539 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKTRI KARUNIA PUTRI AMELIA,TINJAUAN KRIMINOLOGIS TERHADAP 2015 TINDAK PIDANA INCEST DENGAN KORBAN ANAK (STUDI KASUS DI LAPAS KLAS IIA BANDA ACEH)Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(v,54),pp.,bibl(Dr. DAHLAN ALI., S.H., M.Hum., M.Kn.,)Salah satu kejahatan yang sering terjadi adalah tindak pidana perkosaan. Tindak pidana perkosaan merupakan salah satu dari tindak pidana terhadap kesusilaan. Dalam Bab XIV dalam Buku II KUHP memuat kejahatan terhadap kesusilaan yang tersebar pada pasal 281 hingga 303 KUHP. Di dalamnya yang dimaksud dengan kesusilaan sebagian besar berkaitan dengan seksualitas. Salah satu jenis kelainan seksual adalah hubungan seks yang dilakukan secara paksa bersama seseorang yang masih ada hubungan darah yaitu incest, dan yang biasanya menjadi korban ialah anak-anak. Incest sebagaimana dirumuskan dalam kamus besar bahasa Indonesia adalah hubungan seksual antara orang-orang yang bersaudara dekat yang dianggap melanggar adat, hukum dan agama. Sanksi mengenai incest dengan korban anak dapat dilihat dalam Pasal 81 dan Pasal 82 Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan faktor penyebab terjadinya tindak pidana incest, dan untuk mengetahui upaya yang perlu dilakukan untuk menanggulangi tindak pidana incest di provinsi Aceh.Untuk memperoleh data dalam penelitian skripsi ini, dilakukan penelitian pustaka (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research) yang dilaksanakan di Banda Aceh dengan lokasi penelitian pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif yaitu menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari studi lapangan dan kepustakaan dengan cara menjelaskan dan menggambarkan kenyataan objek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya tindak pidana incest adalah: Faktor rendahnya pendidikan dan ekonomi, Faktor lingkungan atau tempat tinggal, Faktor alkohol, Faktor kurangnya pemahaman terhadap agama, dan Peranan korban. Penanggulangan tindak pidana incest dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengadakan pelayanan emergency call kepada masyarakat, mengadakan pengedukasian bagi para orang tua, dan juga pembinaan mental kepada pelaku dan korban tindak pidana incest.Disarankan kepada pemerintah agar hendaknya memperbanyak wadah tempat pengaduan untuk masyarakat, serta diadakan penyuluhan hukum agar dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk benar-benar mentaati hukum. Selain itu disarankan agar sistem pembuktian dalam kasus perkosaan dapat lebih permudah, khususnya incest.Banda Ace

    Phylogenetic diversity analysis of Trichoderma species based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) marker

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    The phylogeny of Trichoderma and the phylogenetic relationships of its species was investigated by maximum parsimony analysis and distance analysis of DNA sequences from multiple genetic loci 18S rDNA sequence analysis suggests that the genus Trichoderma evolved at the same time as Hypomyces and Fusarium and thus about 110 Myr ago 28S rDNA sequence analysis shows that the genus Trichoderma is part of a monophyletic branch within the Hypocreaceae. Most isolates of the genus Trichoderma were found to act as mycoparasites of many economically important aerial and soil-borne plant pathogens. Trichoderma has attained importance as a substitute for chemical pesticides and hence an attempt was intended to corroborate the positive relatedness of molecular and morphological characters. Two fungal strains, Trichoderma koningii Tk-5201/CSAU and Trichoderma virens Tvi-4177/CSAU were isolated from a soil sample collected from CSA Farm, Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The universal primers (internal transcribed spacer, ITS) were used for the amplification of 18S rRNA gene fragment and strains were thus characterized with the help of ITS marker. It is proposed that the identified strains T. koningii Tk-5201/CSAU and T. virens Tvi-4177/CSAU be assigned as the type strains of a species of genus Trichoderma based on phylogenetic tree analysis together with the 18S rRNA gene sequence search in Ribosomal Database Project, small subunit rRNA and large subunit rRNA databases. The sequence was deposited in GenBank with the accession numbers KC800923 and KC800924, respectively. Thus an integrated approach of morphological and molecular markers can be employed to identify a superior strain of Trichoderma for its commercial exploitation.Keywords: 18S ribosomal RNA gene, Trichoderma, phylogenetic analysis, internal transcribed spacer (ITS), DNA sequencing, GenBankAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(3), pp. 449-455, 15 January, 201

