61 research outputs found

    Foundations of Black Hole Accretion Disk Theory

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    This review covers the main aspects of black hole accretion disk theory. We begin with the view that one of the main goals of the theory is to better understand the nature of black holes themselves. In this light we discuss how accretion disks might reveal some of the unique signatures of strong gravity: the event horizon, the innermost stable circular orbit, and the ergosphere. We then review, from a first-principles perspective, the physical processes at play in accretion disks. This leads us to the four primary accretion disk models that we review: Polish doughnuts (thick disks), Shakura-Sunyaev (thin) disks, slim disks, and advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). After presenting the models we discuss issues of stability, oscillations, and jets. Following our review of the analytic work, we take a parallel approach in reviewing numerical studies of black hole accretion disks. We finish with a few select applications that highlight particular astrophysical applications: measurements of black hole mass and spin, black hole vs. neutron star accretion disks, black hole accretion disk spectral states, and quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs).Comment: 91 pages, 23 figures, final published version available at http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2013-

    Genome-Wide Screen of Three Herpesviruses for Protein Subcellular Localization and Alteration of PML Nuclear Bodies

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    Herpesviruses are large, ubiquitous DNA viruses with complex host interactions, yet many of the proteins encoded by these viruses have not been functionally characterized. As a first step in functional characterization, we determined the subcellular localization of 234 epitope-tagged proteins from herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, and Epstein–Barr virus. Twenty-four of the 93 proteins with nuclear localization formed subnuclear structures. Twelve of these localized to the nucleolus, and five at least partially localized with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies, which are known to suppress viral lytic infection. In addition, two proteins disrupted Cajal bodies, and 19 of the nuclear proteins significantly decreased the number of PML bodies per cell, including six that were shown to be SUMO-modified. These results have provided the first functional insights into over 120 previously unstudied proteins and suggest that herpesviruses employ multiple strategies for manipulating nuclear bodies that control key cellular processes

    E2F1 Mediated Apoptosis Induced by the DNA Damage Response Is Blocked by EBV Nuclear Antigen 3C in Lymphoblastoid Cells

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    EBV latent antigen EBNA3C is indispensible for in vitro B-cell immortalization resulting in continuously proliferating lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). EBNA3C was previously shown to target pRb for ubiquitin-proteasome mediated degradation, which facilitates G1 to S transition controlled by the major transcriptional activator E2F1. E2F1 also plays a pivotal role in regulating DNA damage induced apoptosis through both p53-dependent and -independent pathways. In this study, we demonstrate that in response to DNA damage LCLs knocked down for EBNA3C undergo a drastic induction of apoptosis, as a possible consequence of both p53- and E2F1-mediated activities. Importantly, EBNA3C was previously shown to suppress p53-induced apoptosis. Now, we also show that EBNA3C efficiently blocks E2F1-mediated apoptosis, as well as its anti-proliferative effects in a p53-independent manner, in response to DNA damage. The N- and C-terminal domains of EBNA3C form a stable pRb independent complex with the N-terminal DNA-binding region of E2F1 responsible for inducing apoptosis. Mechanistically, we show that EBNA3C represses E2F1 transcriptional activity via blocking its DNA-binding activity at the responsive promoters of p73 and Apaf-1 apoptosis induced genes, and also facilitates E2F1 degradation in an ubiquitin-proteasome dependent fashion. Moreover, in response to DNA damage, E2F1 knockdown LCLs exhibited a significant reduction in apoptosis with higher cell-viability. In the presence of normal mitogenic stimuli the growth rate of LCLs knockdown for E2F1 was markedly impaired; indicating that E2F1 plays a dual role in EBV positive cells and that active engagement of the EBNA3C-E2F1 complex is crucial for inhibition of DNA damage induced E2F1-mediated apoptosis. This study offers novel insights into our current understanding of EBV biology and enhances the potential for development of effective therapies against EBV associated B-cell lymphomas

    Bose-Einstein Condensation in Magnetic Insulators

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    The elementary excitations in antiferromagnets are magnons, quasiparticles with integer spin and Bose statistics. In an experiment their density is controlled efficiently by an applied magnetic field and can be made finite to cause the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Studies of magnon condensation in a growing number of magnetic materials provide a unique window into an exciting world of quantum phase transitions (QPT) and exotic quantum states.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Improving healthcare empowerment through breast cancer patient navigation: a mixed methods evaluation in a safety-net setting

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer mortality rates in the U.S. remain relatively high, particularly among ethnic minorities and low-income populations. Unequal access to quality care, lower follow up rates, and poor treatment adherence contribute to rising disparities among these groups. Healthcare empowerment (HCE) is theorized to improve patient outcomes through collaboration with providers and improving understanding of and compliance with treatment. Patient navigation is a health care organizational intervention that essentially improves healthcare empowerment by providing informational, emotional, and psychosocial support. Patient navigators address barriers to care through multilingual coordination of treatment and incorporation of access to community services, support, and education into the continuum of cancer care. METHODS: Utilizing survey and qualitative methods, we evaluated the patient navigation program in a Northern California safety-net hospital Breast Clinic by assessing its impact on patients’ experiences with cancer care and providers’ perspectives on the program. We conducted qualitative interviews with 16 patients and 4 service providers, conducted approximately 66 hours of clinic observations, and received feedback through the self-administered survey from 66 patients. RESULTS: The role of the patient navigator at the Breast Clinic included providing administrative assistance, psychosocial support, improved knowledge, better understanding of treatment process, and ensuring better communication between patients and providers. As such, patient navigators facilitated improved collaboration between patients and providers and understanding of interdisciplinary care processes. The survey results suggested that the majority of patients across all ethnic backgrounds and age groups were highly satisfied with the program and had a positive perception of their navigator. Interviews with patients and providers highlighted the roles of a navigator in ensuring continuity of care, improving treatment completion rates, and reducing providers’ workload and waiting time. Uncertainty about the navigator’s role among the patients was a weakness of the program. CONCLUSIONS: Patient navigation in the Breast Clinic had a positive impact on patients’ experiences with care and healthcare empowerment. Clarifying uncertainties about the navigators’ role would aid successful outcomes

    Is exposure to formaldehyde in air causally associated with leukemia?—A hypothesis-based weight-of-evidence analysis

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    Recent scientific debate has focused on the potential for inhaled formaldehyde to cause lymphohematopoietic cancers, particularly leukemias, in humans. The concern stems from certain epidemiology studies reporting an association, although particulars of endpoints and dosimetry are inconsistent across studies and several other studies show no such effects. Animal studies generally report neither hematotoxicity nor leukemia associated with formaldehyde inhalation, and hematotoxicity studies in humans are inconsistent. Formaldehyde's reactivity has been thought to preclude systemic exposure following inhalation, and its apparent inability to reach and affect the target tissues attacked by known leukemogens has, heretofore, led to skepticism regarding its potential to cause human lymphohematopoietic cancers. Recently, however, potential modes of action for formaldehyde leukemogenesis have been hypothesized, and it has been suggested that formaldehyde be identified as a known human leukemogen. In this article, we apply our hypothesis-based weight-of-evidence (HBWoE) approach to evaluate the large body of evidence regarding formaldehyde and leukemogenesis, attending to how human, animal, and mode-of-action results inform one another. We trace the logic of inference within and across all studies, and articulate how one could account for the suite of available observations under the various proposed hypotheses. Upon comparison of alternative proposals regarding what causal processes may have led to the array of observations as we see them, we conclude that the case fora causal association is weak and strains biological plausibility. Instead, apparent association between formaldehyde inhalation and leukemia in some human studies is better interpreted as due to chance or confounding
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