317 research outputs found


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    WhatsApp and BBM are popular instant messengers among Nigerian youths, particularly those of tertiary education age. Both applications are used by different shades of people across both genders as means to achieve different end. This study investigates how both apps are used in the construction of erotic conversations. The study is exploratory in nature and is intended to sketch initial understanding from different pictures painted by individual participants. Consequently, semi-structured interview of the qualitative method was used to extract responses from 20 participants, 10 each from both genders. All participants were drawn randomly from National Diploma (NDI) students of Mass Communication Department of Lagos State Polytechnic, Isolo Campus, Nigeria and year three and four students of Mass Communication Department of Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria. Findings revealed that for technical, operational and financial reasons, participants prefer WhatsApp to BBM. Majority of their erotic experiences occur on WhatsApp, involving, largely, chat buddies they have physical familiarity with. Also, most of the participants received more of nude, sexually explicit pictures of a chat buddy at some point in their erotic chat experiences in addition to pornographic films and sexually charged voice notes.   &nbsp

    Numerical Computation of the Complex Eigenvalues of a Matrix by solving a Square System of Equations

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    It is well known that if the largest or smallest eigenvalue of a matrix has been computed by some numerical algorithms and one is interested in computing the corresponding eigenvector, one method that is known to give such good approximations to the eigenvector is inverse iteration with a shift. For complex eigenpairs, instead of using Ruhe’s normalization, we show that the natural two norm normalization for the matrix pencil, yields an underdetermined system of equation and by adding an extra equation, the augmented system becomes square which can be solved by LU factorization at a cheaper rate and quadratic convergence is guaranteed. While the underdetermined system of equations can be solved using QR factorization as shown in an earlier work by the same authors, converting it to a square system of equations has the added advantage that besides using LU factorization, it can be solved by several approaches including iterative methods. We show both theoretically and numerically that both algorithms are equivalent in the absence of roundoff errors

    Analysis of the Shelf Life of Soya Bean (Glycine max) Flour

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    Aim: This work was to investigate the shelf life of fresh and stored soybean flour by isolating resident bacteria and carrying out their proximate analyses. Place and Duration of study: Samples were bought from Roundabout market at Iwo, Osun state, Nigeria. An analysis was carried out within 8 month. Methodology: The bacteria were isolated and identified using standard morphological and biochemical tests. The antibiotic susceptibility of the isolated bacteria was also carried out using standard methods. Results: Isolated bacteria belonged to genera Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Escherichia and Enterobacter. The number of isolated organisms was higher in all cases in the stored flour sample. The results showed that the percentage of crude protein (37.0 ± 0.12), crude fat (16.4 ± 0.04) and dry matter (91.1 ± 0.06), was highest in the freshly purchased soybean flour. The moisture content of the stored flour was (9.1 0. ± 06), while carbohydrate (35.2%), ash (3.9 ± 0.04) and crude fibre (4.2 ± 0.02) were also higher. Resistance to antibiotics was highest to cloxacillin (100%), amoxicillin (75%) and augmentin (75%). Conclusion: The result of this work showed that long term storage is detrimental to the soybean flour and the presences of antibiotic resistant bacteria have serious public health implications


