23 research outputs found

    Shoulder hemiarthroplasty for fractures of the proximal humerus

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    Proximal humeral fractures were managed with primary hemiarthroplasty in 57 patients, 53 women (93%) and 4 men (7%) aged 51–87 years (mean 72.2). The mean follow-up period was 52 months (range 12–98), and the mean Constant score was 59.2 (range 38–76). Patients were very satisfied (n = 19); satisfied (n = 32) or dissatisfied with the outcome (n = 5). One patient required early revision surgery. Surgical treatment of three- and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus with hemiarthroplasty is a safe and effective approach, the outcome of which appears to be related to the quality of the anatomical reconstruction of the tuberosities

    Fraturas da extremidade proximal do úmero: estudo comparativo entre dois métodos de fixação Proximal humerus fractures: comparative study of two different fixation methods

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar o resultado do tratamento das fraturas da extremidade proximal do úmero. osteossíntese com a placa em t de pequenos fragmentos (grupo a), promovendo uma estabilização relativa, em contraposição à placa com parafusos bloqueados (grupo b). MÉTODOS: São alocados de forma aleatória 18 pacientes e avaliados prospectivamente, segundo critérios clínicos, escala funcional e parâmetros radiográficos da redução obtida. RESULTADOS: Pela escala analógica de dor a média aos seis meses de evolução foi 2,1 para o grupo a e 2,2 para o grupo b, a amplitude de elevação no grupo a foi de 140ºe de 143ºno grupo b e a pontuação na escala funcional da ucla foi respectivamente 30 e 31. Nas radiografias avaliadas; no grupo a, três pacientes obtiveram ângulos medidos após a estabilização entre 0º e 10º de desvio em relação à anatomia normal e seis entre 11º e 40º, no grupo b sete pacientes com ângulos entre 0º e 10º e dois entre 11º e 20º. CONCLUSÕES: Nos resultados precoces e tardios não ocorreram diferenças clínicas e funcionais nos dois grupos, prevalecendo uma alta incidência de bons resultados. as medidas radiográficas das reduções obtidas ficaram mais próximas do anatômico no grupo tratado com placas bloqueadas.<br>OBJECTIVES: The present study compares results of the treatment of patients with proximal humerus fractures using two different fixation methods: the t plate (group a) for small segments that provides a relative stabilization is compared to the locking screw plate that promotes a rigid fixation. METHODS: eighteen patients were randomly divided into two groups and evaluated prospectively according to clinical aspect, functional score and radiographic parameters of displacement after fixation. RESULTS: using the visual analogue scale - vas, the mean pain at six months of follow-up was 2.1 for group a and 2.2 for group b. the mean range of forward elevation was 140º in group a and 143º in group b. the mean ucla functional scale scores were 30 and 31, respectively. On the radiographic evaluation, the fractures of three patients in group a had between 0 and 10 degrees of displacement after stabilization and six patients had displacement between 11 and 40 degrees; for group b, seven patients had displacement between 0 and 10 degrees and three between 11 and 40 degrees. CONCLUSION: no early or late differences were found between groups in clinical and functional evaluations. in both groups, the prevalence of good results was observed. the reduction of the anatomical neck angles of the proximal humerus was closer to normal in the blocking screw group