira. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas. As estacas tinham 30 cm de comprimento, sendo que 5 cm da base foram imersas nas solucoes correspondentes durante 1 minuto, sendo depois tratadas com fungicida Captan a 25% para posterior plantio. As mudas mais vigorosas originaram-se das estacas de base dos ramos. Todos os tratamentos com auxinas proporcionaram um melhor enraizamento, sendo que a combinacao 250 ppm IBA + 250 ppm ANA foi mais eficiente na formacao das raizes, acarretando tambem um aumento de peso da parte aerea

    Shotguns vs Lasers: Identifying barriers and facilitators to scaling-up plant molecular farming for high-value health products.

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    Plant molecular farming (PMF) is a convenient and cost-effective way to produce high-value recombinant proteins that can be used in the production of a range of health products, from pharmaceutical therapeutics to cosmetic products. New plant breeding techniques (NPBTs) provide a means to enhance PMF systems more quickly and with greater precision than ever before. However, the feasibility, regulatory standing and social acceptability of both PMF and NPBTs are in question. This paper explores the perceptions of key stakeholders on two European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 programmes-Pharma-Factory and Newcotiana-towards the barriers and facilitators of PMF and NPBTs in Europe. One-on-one qualitative interviews were undertaken with N = 20 individuals involved in one or both of the two projects at 16 institutions in seven countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Spain and the UK). The findings indicate that the current EU regulatory environment and the perception of the public towards biotechnology are seen as the main barriers to scaling-up PMF and NPBTs. Competition from existing systems and the lack of plant-specific regulations likewise present challenges for PMF developing beyond its current niche. However, respondents felt that the communication of the benefits and purpose of NPBT PMF could provide a platform for improving the social acceptance of genetic modification. The importance of the media in this process was highlighted. This article also uses the multi-level perspective to explore the ways in which NPBTs are being legitimated by interested parties and the systemic factors that have shaped and are continuing to shape the development of PMF in Europe

    Diagnóstico para identificação de demandas de pesquisa no setor produtivo de suínos e aves no Estado do Pará.

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    Perspectives for mass rearing of Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

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    Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma é um importante predador de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) em citros no Brasil. O emprego de Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) como fonte de alimento para I. zuluagai em criações de laboratório foi investigado a 25,5 ± 0,5ºC, 88 ± 7% UR e fotofase de 12h. Inicialmente os níveis de oviposição do predador alimentado com ovos, estágios pós-embrionários mortos ou estágios pós-embrionários vivos de T. putrescentiae foram avaliados durante 10 dias. A taxa diária de oviposição foi de 1,3 ovo/ fêmea quando estas foram alimentadas com ovos de T. putrecentiae; 0,7 ovo/ fêmea quando estas foram alimentadas com estágios pós-embrionários mortos e cerca de 0,2 ovo/ fêmea quando alimentadas com estágios pós-embrionários vivos. Posteriormente, elaborou-se a tabela de vida de I. zuluagai, oferecendo-se como alimento ovos de T. putrescentiae. Os estágios imaturos foram observados a cada 8h, para determinar a duração correspondente. Na fase adulta, os ácaros foram observados a cada 24h, para se determinar os parâmetros reprodutivos. A capacidade de aumento populacional (r m) foi de 0,11 fêmea/ fêmea/ dia; resultando em uma razão finita de aumento de 1,11 (l). A taxa líquida de reprodução (R0) foi de 7,1 fêmeas/geração, com um tempo de geração de 18,6 dias. Os resultados obtidos mostram que T. putrescentiae é uma fonte de alimento favorável ao desenvolvimento de I. zuluagai.Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma is an important predator of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) on citrus in Brazil. The suitability of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) as a food source of I. zuluagai in laboratory rearing was investigated at 25.5 ± 0.5ºC, 88 ± 7% RU and photophase of 12h. Initially, levels of oviposition of the predator fed on eggs were evaluated, as well as the dead or live post-embryonic stages of T. putrescentiae, in a period of 10 days. The daily oviposition rate was 1.3 egg per female when they were fed on eggs on T. putrescentiae, 0.7 egg per female when they were fed on dead post embryonic stages and about 0.3 egg per female when they were fed on live post-embryonic stages. Later, the life table of I. zuluagai was constructed, when eggs of T. putrescentiae were offered to the predators as prey. The immature stages were observed every 8h, to determine the corresponding durations. In the adult phase, the mites were observed every 24h, to determine the reproductive parameters. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) was 0.11 female/ female/day; resulting in a finite rate of increase of 1.11 (l). The net reproductive rate (R0) was 7.1 females/generation, with a mean generation time (T) 18.6 days. The results show that T. putrescentiae is a favorable food source for the development of I. zuluagai

    Rainfall Erosivity in Apeú River Watershed, Northeastern State of Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon Region.

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    Resumo em português: Erosividade das Chuvas na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Apeú, Região Nordeste do Estado do Pará

    Absorção via foliar de aminoácidos em mudas de videira cv. Thompson seedless em cultivo hidropônico.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo quantificar o teor de N proveniente dos aminoácidos, absorvidos via foliar, em mudas de videira da cultivar Thompson Seedless

    Context-aware information in mobile devices

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    This paper describes a novel approach for indoor location and integration of other services in a university campus using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. These BLE devices broadcast a Bluetooth signal in a limited and configured range/area, thus functioning as beacons that provide useful context-aware information to nearby devices operating with custom applications. Such applications can interpret the received signals as location and provide a range of useful services to the end user (students, events attendees), namely, indoor location and navigation or personalized complex workflows that require the interaction of the end user with multiple services within the university campus.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Mechanisms for Spin-Supersolidity in S=1/2 Spin-Dimer Antiferromagnets

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    Using perturbative expansions and the contractor renormalization (CORE) algorithm, we obtain effective hard-core bosonic Hamiltonians describing the low-energy physics of S=1/2S=1/2 spin-dimer antiferromagnets known to display supersolid phases under an applied magnetic field. The resulting effective models are investigated by means of mean-field analysis and quantum Monte Carlo simulations. A "leapfrog mechanism", through means of which extra singlets delocalize in a checkerboard-solid environment via correlated hoppings, is unveiled that accounts for the supersolid behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Mining electric vehicle adoption of users

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    The increase of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, and their adverse effects on the environment, have prompted the search for alternative energy sources to fossil fuels. One of the solutions gaining ground is the electrification of various human activities, such as the transport sector. This trend has fueled a growing need for electrical energy storage in lithium batteries. Precisely knowing the degree of degradation that this type of battery accumulates over its useful life is necessary to bring economic benefits, both for companies and citizens. This paper aims to answer the current need by proposing two research questions about electric motor vehicles. The first focuses on habits EV owners practice, which may harm the battery life, and the second on factors that may keep consumers from purchasing this type of vehicle. This research work sought to answer these two questions, using a methodology from data science and statistical analysis applied to three surveys carried out on electric vehicle owners. The results allowed us to conclude that, except for the Year variable, all other factors had a marginal effect on the vehicles’ absolute autonomy degradation. Regarding obstacles of the adoption of electric vehicles, the biggest encountered was the insufficient coverage of the network of charging stations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio