2,642 research outputs found

    Critical comparison of intravenous injection of TiO2 nanoparticles with waterborne and dietary exposures concludes minimal environmentally-relevant toxicity in juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss.

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    A critical comparison of studies that have investigated tissue accumulation and toxicity of TiO2-NPs in fish is necessary to resolve inconsistencies. The present study used identical TiO2-NPs, toxicological endpoints, and fish (juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss) as previous studies that investigated waterborne and dietary toxicity of TiO2-NPs, and conducted a critical comparison of results after intravenous caudal-vein injection of 50 μg of TiO2-NPs and bulk TiO2. Injected TiO2-NPs accumulated only in kidney (94% of measured Ti) and to a lesser extent in spleen; and injected bulk TiO2 was found only in kidney. No toxicity of TiO2 was observed in kidney, spleen, or other tissues. Critical comparison of these data with previous studies indicates that dietary and waterborne exposures to TiO2-NPs do not lead to Ti accumulation in internal tissues, and previous reports of minor toxicity are inconsistent or attributable to respiratory distress resulting from gill occlusion during waterborne exposure

    In search of a combined brucellosis and tuberculosis vaccine for cattle

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    Bovine brucellosis is caused by Brucella abortus. The bacterial pathogen causes economic losses because it induces abortion in cattle. Vaccination of calves with live B. abortus strain 19 induces a certain level of protection but induces persistent antibodies against cell envelope lipopolysaccharide that make it difficult to Distinguish Infected from Vaccinated Animals (DIVA). Live vaccine B. abortus strain RB51 was developed to eliminate such interfering antibodies and therefore, facilitate the differentiation of infected from vaccinated animals and help in the eradication of the disease. Vaccination with strain RB51 induces levels of protection similar to strain 19 but neither of the two vaccines give complete protection. We have been working to enhance protection induced by strain RB51 vaccine. Protective Brucella antigens can be over-expressed in strain RB51 by introducing a plasmid containing the leuB gene and the genes encoding such antigens. To avoid the expression of antibiotic resistance genes, we produced a leuB deficient strain RB51 and introduced a plasmid containing the leuB gene and the genes to be over-expressed. This new strain maintains the plasmid and has induced significantly high protection levels in mice. In addition, it allowed the construction of an RB51 vaccine strain able to express Mycobacterium bovis protective antigens so that the vaccine could protect against brucellosis and tuberculosis simultaneously

    Exploring the concept of the (future) mobile office

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    This video shows a concept of a future mobile office in a semi-automated vehicle that uses augmented reality. People perform non-driving tasks in current, non-automated vehicles even though that is unsafe. Moreover, even for passengers there is limited space, it is not social, and there can be motion sickness. In future cars, technology such as augmented reality might alleviate some of these issues. Our concept shows how augmented reality can project a remote conversant onto the dashboard. Thereby, the driver can keep an occasional eye on the road while the automated vehicle drives, and might experience less motion sickness. Potentially, this concept might even be used for group calls or for group activities such as karaoke, thereby creating a social setting. We also demonstrate how integration with an intelligent assistant (through speech and gesture analysis) might save the driver from having to grab a calendar to write things down, again allowing them to focus on the road

    Ocular Microtremor Laser Speckle Metrology

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    Ocular Microtremor (OMT) is a continual, high frequency physiological tremor of the eye present in all subjects even when the eye is apparently at rest. OMT causes a peak to peak displacement of around 150nm-2500nm with a broadband frequency spectrum between 30Hz to 120Hz; with a peak at about 83Hz. OMT carries useful clinical information on depth of consciousness and on some neurological disorders. Nearly all quantitative clinical investigations have been based on OMT measurements using an eye contacting piezoelectric probe which has low clinical acceptability. Laser speckle metrology is a candidate for a high resolution, non-contacting, compact, portable OMT measurement technique. However, tear flow and biospeckle might be expected to interfere with the displacement information carried by the speckle. The paper investigates the properties of the scattered speckle of laser light (λ = 632.8nm) from the eye sclera to assess the feasibility of using speckle techniques to measure OMT such as the speckle correlation. The investigation is carried using a high speed CMOS video camera adequate to capture the high frequency of the tremor. The investigation is supported by studies using an eye movement simulator (a bovine sclera driven by piezoelectric bimorphs). The speckle contrast and the frame to frame spatiotemporal variations are analyzed to determine if the OMT characteristics are detectable within speckle changes induced by the biospeckle or other movements

