450 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the Chebyshev Approximation in Magnetic Field Line Tracking

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    The tracking of magnetic field lines can be very expensive, in terms of computational burden, when the field sources are numerous and have complex geometries, especially when accuracy is a priority, because an evaluation of the field is required in many situations. In some important applications, the computational cost can be significantly reduced by using a suitable approximation of the field in the integrated regions. This paper shows how Chebyshev polynomials are well-suited for field interpolation in magnetic field-line tracking, then discusses the conditions in which they are most appropriate, and quantifies the effectiveness of parallel computing in the approximation procedures

    Error Field and Correction Coils in DTT: a preliminary analysis

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    The Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility, construction starting at Frascati, Italy, is designed to test different solutions for divertor in view of DEMO. A preliminary analysis of the error fields (EFs) assumed a simplified model of rigid and independent displacements and rotations. A methodology based on the first order truncated Taylor expansion has been applied, linking the displacement parameters and the EFs within the required accuracies. A system of in-vessel copper coils has been designed to counteract EFs and the ampere-turns necessary to force them back within the request limits has been calculated. Here, the details of the analysis have been provided

    Potential for lager beer production from saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from the vineyard environment

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    Saccharomyces pastorianus, genetic hybrids of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the Saccharomyces eubayanus, is one of the most widely used lager yeasts in the brewing industry. In recent years, new strategies have been adopted and new lines of research have been outlined to create and expand the pool of lager brewing starters. The vineyard microbiome has received significant attention in the past few years due to many opportunities in terms of biotechnological applications in the winemaking processes. However, the characterization of S. cerevisiae strains isolated from winery environments as an approach to selecting starters for beer production has not been fully investigated, and little is currently available. Four wild cryotolerant S. cerevisiae strains isolated from vineyard environments were evaluated as potential starters for lager beer production at laboratory scale using a model beer wort (MBW). In all tests, the industrial lager brewing S. pastorianus Weihenstephan 34/70 was used as a reference strain. The results obtained, although preliminary, showed some good properties of these strains, such as antioxidant activity, flocculation capacity, efficient fermentation at 15â—¦C and low diacetyl production. Further studies will be carried out using these S. cerevisiae strains as starters for lager beer production on a pilot scale in order to verify the chemical and sensory characteristics of the beers produced

    Multi-Word Expressions in spoken language: PoliSdict

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    The term multiword expressions (MWEs) is referred-to a group of words with a unitary meaning, not inferred from that of the words that compose it, both in current use and in technical-specialized languages. In this paper, we describe PoliSdict an Italian electronic dictionary composed of multi-word expressions (MWEs) automatically extracted from a multimodal corpus grounded on political speech language, currently being developed at the "Maurice Gross" Laboratory of the Department of Political Sciences, Social and Communication of the University of Salerno, thanks to a loan from the company Network Contacts. We introduce the methodology of creation and the first results of a systematic analysis which considered terminological labels, frequency labels, recurring syntactic patterns, further proposing an associated ontology.Con il termine polirematica si fa generalmente riferimento ad un gruppo di parole con significato unitario, non desumibile da quello delle parole che lo compongono, sia nell’uso corrente sia in linguaggi tecnico-specialistici. In questo contributo viene presentato PoliSdict un dizionario elettronico in lingua italiana composto da espressioni polirematiche occorrenti nel parlato spontaneo estratte a partire da un corpus multimodale di dominio politico in lingua italiana in corso di ampliamento presso il Laboratorio “Maurice Gross” del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Sociali e della Comunicazione dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, grazie a un finanziamento della società Network Contacts. Viene presentata la metodologia di creazione ed i primi risultati di un'analisi sistematica che ha considerato etichette terminologiche, marche d'uso e pattern ricorrenti, proponendo infine un’ontologia associata

    Molecular and biological evidence for a severe seedling yellows strain of Citrus tristeza virus spreading in southern Italy

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    Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) outbreaks have been reported in the main citrus-growing regions of Italy in the past 10 years. In some areas where eradication efforts failed to suppress spread, high CTV incidence is now observed. Recently, potentially severe CTV strains were detected in Calabria (southern Italy), one of the major citrus-growing area. As a result, investigations of the virulence and molecular features of CTV populations spreading in this region were undertaken. Virus was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using a broad spectrum polyclonal antiserum, and was differentiated into potential virulent categories with the severe-strain discriminating monoclonal antibody MCA13. Isolate genotyping was conducted using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with multiple molecular markers (MMM), single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of the amplicons from the genes coding for the coat protein (CP) p25 and the non-structural p20 protein as well as sequence analysis. Based on the serological reactivity, the isolates were differentiated in two distinct serogroups: MCA13-reactive and MCA13 non-reactive. Similarly, based on the molecular profile, the isolates were grouped in two genetically distinct phylogenetic clusters, and associated either with a T30-like or with a T3-like genotype. These data were related to the results of biological indexing on standard indicator plants, which distinguished isolates causing mild or severe seedling yellow reactions. The study has demonstrated the presence of MCA13-reactive isolates associated with a T3-like genotype and causing severe seedling yellows in sour orange, grapefruit and lemon seedlings, and stem pitting in Mexican lime

    Can Metformin Exert as an Active Drug on Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetic Subjects?

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    Abstract: Cardiovascular mortality is a major cause of death among in type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Endothelial dysfunction (ED) is a well-known important risk factor for the development of diabetes cardiovascular complications. Therefore, the prevention of diabetic macroangiopathies by preserving endothelial function represents a major therapeutic concern for all National Health Systems. Several complex mechanisms support ED in diabetic patients, frequently cross-talking each other: uncoupling of eNOS with impaired endothelium-dependent vascular response, increased ROS production, mitochondrial dysfunction, activation of polyol pathway, generation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), activation of protein kinase C (PKC), endothelial inflammation, endothelial apoptosis and senescence, and dysregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs). Metformin is a milestone in T2DM treatment. To date, according to most recent EASD/ADA guidelines, it still represents the first-choice drug in these patients. Intriguingly, several extraglycemic effects of metformin have been recently observed, among which large preclinical and clinical evidence support metformin’s efficacy against ED in T2DM. Metformin seems effective thanks to its favorable action on all the aforementioned pathophysiological ED mechanisms. AMPK pharmacological activation plays a key role, with metformin inhibiting inflammation and improving ED. Therefore, aim of this review is to assess metformin’s beneficial effects on endothelial dysfunction in T2DM, which could preempt development of atherosclerosis

    In Vitro Assessment of Bio-Functional Properties from Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Strains

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    In recent years, alongside the conventional screening procedures for the evaluation of probiotics for human usage, the pharmaceutical and food industries have encouraged scientific research towards the selection of new probiotic bacterial strains with particular functional features. Therefore, this study intended to explore novel functional properties of five Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains isolated from bee bread. Specifically, antioxidant, antimicrobial and β-glucosidase activities, exopolysaccharides (EPS) production and the ability to synthesize γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were evaluated. The results demonstrated that the investigated L. plantarum strains were effective in inhibiting the growth of some human opportunistic pathogens in vitro (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus). Moreover, the evaluation of antioxidant and β-glucosidase activity and of EPS and GABA production, revealed a different behavior among the strains, testifying how these properties are strongly strain-dependent. This suggests that a careful selection within a given species is important in order to identify appropriate strains for specific biotechnological applications. The results highlighted that the five strains of L. plantarum are promising candidates for application as dietary supplements in the human diet and as microbial cultures in specific food productions
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