19,288 research outputs found

    Change in Working Length at Different Stages of Instrumentation as a Function of Canal Curvature

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    The aim of this study was to determine the change in working length (∆WL) before and after coronal flaring and after complete rotary instrumentation as a function of canal curvature. One mesiobuccal or mesiolingual canal from each of 43 extracted molars had coronal standardization and access performed. Once the access was completed, canal preparation was accomplished using Gates Glidden drills for coronal flaring and EndoSequence files for rotary instrumentation. WLs were obtained at 3 time points: pre-instrumentation (unflared), mid-instrumentation (flared) and post-instrumentation (concluded). Measurements were made via direct visualization (DV) and the CanalPro apex locator (EM) in triplicate by a single operator with blinding within the time points. Root curvature was measured using Schneider’s technique. The change in working length was assessed using repeated-measures ANCOVA. The direct visualization measurements were statistically larger than the electronic measurements (paired t-test difference = 0.20 mm, SE = 0.037, P \u3c .0001), although a difference this large may not be clinically important. Overall, a greater change in working length was observed in straight canals than in curved canals, and this trend was more pronounced when measured electronically than via direct visualization, especially in the unflared-concluded time points compared with unflared-flared time points. A greater change in working length was also observed in longer canals than in shorter canals.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1032/thumbnail.jp

    Development Model of Higher Education Cluster in Chengdu and Chongqing

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    This study endeavors to investigate the influencing factors behind the development of higher education clusters in the Chengdu-Chongqing region and establish a model aimed at enhancing their effectiveness. To achieve this objective, a Likert Scale was employed, comprising four primary dimensions, 14 secondary dimensions, and 39 items, initially validated through a pre-survey and SPSS software analysis. Subsequently, 405 valid questionnaires were collected from government officials, university administrators, and business leaders in the Chengdu-Chongqing region through an online platform and email. SmartPLS software was then used for analysis, confirming strong reliability and discriminant validity of the survey data. Further structural analysis revealed no issues of collinearity and identified government, universities, and enterprises as positively influencing factors on the Chengdu-Chongqing higher education cluster’s effectiveness. Eight secondary dimensions and 17 items were identified as positively impacting cluster effectiveness, leading to the formulation of a government-university-enterprise model for higher education cluster development in the Chengdu-Chongqing region


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    Sumber bahan bakar utama masyarakat saat ini adalah gas dan bahan bakar dari bahan fosil yang merupakan bahan bakar yang tak dapat diperbaharui (nonrenewable). Bioarang buah pinus atau dikenal dengan buah tusam bisa menjadi bahan bakar alternatif khususnya bagi masyarakat yang berdomisili disekitar kawasan hutan pinus atau bagi kalangan industri rumah tangga. Briket berkualitas tinggi dapat dihasilkan dari proses pirolisis, yaitu suatu proses termal dengan kondisi sedikit atau tanpa adanya oksigen. Variabel yang diamati pengaruhnya terhadap mutu briket yaitu sifat fisik dan kimia dengan analisis proximate arang briket buah tusam, juga komposisi terbaik buah tusam dengan variasi konsentrasi kanji sebagai bahan perekatnya serta kualitas pembakaran briket buah tusam. Kegunaan penelitian ini yaitu sebagai bahan informasi bagi masyarakat umum yang tertarik untuk menggunakan briket sebagai bahan bakar. Hasil terbaik ditunjukkan pada rasio 85 : 15 % berat, dimana Uji sifat kimia kadar abu : 1.50 % berat; zat mudah menguap: 21.08 % berat; karbon tetap : 70.20 % berat. dan uji kualitas sifat fisika Nilai kalor : 6.577 kcal/kg; Kadar air : 6.87 %, dan Kualitas bakar selama 99 menit


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    Abstrak: Nira Aren di Desa Mangkawani cukup melimpah namun masyarakat mampu memproduksi gula merah cetak. Selain produksi gula merah cetak, masyarakat juga produksi gula aren semut secara sederhana dan pengeringan gula aren semut dengan menggunakan sinar matahari. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk membantu mitra sebagai kelompok sasaran untuk memproduksi gula aren semut yang berkualitas dan serta pendampingan penggunaan alat pengering gula aren semut untuk menjaga kualitas produk dan lebih tahan lama dan membantu memasarkan produk tersebut tempat wisata, toko-toko, pasar dan masyarakat disekitar desa itu sendiri, serta bagaimana cara mempromosikan produk gula semut di media online. Tim pengabdi bermitra dengan kelompok petani wanita Mawar Jingga Desa Mangkawani yang beranggotakan 20 orang. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan yaitu 1) penerapan mesin pengering gula aren semut ke mitra. 2) Pembimbingan dan pelatihan pengemasan produk dan mendesain label kemasan. 3) menganalisis kadar air, pH, kadar abu, protein, dll pada gula semut aren Metode yang digunakan adalah: a) pembuatan/pengadaan alat pengering gula aren semut dan b) sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian telah menghasilkan produk gula aren semut dengan kemasan yang menarik dan menunjang proses produksi gula aren semut dengan adanya mesin pengering. Abstract: Nira Aren in Mangkawani Village is quite abundant but the community is able to produce printed brown sugar. In addition to the production of printed brown sugar, the community also produces ant palm sugar in a simple way and drying ant palm sugar using sunlight. Service activities aim to help partners as a target group to produce quality ant palm sugar and as well as assistance in the use of ant palm sugar dryers to maintain product quality and be more durable and help market the product to tourist attractions, shops, markets and communities around the village. itself, as well as how to promote ant sugar products in online media. The service team partnered with the Mawar Jingga women's farmer group, Mangkawani village, which consisted of 20 people. The activities carried out are 1) the application of the ant palm sugar drying machine to partners. 2) Guidance and training on product packaging and designing packaging labels. 3) analyze water content, pH, ash content, protein, etc. in palm sugar. The methods used are: a) manufacture/procurement of ant palm sugar dryers and b) socialization, training and mentoring. From the results of the service activities, they have produced ant palm sugar products with attractive packaging and support the ant palm sugar production process with the presence of a drying machine. 


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    Nira Aren in Mangkawani Village is quite abundant but the community is able to produce printed brown sugar. In addition to the production of printed brown sugar, the community also produces palm sugar in a simple way and drying ant sugar by using sunlight. The service activity aims to help partners as a target group to increase the production of quality ant sugar and also assist the use of ant palm sugar dryers to maintain product quality and be more durable and help how to promote ant sugar products in online media. The service team partnered with KWT Mawar Jingga Mangkawani. The activities carried out are 1) the application of the ant palm sugar drying machine to partners. 2) Guidance and training on product packaging and designing packaging labels. The methods used are: a) procurement of ant palm sugar drying machine b) socialization, training and mentoring. From the results of the service activities, they have produced ant palm sugar products with attractive packaging and support the ant palm sugar production process with the presence of a drying machine
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