    The composition of dissolved iron in the dusty surface ocean : an exploration using size-fractionated iron-binding ligands

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Marine Chemistry 173 (2015): 125-135, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2014.09.002.The size partitioning of dissolved iron and organic iron-binding ligands into soluble and colloidal phases was investigated in the upper 150 m of two stations along the GA03 U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic transect. The size fractionation was completed using cross-flow filtration methods, followed by analysis by isotope dilution inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ID-ICP-MS) for iron and competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV) for iron-binding ligands. On average, 80% of the 0.1-0.65 nM dissolved iron (<0.2 μm) was partitioned into the colloidal iron (cFe) size fraction (10 kDa < cFe < 0.2 μm), as expected for areas of the ocean underlying a dust plume. The 1.3-2.0 nM strong organic iron-binding ligands, however, overwhelmingly (75-77%) fell into the soluble size fraction (<10 kDa). As a result, modeling the dissolved iron size fractionation at equilibrium using the observed ligand partitioning did not accurately predict the iron partitioning into colloidal and soluble pools. This suggests that either a portion of colloidal ligands are missed by current electrochemical methods because they react with iron more slowly than the equilibration time of our CLE-ACSV method, or part of the observed colloidal iron is actually inorganic in composition and thus cannot be predicted by our model of unbound iron-binding ligands. This potentially contradicts the prevailing view that greater than 99% of dissolved iron in the ocean is organically complexed. Untangling the chemical form of iron in the upper ocean has important implications for surface ocean biogeochemistry and may affect iron uptake by phytoplankton.J.N. Fitzsimmons was funded by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF Award #0645960). Research funding was provided by the National Science Foundation (OCE #0926204 and OCE #0926197) and the Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (NSF-OIA Award #EF-0424599) to E.A. Boyle. R.M. Bundy was partially funded by NSF OCE-0550302 and NSF OCE-1233733 to K.A. Barbeau and an NSF-GK12 graduate fellowship

    GOEAST: a web-based software toolkit for Gene Ontology enrichment analysis

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    Gene Ontology (GO) analysis has become a commonly used approach for functional studies of large-scale genomic or transcriptomic data. Although there have been a lot of software with GO-related analysis functions, new tools are still needed to meet the requirements for data generated by newly developed technologies or for advanced analysis purpose. Here, we present a Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Software Toolkit (GOEAST), an easy-to-use web-based toolkit that identifies statistically overrepresented GO terms within given gene sets. Compared with available GO analysis tools, GOEAST has the following improved features: (i) GOEAST displays enriched GO terms in graphical format according to their relationships in the hierarchical tree of each GO category (biological process, molecular function and cellular component), therefore, provides better understanding of the correlations among enriched GO terms; (ii) GOEAST supports analysis for data from various sources (probe or probe set IDs of Affymetrix, Illumina, Agilent or customized microarrays, as well as different gene identifiers) and multiple species (about 60 prokaryote and eukaryote species); (iii) One unique feature of GOEAST is to allow cross comparison of the GO enrichment status of multiple experiments to identify functional correlations among them. GOEAST also provides rigorous statistical tests to enhance the reliability of analysis results. GOEAST is freely accessible at http://omicslab.genetics.ac.cn/GOEAST

    The 3-D skills model: a randomised controlled pilot study comparing a novel 1–1 near-peer teaching model to a formative OSCE with self-regulated practice

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    Introduction: Near-peer teaching is a popular pedagogical teaching tool, with well-recognised benefits for students and tutors. There are multiple existing models to structure these interventions, but it is often unclear how they translate to academic attainment. We designed a novel near-peer teaching model that expands on previous research. Methods: Our model was piloted in a formative Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) setting, trialled on 22 pre-clinical medical students to establish feasibility, acceptability and descriptive outcomes that could inform the design of a larger study. Students were randomly assigned to intervention or control cohorts. Each cohort undertook 5 min formative OSCE assessments with either 3 additional minutes of structured teaching or 3 min of self-regulated practice before reattempting the first OSCE station. Checklist marking sheets for 1st and 2nd sittings were collected by independent external markers, in addition to a global assessment rating in which we used the Borderline Regression Method to establish the station pass mark. Results: A quantitative and qualitative result analysis was performed, demonstrating that students gained on average 3 additional marks after teaching with this model. Students and student-tutors reported increased confidence, high course satisfaction and evidence of reflective practice. Discussion: We established acceptability and feasibility outcomes. The descriptive outcomes will support the design of a larger, adequately powered study required to demonstrate translation to summative exam performance