294 research outputs found

    An efficient heuristic for the multi-vehicle one-to-one pickup and delivery problem with split loads

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    In this study, we consider the Multi-vehicle One-to-one Pickup and Delivery Problem with Split Loads (MPDPSL). This problem is a generalization of the one-to-one Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) where each load can be served by multiple vehicles as well as multiple stops by the same vehicle. In practice, split deliveries is a viable option in many settings where the load can be physically split, such as courier services of third party logistics operators. We propose an efficient heuristic that combines the strengths of Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing for the solution of MPDPSL. Results from experiments on two problems sets in the literature indicate that the heuristic is capable of producing good quality solutions in reasonable time. The experiments also demonstrate that up to 33\% savings can be obtained by allowing split loads; however, the magnitude of savings is dependent largely on the spatial distribution of the pickup and delivery points

    Skip Ring/Circular Skip List: Circular Linked List Based New Data Structure

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    A linked list is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence. Linked lists are used in skip list data structures. They consist of a layered structure and all nodes are in the bottom layer. These nodes are reduced to half towards upper layers and thus a pyramid-like structure is formed, which facilitates search, insertion and removal operations. A circular linked list is a type of linked list in which the last node of the list points back to the first node. Our new data structure, skip ring, is created with the help of circular linked list and skip list data structures. In circular linked list, operations are performed on a single round robin list. However, our new data structure consists of circular link lists formed in layers which are linked in a conical way. Time complexity of search, insertion and deletion equals to O (lg N) in an N-element skip ring data structure. Therefore, skip ring data structure is employed more effectively (O(lg N)) in circumstances where circular linked lists (O(N)) are used. Keywords: Skip Ring, Circular Skip List, Circular Linked List, Skip List, Data Structure

    The power of school principals’ ethical leadership behavior to predict organizational health

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    This study aimed to reveal whether the ethical leadership behaviors of school principals have an impact on organizational health. The relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was preferred as the research method. There were 402 teachers working in public schools in different districts on the Anatolian Side of Istanbul voluntarily participated in the universe of the research in the 2019-2020 academic year. According to the research findings, a positive relationship was found between organizational health and ethical leadership. As the ethical leadership behaviors of school principals increase, the organizational health of the school increases positively. Therefore, it can be said that the ethical behaviors preferred by the principals in the management process are important for the high level of organizational health in schools

    Comparison of the diagnostic characteristics of electrocardiographic algorithms in detecting the localization of the accessory pathway in Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

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    Amaç: Wolff Parkinson White Sendromu’nda aksesuvar yol lokalizasyonunu tespit etmek için kullanılan bazı elektrokardiyografik algo‐ ritmaların (Arruda, Boersma, Fitzpatrick ve Chiang) tanısal özelliklerinin birbirleri ile karşılaştırılması. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamıza 01.10.2013‐15.10.2017 tarihleri arasında Wolff Parkinson White Sendromu sebebi ile kliniğimize baş‐ vuran ve takibinde elektrofizyolojik çalışma yapılan 50 hasta (yaş ortalaması 34,8 ±14,3 yıl, %52’si erkek) dahil edildi. Tüm hastaların elektrokardiyogramlarında işlem öncesi preeksitasyon paterni mevcuttu. Hastaların elektrofizyolojik çalışma öncesi elektrokardiyogra‐ fileri incelendi ve herbirinde Arruda, Boersma, Fitzpatrick ve Chiang algoritmaları kullanılarak aksesuvar yol lokalizasyonu tahminleri ya‐ pıldı. Daha sonrasında elde edilen veriler ile elektrofizyolojik çalışma sonrasında tespit edilen gerçek aksesuvar yol lokalizasyonları ara‐ sındaki uyum değerlendirildi. İşlem öncesi elektrokardiyografilerine ulaşılamayan hastalar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Dört algoritma ile elek‐ t ro fizyolojik çalışma arasındaki aksesuvar yol tahminindeki uyum fleiss kappa test istatistiği ile hesaplandı. Bulgular: Elektrofizyolojik çalışma ile doğrulanan aksesuvar yol tahmin etme gücü Arruda algoritması ile %58, Chiang algoritması ile %52, Boersma algoritması ile %48 ve Fitzpatrick algoritması ile %38 olarak tespit edildi. Algoritmaların elektrofizyolojik çalışma ile olan uyumları incelendiğinde Arruda algoritması orta derecede uyum göstermekte idi (Kappa: 0,48, p <0,001). Diğer 3 algoritma ise zayıf de‐ recede uyum göstermekte idi. Sonuç: Aksesuar yol lokalizasyonunu belirlemede elektrofizyolojik çalışma altın standart yöntem olarak bilinmektedir. Söz konusu elek‐ trokardiyografi algoritmalarının aksesuvar yol lokalizasyonunu tahmin etme gücü beklenenden düşük olmasına rağmen bu algoritma‐ ların elektrofizyolojik çalışma öncesi kullanımının işlemin başarı şansını artırabileceğini düşünmekteyiz. Bu çalışmada kullanılan algorit‐ malar arasında en yüksek tahmin gücü Arruda algoritmasında saptandı (%58).Objective: To compare the diagnostic characteristics of some electrocardiographic algorithms (Arruda, Boersma, Fitzpatrick, and Chiang) used to detect accessory pathway localization in Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. Material and Method: Our study included fifty patients (mean age 34.8±14.3 years, 52% male) who applied to our clinic from 01.10.2013 to 15.10.2017 due to Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome and underwent electrophysiological study. There was a pre‐excita‐ tion pattern in the electrocardiograms of all patients before the procedure. The electrocardiograms of the patients were examined be‐ fore the electrophysiological study, and accessory pathway localization estimations were made using the Arruda, Boersma, Fitzpatrick, and Chiang algorithms for each. The compatibility between the data obtained afterwards and the actual accessory pathway localiza‐ tions detected after electrophysiological study was evaluated. Patients whose electrocardiograms could not be accessed before the pro‐ cedure were excluded from the study. The agreement between the four algorithms and the electrophysiological study in the prediction of the accessory pathway was calculated using the Fleiss’ kappa test statistics. Results: Accessory pathway prediction power verified by electrophysiological study was determined as 58% by Arruda’s algorithm, 52% by Chiang’s algorithm, 48% by Boersma’s algorithm and 38% by Fitzpatrick’s algorithm. Upon review of the agreement of the algorithms with the electrophysiological study, the Arruda’s algorithm showed moderate agreement (Kappa: 0.48, p<0.001). The other 3 algorithms showed weak level of agreement. Conclusion: Electrophysiological study is known as the gold standard method for detecting accessory pathway localization. Although the power of these electrocardiogram algorithms to predict accessory pathway localization is lower than expected, we believe that the use of these algorithms before electrophysiological study may increase the chance of success of the procedure. Among the algorithms used in this study, the highest predictive power was found in the Arruda algorithm (58%)