    Chronic renal insufficiency among Asian Indians with type 2 diabetes: I. Role of RAAS gene polymorphisms

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    BACKGROUND: Renal failure in diabetes is mediated by multiple pathways. Experimental and clinical evidences suggest that renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) has a crucial role in diabetic kidney disease. A relationship between the RAAS genotypes and chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) among type 2 diabetes subjects has therefore been speculated. We investigated the contribution of selected RAAS gene polymorphisms to CRI among type 2 diabetic Asian Indian subjects. METHODS: Twelve single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from six genes namely-renin (REN), angiotensinogen (ATG), angiotensin converting enzyme I (ACE), angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) and aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) gene from the RAAS pathway and one from chymase pathway were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method and tested for their association with diabetic CRI using a case-control approach. Successive cases presenting to study centres with type 2 diabetes of ≥2 years duration and moderate CRI diagnosed by serum creatinine ≥3 mg/dl after exclusion of non-diabetic causes of CRI (n = 196) were compared with diabetes subjects with no evidence of renal disease (n = 225). Logistic regression analysis was carried out to correlate various clinical parameters with genotypes, and to study pair wise interactions between SNPs of different genes. RESULTS: Of the 12 SNPs genotyped, Glu53Stop in AGT and A>T (-777) in AT1 genes, were monomorphic and not included for further analysis. We observed a highly significant association of Met235Thr SNP in angiotensinogen gene with CRI (O.R. 2.68, 95%CI: 2.01–3.57 for Thr allele, O.R. 2.94, 95%CI: 1.88–4.59 for Thr/Thr genotype and O.R. 2.68, 95%CI: 1.97–3.64 for ACC haplotype). A significant allelic and genotypic association of T>C (-344) SNP in aldosterone synthase gene (O.R. 1.57, 95%CI: 1.16–2.14 and O.R. 1.81, 95%CI: 1.21–2.71 respectively), and genotypic association of GA genotype of G>A (-1903) in chymase gene (O.R. 2.06, 95%CI: 1.34–3.17) were also observed. CONCLUSION: SNPs Met235Thr in angiotensinogen, T>C (-344) in aldosterone synthase, and G>A (-1903) in chymase genes are significantly associated with diabetic chronic renal insufficiency in Indian patients and warrant replication in larger sample sets. Use of such markers for prediction of susceptibility to diabetes specific renal disease in the ethnically Indian population appears promising

    Just how versatile are domains?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Creating new protein domain arrangements is a frequent mechanism of evolutionary innovation. While some domains always form the same combinations, others form many different arrangements. This ability, which is often referred to as versatility or promiscuity of domains, its a random evolutionary model in which a domain's promiscuity is based on its relative frequency of domains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that there is a clear relationship across genomes between the promiscuity of a given domain and its frequency. However, the strength of this relationship differs for different domains. We thus redefine domain promiscuity by defining a new index, <it>DV I </it>("domain versatility index"), which eliminates the effect of domain frequency. We explore links between a domain's versatility, when unlinked from abundance, and its biological properties.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that domains occurring as single domain proteins and domains appearing frequently at protein termini have a higher <it>DV I</it>. This is consistent with previous observations that the evolution of domain re-arrangements is primarily driven by fusion of pre-existing arrangements and single domains as well as loss of domains at protein termini. Furthermore, we studied the link between domain age, defined as the first appearance of a domain in the species tree, and the <it>DV I</it>. Contrary to previous studies based on domain promiscuity, it seems as if the <it>DV I </it>is age independent. Finally, we find that contrary to previously reported findings, versatility is lower in Eukaryotes. In summary, our measure of domain versatility indicates that a random attachment process is sufficient to explain the observed distribution of domain arrangements and that several views on domain promiscuity need to be revised.</p

    On the Action of 5-Amino-Salicylic Acid and Sulfapyridine on M. avium including Subspecies paratuberculosis

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    BACKGROUND: Introduced in 1942, sulfasalazine (a conjugate of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and sulfapyridine) is the most prescribed medication used to treat "inflammatory" bowel disease (IBD.) Although controversial, there are increasingly compelling data that Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) may be an etiological agent in some or all of IBD. We have shown that two other agents used in the therapy of IBD (methotrexate and 6-MP) profoundly inhibit MAP growth. We concluded that their most plausible mechanism of action is as antiMAP antibiotics. We herein hypothesize that the mechanism of action of 5-ASA and/or sulfapyridine may also simply be to inhibit MAP growth. METHODOLOGY: The effect on MAP growth kinetics by sulfasalazine and its components were evaluated in bacterial culture of two strains each of MAP and M. avium, using a radiometric ((14)CO(2) BACTEC(R)) detection system that quantifies mycobacterial growth as arbitrary "growth index units" (GI). Efficacy data are presented as "percent decrease in cumulative GI" (%-DeltacGI). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: There are disparate responses to 5-ASA and sulfapyridine in the two subspecies. Against MAP, 5-ASA is inhibitory in a dose-dependent manner (MAP ATCC 19698 46%-DeltacGI at 64 microg/ml), whereas sulfapyridine has virtually no effect. In contrast, against M. avium ATCC 25291, 5-ASA has no effect, whereas sulfapyridine (88%-DeltacGI at 4 microg/ml) is as effective as methotrexate, our positive control (88%-DeltacGI at 4 microg/ml). CONCLUSIONS: 5-ASA inhibits MAP growth in culture. We posit that, unknowingly, the medical profession has been treating MAP infections since sulfasalazine's introduction in 1942. These observations may explain, in part, why MAP has not previously been identified as a human pathogen. We conclude that henceforth in clinical trials evaluating antiMAP agents in IBD, if considered ethical, the use of 5-ASA (as well as methotrexate and 6-MP) should be excluded from control groups

    Evaluation of gut modulatory and bronchodilator activities of Amaranthus spinosus Linn.

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    Background The aqueous-methanolic extract of Amaranthus spinosus (A. spinosus Linn.,) whole plant, was studied for its laxative, spasmolytic and bronchodilator activities to validate some of its medicinal uses. Methods The crude extract of A. spinosus was studied in-vivo for bronchodilator and laxative activities and in-vitro using isolated tissue preparations which were mounted in tissue baths assembly containing physiological salt solutions, maintained at 37°C and aerated with carbogen, to assess the spasmolytic effect and to find out the possible underlying mechanisms. Results In the in-vivo experiments in mice, the administration of A. spinosus increased fecal output at doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg showing laxative activity. It also inhibited carbachol-induced bronchospasm in anesthetized rats at 1, 3, 10 and 30 mg/kg indicative of bronchodilator activity. When tested on isolated gut preparations, the plant extract showed a concentration-dependent (0.01-10.0 mg/ml) spasmogenic effect in spontaneously contracting rabbit jejunum and guinea-pig ileum. The spasmogenic effect was partially blocked in tissues pretreated with atropine (0.1 μM). When tested on K+ (80 mM)-induced sustained contractions in isolated rabbit jejunum, the plant extract caused complete relaxation and also produced a shift in the Ca++ concentration-response curves (CRCs) towards right, similar to diltiazem. In rabbit trachea, the plant extract completely inhibited K+ (80 mM) and carbachol (CCh, 1 μM)-induced contractions at 1 mg/ml but pretreatment of tissue with propranolol (1 μM), caused around 10 fold shift in the inhibitory CRCs of the plant extract constructed against CCh-induced contraction. The plant extract (up to 0.3 mg/ml) also increased both force and rate of spontaneous contractions of isolated guinea-pig atria, followed by relaxation at higher concentration (1.0-5.0 mg/ml). The cardio-stimulant effect was abolished in the presence of propranolol, similar to that of isoprenaline. Activity-directed fractionation revealed that the spasmolytic component(s) was separated in the organic fraction, whereas the spasmogenic component was concentrated in the aqueous fraction. Conclusion These results indicate that A. spinosus possesses laxative activity partially mediated through cholinergic action. The spasmolytic effect was mediated through calcium channel blocking (CCB), while bronchodilator activity through a combination of β-adrenergic and CCB pathways, which may explain the traditional uses of A. spinosus in gut and airways disorders

    Specific Inhibition of Phosphodiesterase-4B Results in Anxiolysis and Facilitates Memory Acquisition

