3,626 research outputs found

    Latinos, African Americans and the Coalitional Case for a Federal Jobs Program

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    In the late 1970s, amidst growing unemployment in black and Latino communities, the newly-formed Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) supported the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) in its call for full employment in the run up to the passage of the Humphrey-Hawkins Act of 1 978. Never fully implemented, the act has been de facto an unfunded mandate for close to 40 years. Only recently has it been resurrected by a handful of lawmakers, while both discussion and support for a national jobs program has begun to gain steam in the media and the general public. With support from labor market research and other empirical evidence, we propose and outline for a bold policy: a National Investment Employment Corps to provide a permanent job guarantee for all citizens with the purpose of maintaining and expanding the nation\u27s physical and human infrastructure. Given the disproportionate effect of the recent economic downturn and labor market bias on African Americans and Latinos, we argue that a National Investment Employment Corps program would address the employment needs for blacks and Latinos by assuring full-employment and simultaneously ensuring long-term benefits for the nation\u27s well-being

    An analysis of the effectiveness of University counselling services

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    It is important to demonstrate replicable evidence of the effectiveness of counselling procedures. The study aimed to contribute to the currently limited evidence base examining the effectiveness of university student counselling in the UK. Information on therapeutic outcome [based on Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) scores] for 305 individuals attending a large UK university counselling service was analysed. Following counselling intervention: there was a statistically significant improvement in CORE-OM scores with 63% of individuals showing a reliable improvement and only 2% showing a reliable deterioration. Of those who began with a score in the clinical range, 49% showed a clinically significant change. These results provide additional evidence for the effectiveness of university counselling interventions. Future research should aim to build on this preliminary research using randomised controlled trial designs

    Screening for offenders with an intellectual disability: The validity of the Learning Disability Screening Questionnaire

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    The study assessed the validity of an intellectual disability screening tool, the Learning Disability Screening Questionnaire (LDSQ), in three forensic settings: a community intellectual disability forensic service; a forensic in-patient secure unit and a prison, using data for 94 individuals. A significant positive relationship was found between full scale IQ and LDSQ score, indicating convergent validity. Discriminative validity was indicated by, firstly, a significant difference in the LDSQ scores between those with and without an intellectual disability, with those with a diagnosis of intellectual disability, scoring significantly lower. Secondly, a ROC analysis indicated that the sensitivity and specificity of the LDSQ were both above 80%. The screening tool was found to have lower sensitivity in the forensic populations than was obtained in the original community standardisation sample, but had slightly higher specificity. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed

    Difficulties implementing CLT in South Korea

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    INTISARI PEMAKAIAN KAPASITOR BANK UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI FAKTOR DAYA PADA PT. ANGKASA PURA II CABANG BANDARAINTERNASIONAL SULTAN ISKANDAR MUDA Oleh AJA KARIJAH1404005010022 Penggunaan beban-beban reaktif (daya semu) dalam suatu sistem tenagalistrik akan mengakibatkan menurunnya faktor daya (cos ?). Faktor daya yangburuk mengakibatkan konsumsi daya reaktif yang sangat besar. Pada industripenggunaan daya reaktif ini akan dikenakan biaya tambahan jika faktor dayadibawah 0,85 sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan PLN. Untukmengurangi maupun menghilangkan biaya pemakaian kVAR tersebut maka dapatdilakukan perbaikan faktor daya dengan memasang kapasitor bank yangdikompensasikan beban-beban induktif. Kapasitor bank berfungsi sebagai sumberdaya reaktif sehingga beban tidak lagi menyerap daya reaktif dari PLN. Denganmemasang kapasitor bank maka nilai cos ? menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumpemasangan kapasitor bank pada PT. Angkasa Pura II Cabang BandaraInternasional Sultan Iskandar Muda sebesar 0,8 dan setalah dilakukan pemasangkapasitor bank sebesar 0,86 sehingga diharapkan dengan adanya pemasangankapasitor bank dapat memperbaiki faktor daya lebih baik dan menaikkan nilai cos?. Kata Kunci : Faktor Daya, Kapasitor Ban

    Notes on species of Actaecia Dana

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    A Tasmanian species, which was described in an earlier paper but wrongly assigned there to Actaecia euchroa Dana, is named as Actaecia thomsoni, n. sp. Differences between A. euchroa and A. thomsoni are listed. The presence of pseudotracheae in the pleopoda of A. thornsoni, and of A. pallida Nicholls and Barnes, is confirmed. Variations in the colour of specimens of A. euchroa from New Zealand are noted

    Styloniscidac (Isopoda, Oniscoidea) from Tasmania and New Zealand

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    An earlier discussion of genus Styioniscus is revised. Tasmanian forms previously identitied as St. thomsolli, St. phormianus and Notoniscus australis are recognized as new species and information on the above-named New Zealand species is given. One other new species of Styloniscus from Tasmania is described. Variation among New Zealand exampies of St. otakensis is discussed and a typical form of this species is determined. The occurrence of St. nichollsi in caves is recorded. Supplementary type specimens are selected for Notoniscus tasmanicus

    The Effects Of Pain On Informed Consent

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    It is common for providers to withhold pain medication as opposed to treating pain prior to obtaining informed consent due to the concern of invalid informed consent. Pain’s influence on cognition can significantly impact the cognitive domains required to obtain valid informed consent. Determining if a patient has the capacity or competence to participate in the informed consent process has medical, ethical, and legal implications. The medical use of competence and capacity is not equivalent to the legal use of the same terminology. Legal implications concerning consent include signing consent while in duress or pain, signing under the influence of opioids, and determining if withholding treatment until consent is obtained may be considered coercion. While the legal system has the final say, the onus is with anesthesia providers to determine if the patient is able to participate in the informed consent process. Other factors that should be considered include the validity of obtaining consent from a chronic opioid user, who has taken medication on the day of surgery or on the day of the anesthesia screening. The complexities of anesthesia, along with the patient’s comorbidities also must be considered when evaluating a patient’s understanding of informed consent. Developing or incorporating a standard guideline during the anesthesia screening may be helpful in determining if a patient is cognitively able to participate in the consent process. Research suggests that optimizing pain relief can improve decision-making while obtaining consent
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