    Protective Effect of Curcumin on Liver Damage Induced by Biliary Obstruction in Rats

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the possible protective effects of curcumin against cholestatic oxidative stress and liver damage in common bile duct ligated rats. Material and Methods: A total of 18 male Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: control, common bile duct ligation (BDL) and BDL+curcumin. Each group contained 6 animals. The rats in the curcumin treated group were given curcumin (100 mg/kg) once a day orally for 14 days, starting 3 days prior to BDL operation. Following 14 days of treatment, all the animals were decapitated and liver tissue samples were obtained for histopathological investigation. Results: The changes demonstrating the bile duct proliferation and fibrosis in expanded portal tracts, including the extension of proliferated bile ducts into lobules, mononuclear cells, and neutrophil infiltration into the widened portal areas, were observed in BDL group. Treatment of BDL with curcumin attenuated liver damage. Both the elevated alpha smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), and the activity of TUNEL in the BDL were observed to be reduced with the curcumin treatment. Conclusion: Our data indicate that curcumin reduced BDL-induced cholestatic liver injury, bile duct proliferation, fibrosis

    Desferrioxamine Reduces Oxidative Stress in the Lung Contusion

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    Our hypothesis in this study is that desferrioxamine (DFX) has therapeutic effects on experimental lung contusions in rats. The rats were divided into four groups (n=8): control, control+DFX, contusion, and contusion+DFX. In the control+DFX and contusion+DFX groups, 100 mg/kg DFX was given intraperitoneally once a day just after the contusion and the day after the contusion. Contusions led to a meaningful rise in the malondialdehyde (MDA) level in lung tissue. MDA levels in the contusion+DFX group experienced a significant decline. Glutathione levels were significantly lower in the contusion group than in the control group and significantly higher in the contusion+DFX group. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels in the contusion group were significantly lower than those in the control group. In the contusion+DFX group, SOD and GPx levels were significantly higher than those in the contusion group. In light microscopic evaluation, the contusion and contusion+DFX groups showed edema, hemorrhage, alveolar destruction, and leukocyte infiltration. However, histological scoring of the contusion+DFX group was significantly more positive than that of the contusion group. The iNOS staining in the contusion group was significantly more intensive than that in all other groups. DFX reduced iNOS staining significantly in comparison to the contusion group. This study showed that DFX reduced oxidative stress in lung contusions in rats and histopathologically ensured the recovery of the lung tissue

    Employing of 2-Acetylpyridine Based Chalcone as Hg2+ Sensing Material: Experimental and Theoretical Examination

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    This study reports the evaluation of 2-acetylpyridine based chalcone structure as a useful sensing material for Hg2+ ion detection by the means of UV-visible spectroscopy. In this context, firstly, the most common twenty metal ions were treated by the chalcone structure which was synthesized from 2-acetylpyridine and 4-diphenylaminobenzaldehyde according to the known procedures. As result, the studied chalcone compound exhibited good sensing activity towards Hg2+ ion in acetonitrile/water medium with significant red-shift phenomenon. In addition, some photophysical/electronic parameters of the chalcone and its Hg2+ complex were determined experimentally and theoretically. B3LYP, PBE0 methods and SVP, TVZP, and TVZPP basis sets were used for theoretical calculations in acetonitrile media. Finally, experimental results were explained and the proposed sensing mechanism was supported via density functional theory (DFT) outputs