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    The investigation created data sets using administrative boundaries and road networks in Ife Central Local Government area of Osun State, Nigeria. The study also mapped spatial distribution of primary schools in the study area and determined its primary school enrolments. The geo-database was also linked while a spatial decision support system for educational planning purposes in Ife Central LGA. These were with a view to ascertain the importance of GIS technologies in school mapping. The study gathered through field work using the Global Positional System (GPS) tool to collect the coordinate positions of the primary schools while oral interviews were held with 10 head teachers (N=31) or their proxies. The data so gathered were incorporated into the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment for analysis of water body in the study area while direct estimation of schools’ enrolments, number of classrooms, number of teachers and their qualifications using survey approach. Results indicated the existence of 276 classrooms, 4677 pupils and 416 teachers in the 31 public primary schools located in little ‘water body’ areas; and major roads concentrated towards the southern part of the LGA. Most of the primary schools are located in the south (4.25 to 7.235 degrees) while the northern part of the study area had only four primary schools (7.237-7.350 degrees). The enrolment range of primary schools in the south was 259 to 600 pupils much more than enrolment range in the northern part (30 to 144). Results also showed the existence of a range of two classrooms (L.A. Middle School in Iremo Ward 1) to 22 classrooms at Baptist Elementary School in Ilare Ward 4 in the study area. The teachers possessed both Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) which is described as ‘highly qualified middle level manpower in the National Policy of Education’ (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2013) and Bachelor degrees. The study recommended, among many other steps, a better spread of the schools towards the northern part in order to reduce the distance of schools thus complying with United Nations Children Fund two kilometres distance from homes in the study area; the need to build more classrooms in the northern part and thus divert some resources from the south to the northern part of the study area particularly in the urban slums; and thus, disaggregating crowded settlement in the south. The study concluded that the GIS technology was capable of engendering inclusivity and efficiency in the management of schools’ establishment. Article visualizations

    Geochemical Trends in Weathering Profiles and Their Underlying Precambrian Basement Rocks in Akure, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Akure area in southwestern Nigeria falls within the basement complex underlain by migmatite, quartzite granite and charnockite. Geochemical features of these crystalline rocks and their overlying in-situ weathering profiles are investigated and reported. Analytical result from ICP-MS facility at the University of Malaya reveals average SiO2 content in quartzite (91.1%), granite (73.8%), migmatite (67.4%) and charnockite (58.6%) categorize the rocks as siliceous. SiO2 contents in the weathering profiles above these rocks are 61.9%, 60.2%, 52.2% and 54.6% respectively. Alumina contents in the weathering profiles overlying quartzite (23.8%), granite (19.9%), migmatite (26.3%) and charnockite (24.3%) are substantially higher than the precursor rocks. In the same order, average alkali (Na2O+K2O) contents in the profiles are 3.38%, 3.42%, 3.48% and 2.68%. Chemical features of the profiles reflect that there exists some correlation between the chemistry of crystalline basement and their in-situ weathering profiles. The residual soils contain low plastic clays with kaolinitic characteristics and compare well with other clays reported from other parts of Nigeria basement complex

    Improvement of annual forage and seed production in the sub-humid zone of Nigeria through supplement irrigation

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    A two-year study was conducted at Shika in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria to evaluate several perennial and annual forage species for seasonal and total annual herbage and/or seed production. Over the entire experimental period, total dry matter (DM) yields for grasses, perennial and hay-suited annual legumes varied from 27.5 to 79.1, 18.8 to 40.3 and 40.5 to 50.5 t/ha, to which irrigation contributed 48 to 66, 50 to 57 and 56 % respectively. Irrigated grass crude protein (CP) contents averaged 5.3 and 9.9 %; and legume CP contents 16.1 and 18.8 % for the May and December harvests while rainfed grass CP contents ranged from 7.7 % (August) to 10.9 % (October), the corresponding legume values being 18.7 and 20.9 %. Irrigated cropping accounted for 55 to 56 % of the 9 207 to 12 461 kg/ha seed yield recorded in dual purpose legumes. It was inferred that on the basis of total herbage yield, distribution of yield and responsiveness to irrigation Pennisetum purpureum, Brachiaria decumbens, Cajanus cajan Acc UQ 50 or 3D 8104 and S. guianensis cv Cook proved to be promising; reasonable seed yield levels were obtained from C. cajan 3D 8104, Glycine max Acc. 49-14 and M 216 and Vigna unguiculata Acc Ivu 1283, whether irrigated or rainfed. The potential of irrigation is discussed in relation to feed, food and livestock production

    Quantification and Removal of Trichloromethane in Chlorinated Water Using Coconut Shell Activated Carbon

