1,842 research outputs found

    Aplicação das ações de 5 S em aviários de corte e postura.

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    bitstream/item/59420/1/CUsersPiazzonDocuments31.pdfProjeto: 16.00.30001-16 . Disponível também em: A Lavoura, v.111, n.666, p.34-35, 2008

    Planejamento da atividade de produção de ovos.

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    Tecnologias que promovem a biosseguridade na produção avícola.

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    bitstream/item/60179/1/CUsersPiazzonDocuments17236.pdfProjeto/Plano de Ação:

    Regulagem e distribuição de comedouros tubulares e bebedouros pendulares em aviários convencionais.

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    bitstream/item/59421/1/CUsersPiazzonDocuments30.pdfProjeto: 16.00.30001-16

    Gerenciamento da rotina de comunicação por meio de projetos: uma experiência na Embrapa.

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    A necessidade de um planejamento de comunicação adequado às necessidades da empresa, e ao mesmo tempo dinâmico e mutável, foi o que moveu a equipe de comunicação organizacional da Embrapa Suínos e Aves a testar entre 2010 e 2013 um modelo de gerenciamento da rotina de comunicação por meio de projetos. Dividido em três fases, o modelo proporcionou uma melhor organização dos processos internos, a definição de desafios estratégicos e a implantação de indicadores de desempenho representativos dos horizontes almejados pelo setor. O principal resultado apresentado pelo modelo é que se fez da rotina uma ação estratégica e da ação estratégica uma rotina

    Screening of pair fluctuations in superconductors with coupled shallow and deep bands: a route to higher temperature superconductivity

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    A combination of strong Cooper pairing and weak superconducting fluctuations is crucial to achieve and stabilize high-Tc superconductivity. We demonstrate that a coexistence of a shallow carrier band with strong pairing and a deep band with weak pairing, together with the Josephson-like pair transfer between the bands to couple the two condensates, realizes an optimal multicomponent superconductivity regime: it preserves strong pairing to generate large gaps and a very high critical temperature but screens the detrimental superconducting fluctuations, thereby suppressing the pseudogap state. Surprisingly, we find that the screening is very efficient even when the inter-band coupling is very small. Thus, a multi-band superconductor with a coherent mixture of condensates in the BCS regime (deep band) and in the BCS-BEC crossover regime (shallow band) offers a promising route to higher critical temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, including supplemental material

    Magmatic Processes in the East African Rift System: Insights from a 2015-2020 Sentinel-1 InSAR survey

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    Abstract The East African Rift System (EARS) is composed of around 78 Holocene volcanoes, but relatively little is known about their past and present activity. This lack of information makes it difficult to understand their eruptive cycles, their roles in continental rifting and the threat they pose to the population. Although previous InSAR surveys (1990–2010) showed sign of unrest, the information about the dynamics of the magmatic systems remained limited by low temporal resolution and gaps in the data set. The Sentinel‐1 SAR mission provides open‐access acquisitions every 12 days in Africa and has the potential to produce long‐duration time series for studying volcanic ground deformation at regional scale. Here, we use Sentinel‐1 data to provide InSAR time series along the EARS for the period 2015–2020. We detect 18 ground deformation signals on 14 volcanoes, of which six are located in Afar, six in the Main Ethiopian Rift, and two in the Kenya‐Tanzanian Rift. We detected new episodes of uplift at Tullu Moje (2016) and Suswa (mid‐2018), and enigmatic long‐lived subsidence signals at Gada Ale and Kone. Subsidence signals are related to a variety of mechanisms including the posteruptive evolution of magma reservoirs (e.g., Alu‐Dallafila), the compaction of lava flows (e.g., Nabro), and pore‐pressure changes related to geothermal or hydrothermal activity (e.g., Olkaria). Our results show that ∼20% of the Holocene volcanoes in the EARS deformed during this 5‐years snapshot and demonstrate the diversity of processes occurring