4 research outputs found

    Sensitization to Indigenous Pollen and Molds and Other Outdoor and Indoor Allergens in Allergic Patients From Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Sudan

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    Background Airborne allergens vary from one climatic region to another. Therefore, it is important to analyze the environment of the region to select the most prevalent allergens for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic patients.Objective To evaluate the prevalence of positive skin tests to pollen and fungal allergens collected from local indigenous plants or isolated molds, as well as other outdoor and indoor allergens in allergic patients in 6 different geographical areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the United Arab Emirates, and Sudan.Materials and methods Four hundred ninety-two consecutive patients evaluated at different Allergy Clinics (276 women and 256 men; mean age, 30 years) participated in this study. The selection of indigenous allergens was based on research findings in different areas from Riyadh and adjoining areas. Indigenous raw material for pollen grains was collected from the desert near the capital city of Riyadh, KSA. The following plants were included: Chenopodium murale, Salsola imbricata, Rumex vesicarius, Ricinus communis, Artiplex nummularia, Amaranthus viridis, Artemisia monosperma, Plantago boissieri, and Prosopis juliflora. Indigenous molds were isolated from air sampling in Riyadh and grown to obtain the raw material. These included the following: Ulocladium spp., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Cladosporium spp., and Alternaria spp. The raw material was processed under Good Manufacturing Practices for skin testing. Other commercially available outdoor (grass and tree pollens) and indoor (mites, cockroach, and cat dander) allergens were also tested.Results The highest sensitization to indigenous pollens was detected to C. murale (32%) in Khartoum (Sudan) and S. imbricata (30%) and P. juliflora (24%) in the Riyadh region. The highest sensitization to molds was detected in Khartoum, especially to Cladosporium spp. (42%), Aspergillus (40%), and Alternaria spp. (38%). Sensitization to mites was also very prevalent in Khartoum (72%), as well as in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) (46%) and Jeddah (KSA) (30%).Conclusions The allergenicity of several indigenous pollens and molds derived from autochthonous sources was demonstrated. Prevalence studies in different regions of KSA and neighbor countries indicate different sensitization rates to these and other outdoor and indoor allergens. Keywords: allergens, diagnostics, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, Saudi Arabia, Salsola, Prosopis, mite

    Rotavirus e adenovirus em crianças de 0-5 anos hospitalizadas com ou sem gastrenterite em Goiânia - GO., Brasil Rotavirus and adenovirus in children 0-5 years of age with or without gastrenteritis in hospitals from Goiânia - GO, Brazil

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    De junho/1987 a julho/1990 foram estudadas 557 amostras fecais de crianças hospitalizadas de 0-5 anos de idade, na cidade de Goiânia-GO., para detecção de rotavírus e adenovírus. Destas, 291 provinham de crianças diarréicas e 266 de não diarréicas. Das amostras não diarréicas, 64 eram provenientes de crianças de berçário. Das 557 amostras, 261 foram analisadas pela imunomicroscopia eletrônica (IME), eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (EGPA-SDS) e ensaio imunoenzimático para rotavírus e adenovírus (EIARA) e as demais apenas pela EGPA e EIARA. Rotavírus e adenovírus mostraram positividade de 17,2% e 2,1% respectivamente, e na condição de diarréia ou não, observou-se percentuais de 29,2% e 4,1% respectivamente para rotavírus (p<0,05) e 2,4% e 1,5% para adenovírus. Rotavírus foram mais prevalentes entre as crianças de 1-11 meses de idade e não foram vistos em nenhum recém-nato de berçário. Os adenovírus ocorreram na faixa de 1-3 anos. Rotavírus apresentaram maior circulação entre os meses de maio a agosto (p<0,05), não sendo encontrados de dezembro a fevereiro.<br>In order to detect rotavirus and adenovirus 557 feces samples from hospitalized children (0-5 years of age) were analysed from June 1987 to July 1990 in Goiânia-city.Two hundred and ninety one samples were from children with diarrhoea and 266 were from children without diarrhoea. Amongst this later group, 64 samples were from children from the nursery. Two hundred and sixty one out of 557 samples were analysed by immunoelectron microscopy (IEM), polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and enzymatic immunoassay for rotavirus and adenovirus (EIARA) whereas the rest (296 samples) were analysed by SDS-PAGE and EIARA. Positivity of rotavirus and adenovirus was 17.2% and 2.1% respectively. Concerning rotavirus and adenovirus there was 29.2% and 2.4% positivity within the group with diarrhoea and 4.1% and 1.5% positivity amongst children without diarrhoea (p<0.05). Rotavirus were more prevalent amongst children which age ranged from 1 to 11 months of age. No newborn child from the nursery was positive for rotavirus. Adenovirus were detected amongst children from 1 to 3 years of age. Rotavirus circulation peak occurred between May and August (p<0.05) and no positive case was detected from December to February. Two hundred out of 291 diarrheic samples were also studied concerning bacteria and pathogenic parasites and equal percentages (17.0%) were found for both rotavirus and pathogenic bacteria. Eighty nine samples of rotavirus were detected by SDS-PAGE and 86 of these (96.6%) belonged to the subgroup II with 13 different electrophoretic patterns. Predominance of a given eletropherotic profile was observed in each year of the study