4 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment and Creative Performance of Employees: Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction in International Non-Governmental Organizations

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between psychological empowerment and creative performance through the mediating effect of job satisfaction in the International Non-Governmental Organization’s (INGO’s) context in Jordan. In accomplishment of this, an online questionnaire was distributed to a random representative sample of INGO’s employees working at Jesuit Refugee Service Jordan. Data were collected from 125 workers who are diverse in their gender, age, educational level, work experience and hierarchical position. Additionally, SPSS and AMO statistical software were used in order to read out the results of the filled out questionnaires. Moreover, Correlation Matrix, Multiple Regression Analysis and Mediation Analysis Process statistical tools were adopted in order to validate the proposed relationship. Sequentially, the results of the analysis validated the proposition that psychological empowerment is correlated significantly to the creative performance of employees through the mediating effect of job satisfaction

    Fostering firm innovativeness: Understanding the sequential relationships between human resource practices, psychological empowerment, innovative work behavior, and firm innovative capability

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    This study investigated the relationships between human resource (HR) practices, employee psychological empowerment, employee innovative work behavior, and firm innovation capability in the context of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in Jordan. Employing the Social Exchange Theory (SET) as a guiding framework, this study explored how employee psychological empowerment and innovative work behavior mediated the influence of HR practices on a firm's innovative capabilities. Drawing on extensive data collected from ICT organizations in Jordan, our analysis had several key findings. A significant positive correlation between HR practices and psychological empowerment was observed. Job design emerged as the most influential factor affecting psychological empowerment, whereas compensation had a weaker impact. Furthermore, we established that psychological empowerment significantly enhanced innovative work behavior, underscoring its role as a catalyst for innovative work behavior within the sector. Finally, our study supported the theory that psychological empowerment influenced a firms' innovation capabilities, emphasizing the pivotal role of employee empowerment in driving firm-level innovation in the Jordanian ICT sector. These findings provide insights for academic and practical audiences, clarifying how HR practices, employee psychological empowerment, and innovative work behavior collectively influenced firm innovation capability within the unique context of the Jordanian ICT sector

    Organizacijska kultura in obnašanje v dobrobit organizacija: temna stran organizacijske politike

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    Background and Purpose: Organisational politics can have a substantial negative effect on employees’ perfor­mance, however many organisations still do not pay attention to this organisational behaviour. In our study, we aim to examine the relationship between organisational culture and organisational citizenship behaviour through how employees perceive political behaviour within organisations. Methods: Convenience sampling technique has been employed, quantitative data were collected from 532 employ­ees in the Jordan banking industry via online surveys. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to test the hypotheses of the study. Results: Analyses showed that organisational culture within the banking industry has an effect on how employees perceive political behaviour. A negative perception of political behaviour by employees, in turn, has a negative influ­ence on employees’ citizenship behaviour. These findings answer previous calls to investigate the destructive effect of organisational politics on employee outcomes. Conclusion: Organisations should pay more attention to the destructive effect of organisational politics and try to minimise such behaviour. Organisational citizenship behaviour, in contrast, benefits organisational performance, and the enhancement of this is recommended through the implementation of more effective policies and strategies. Keywords: Organisational culture; Perceived organisational politics; Organisation citizenship behaviourOzadje in namen: Organizacijska politika lahko bistveno negativno vpliva na uspešnost zaposlenih, vendar številne organizacije še vedno niso pozorne na to možnost organizacijskega vedenja. V naši študiji želimo raziskati razmerje med organizacijsko kulturo in obnašanjem v dobrobit organizacije upoštevajoč, kako zaposleni dojemajo politično vedenje v organizacijah. Metode: Uporabljena je bila tehnika enostavnega vzorčenja, kvantitativni podatki so bili zbrani od 532 zaposlenih v jordanski bančni industriji s pomočjo spletnih anket. Za preizkušanje hipotez študije smo uporabili modeliranje strukturnih enačb (SEM). Rezultati: Organizacijska kultura v bančništvu vpliva na to, kako zaposleni dojemajo politično vedenje. Negativno dojemanje političnega vedenja zaposlenih pa negativno vpliva na vedenje zaposlenih v dobrobit organizacije. Naše ugotovitve so odgovor na zaključke in predloge drugih raziskav, ki pozivajo, da se bolje prouči škodljive vplive orga­nizacijske politike na rezultate zaposlenih. Zaključek: Organizacije bi morale biti bolj pozorne na škodljive učinke organizacijske politike in poskušati takšno vedenje čim bolj zmanjšati. V nasprotju s tem, vedenje v dobrobit organizaciji koristi organizacijski uspešnosti, zato ga je treba izboljšati z izvajanjem učinkovitejših politik in strategij. Ključne besede: Organizacijska kultura; Zaznana organizacijska politika; Obnašanje v dobrobit organizacije