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    Commercially, available activated carbon (CAC) and coconut shell activated carbon (CSAC) were used in the adsorption of Trichloromethane (TCM) from disinfected water using the optimum conditions (concentration, dosage, pH and time) obtained. Concentrations of TCM were determined using GC-MS. Physicochemical parameters of CSAC were investigated. The CSAC gave percentage carbon yield (86.72±1.41), surface area 1200 m2/g and CHNS/O Elemental Analyzer gave elemental Carbon of 60.08% as the highest of the elements in the char. A pore structure dispersed on the CSAC surface was observed. Best conditions for CSAC were: 1.4 × 104μg/l TCM, 5.0 pH, 0.8 g absorbent within 30 minutes. The data fitted Freundlich than Langmuir model (R2 of 0.9977 and 0.9232, respectively). Percentage removal of TCM for CAC and CSAC was 98.3±1.55 and 96.7±1.27, respectively for the water sample. Results indicated that CSAC was efficient for removal of TCM present in water and could be used as alternative for CAC in water treatment

    The prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and its relationship with diet and obesity among public school teachers in Abeokuta, south-west Nigeria

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    Background: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a common chronic disorder in the high-income countries; and thought to be rare in low- and middle-income-countries. Lifestyle and diets have been suggested among others, as risk factors contributing to the development and severity of GORD. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of GORD and its association with dietary items and obesity among public school teachers in Abeokuta, south-western Nigeria.Methods: School teachers from 24 randomly selected public schools in Abeokuta were involved in the study. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain information on respondents’ bio data, food frequency and Carlson-Dent scores were calculated for each respondent. A score of 4 and above on the Carlsson-Dent questionnaire was considered diagnostic of GORD. Each respondent had his or her weight, height, waist circumference and hip circumference measured. Body mass index and waist-hip ratio were calculated for each respondent.Results: A total of 550 teachers participated in the study. The prevalence of GORD was found to be 13.8% among the teachers. There was a significant association between chocolate consumption and frequency of GORD (p=0.01). There was no association between consumption of soft drinks (p=0.673), kola nut (P=0.451), beer (p=0.674), bitter kola (0.425), groundnut (0.442), cowpeas (p=0.442), walnut (p=0.905), gari (p=0.931), fufu (p= 0.249) and lafun (p=0.480) and the frequency of GORD. Similarly, no association was found between obesity (BMI, p=0.738), waist-hip ratio (p=0.56) and the frequency of GORD.Conclusion: GORD is common among public school teachers in Abeokuta with a prevalence of 13.8%. Except for consumption of chocolate, no association was found between frequency of GORD and consumption of majority of the dietary items considered in this study

    Azadirachta indica Leaf Extract Ameliorates Hyperglycemia and Hepatic Glycogenosis in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

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    We studied the effects of ethanolic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica (AIE) on hepatic microscopic anatomy and oxidative stress markers in diabetic rats. Seventy-five Wistar rats (8 weeks old) were randomly assigned to five treatment groups: control; diabetic; diabetic+AIE; AIE only; and diabetic+glibenclamide. Hyperglycemia was induced in fasted rats with streptozotocin. AIE was administered orally at 500 mg/kg bw/d and glibenclamide at 600 μg/kg bw/d for 50 days (50 d). Animals were sacrificed on treatment days 7, 21 and 50. The liver was stained with PAS. Hepatic markers of oxidative stress were also estimated. At 50 d, histological study of the liver of diabetic rats showed swollen PAS+ hepatocytes, whose content was confirmed to be glycogen. On the contrary, hepatocytes of AIE-treated diabetic rats lacked glycogen. The major finding in these rats was exacerbated oxidative stress. Our findings in this model showed the beneficial effect of AIE in the amelioration of diabetic hepatic glycogenosis.Keywords: Diabetes, Azadirachta indica, hepatic glycogenosis, oxidative stress, live
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