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    Cognitive dysfunction is a core feature of dementia and a prominent feature in psychiatric disease. As non-redundant regulators of intracellular cAMP gradients, phosphodiesterases (PDE) mediate fundamental aspects of brain function relevant to learning, memory, and higher cognitive functions. Phosphodiesterase-4B (PDE4B) is an important phosphodiesterase in the hippocampal formation, is a major Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) binding partner and is itself a risk gene for psychiatric illness. To define the effects of specific inhibition of the PDE4B subtype, we generated mice with a catalytic domain mutant form of PDE4B (Y358C) that has decreased ability to hydrolyze cAMP. Structural modelling predictions of decreased function and impaired binding with DISC1 were confirmed in cell assays. Phenotypic characterization of the PDE4BY358C mice revealed facilitated phosphorylation of CREB, decreased binding to DISC1, and upregulation of DISC1 and β-Arrestin in hippocampus and amygdala. In behavioural assays, PDE4BY358C mice displayed decreased anxiety and increased exploration, as well as cognitive enhancement across several tests of learning and memory, consistent with synaptic changes including enhanced long-term potentiation and impaired depotentiation ex vivo. PDE4BY358C mice also demonstrated enhanced neurogenesis. Contextual fear memory, though intact at 24 hours, was decreased at 7 days in PDE4BY358C mice, an effect replicated pharmacologically with a non-selective PDE4 inhibitor, implicating cAMP signalling by PDE4B in a very late phase of consolidation. No effect of the PDE4BY358C mutation was observed in the pre-pulse inhibition and forced swim tests. Our data establish specific inhibition of PDE4B as a promising therapeutic approach for disorders of cognition and anxiety, and a putative target for pathological fear memory

    Tuberculosis chemotherapy: current drug delivery approaches

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    Tuberculosis is a leading killer of young adults worldwide and the global scourge of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis is reaching epidemic proportions. It is endemic in most developing countries and resurgent in developed and developing countries with high rates of human immunodeficiency virus infection. This article reviews the current situation in terms of drug delivery approaches for tuberculosis chemotherapy. A number of novel implant-, microparticulate-, and various other carrier-based drug delivery systems incorporating the principal anti-tuberculosis agents have been fabricated that either target the site of tuberculosis infection or reduce the dosing frequency with the aim of improving patient outcomes. These developments in drug delivery represent attractive options with significant merit, however, there is a requisite to manufacture an oral system, which directly addresses issues of unacceptable rifampicin bioavailability in fixed-dose combinations. This is fostered by the need to deliver medications to patients more efficiently and with fewer side effects, especially in developing countries. The fabrication of a polymeric once-daily oral multiparticulate fixed-dose combination of the principal anti-tuberculosis drugs, which attains segregated delivery of rifampicin and isoniazid for improved rifampicin bioavailability, could be a step in the right direction in addressing issues of treatment failure due to patient non-compliance

    Evolution of a New Function by Degenerative Mutation in Cephalochordate Steroid Receptors

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    Gene duplication is the predominant mechanism for the evolution of new genes. Major existing models of this process assume that duplicate genes are redundant; degenerative mutations in one copy can therefore accumulate close to neutrally, usually leading to loss from the genome. When gene products dimerize or interact with other molecules for their functions, however, degenerative mutations in one copy may produce repressor alleles that inhibit the function of the other and are therefore exposed to selection. Here, we describe the evolution of a duplicate repressor by simple degenerative mutations in the steroid hormone receptors (SRs), a biologically crucial vertebrate gene family. We isolated and characterized the SRs of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae, which diverged from other chordates just after duplication of the ancestral SR. The B. floridae genome contains two SRs: BfER, an ortholog of the vertebrate estrogen receptors, and BfSR, an ortholog of the vertebrate receptors for androgens, progestins, and corticosteroids. BfSR is specifically activated by estrogens and recognizes estrogen response elements (EREs) in DNA; BfER does not activate transcription in response to steroid hormones but binds EREs, where it competitively represses BfSR. The two genes are partially coexpressed, particularly in ovary and testis, suggesting an ancient role in germ cell development. These results corroborate previous findings that the ancestral steroid receptor was estrogen-sensitive and indicate that, after duplication, BfSR retained the ancestral function, while BfER evolved the capacity to negatively regulate BfSR. Either of two historical mutations that occurred during BfER evolution is sufficient to generate a competitive repressor. Our findings suggest that after duplication of genes whose functions depend on specific molecular interactions, high-probability degenerative mutations can yield novel functions, which are then exposed to positive or negative selection; in either case, the probability of neofunctionalization relative to gene loss is increased compared to existing models