87 research outputs found

    Robust Metabolic Responses to Varied Carbon Sources in Natural and Laboratory Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Understanding factors that regulate the metabolism and growth of an organism is of fundamental biologic interest. This study compared the influence of two different carbon substrates, dextrose and galactose, on the metabolic and growth rates of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast metabolic and growth rates varied widely depending on the metabolic substrate supplied. The metabolic and growth rates of a yeast strain maintained under long-term laboratory conditions was compared to strain isolated from natural condition when grown on different substrates. Previous studies had determined that there are numerous genetic differences between these two strains. However, the overall metabolic and growth rates of a wild isolate of yeast was very similar to that of a strain that had been maintained under laboratory conditions for many decades. This indicates that, at in least this case, metabolism and growth appear to be well buffered against genetic differences. Metabolic rate and cell number did not co-vary in a simple linear manner. When grown in either dextrose or galactose, both strains showed a growth pattern in which the number of cells continued to increase well after the metabolic rate began a sharp decline. Previous studied have reported that O2 consumption in S. cerevisiae grown in reduced dextrose levels were elevated compared to higher levels. Low dextrose levels have been proposed to induce caloric restriction and increase life span in yeast. However, there was no evidence that reduced levels of dextrose increased metabolic rates, measured by either O2 consumption or CO2 production, in the strains used in this study

    Experimental and theoretical investigation of ligand effects on the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles

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    ZnO nanoparticles with highly controllable particle sizes(less than 10 nm) were synthesized using organic capping ligands in Zn(Ac)2 ethanolic solution. The molecular structure of the ligands was found to have significant influence on the particle size. The multi-functional molecule tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane (THMA) favoured smaller particle distributions compared with ligands possessing long hydrocarbon chains that are more frequently employed. The adsorption of capping ligands on ZnnOn crystal nuclei (where n = 4 or 18 molecular clusters of(0001) ZnO surfaces) was modelled by ab initio methods at the density functional theory (DFT) level. For the molecules examined, chemisorption proceeded via the formation of Zn...O, Zn...N, or Zn...S chemical bonds between the ligands and active Zn2+ sites on ZnO surfaces. The DFT results indicated that THMA binds more strongly to the ZnO surface than other ligands, suggesting that this molecule is very effective at stabilizing ZnO nanoparticle surfaces. This study, therefore, provides new insight into the correlation between the molecular structure of capping ligands and the morphology of metal oxide nanostructures formed in their presence

    The association between physical activity and neck and low back pain: a systematic review

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    The effect of physical activity on neck and low back pain is still controversial. No systematic review has been conducted on the association between daily physical activity and neck and low back pain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between physical activity and the incidence/prevalence of neck and low back pain. Publications were systematically searched from 1980 to June 2009 in several databases. The following key words were used: neck pain, back pain, physical activity, leisure time activity, daily activity, everyday activity, lifestyle activity, sedentary, and physical inactivity. A hand search of relevant journals was also carried out. Relevant studies were retrieved and assessed for methodological quality by two independent reviewers. The strength of the evidence was based on methodological quality and consistency of the results. Seventeen studies were included in this review, of which 13 were rated as high-quality studies. Of high-quality studies, there was limited evidence for no association between physical activity and neck pain in workers and strong evidence for no association in school children. Conflicting evidence was found for the association between physical activity and low back pain in both general population and school children. Literature with respect to the effect of physical activity on neck and low back pain was too heterogeneous and more research is needed before any final conclusion can be reached

    Sugar-fermenting yeast as an organic source of carbon dioxide to attract the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae s.s.

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) plays an important role in the host-seeking process of opportunistic, zoophilic and anthropophilic mosquito species and is, therefore, commonly added to mosquito sampling tools. The African malaria vector <it>Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto </it>is attracted to human volatiles augmented by CO<sub>2</sub>. This study investigated whether CO<sub>2</sub>, usually supplied from gas cylinders acquired from commercial industry, could be replaced by CO<sub>2 </sub>derived from fermenting yeast (yeast-produced CO<sub>2</sub>).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Trapping experiments were conducted in the laboratory, semi-field and field, with <it>An. gambiae s.s</it>. as the target species. MM-X traps were baited with volatiles produced by mixtures of yeast, sugar and water, prepared in 1.5, 5 or 25 L bottles. Catches were compared with traps baited with industrial CO<sub>2</sub>. The additional effect of human odours was also examined. In the laboratory and semi-field facility dual-choice experiments were conducted. The effect of traps baited with yeast-produced CO<sub>2 </sub>on the number of mosquitoes entering an African house was studied in the MalariaSphere. Carbon dioxide baited traps, placed outside human dwellings, were also tested in an African village setting. The laboratory and semi-field data were analysed by a χ<sup>2</sup>-test, the field data by GLM. In addition, CO<sub>2 </sub>concentrations produced by yeast-sugar solutions were measured over time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Traps baited with yeast-produced CO<sub>2 </sub>caught significantly more mosquitoes than unbaited traps (up to 34 h post mixing the ingredients) and also significantly more than traps baited with industrial CO<sub>2</sub>, both in the laboratory and semi-field. Adding yeast-produced CO<sub>2 </sub>to traps baited with human odour significantly increased trap catches. In the MalariaSphere, outdoor traps baited with yeast-produced or industrial CO<sub>2 </sub>+ human odour reduced house entry of mosquitoes with a human host sleeping under a bed net indoors. <it>Anopheles gambiae s.s</it>. was not caught during the field trials. However, traps baited with yeast-produced CO<sub>2 </sub>caught similar numbers of <it>Anopheles arabiensis </it>as traps baited with industrial CO<sub>2</sub>. Addition of human odour increased trap catches.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Yeast-produced CO<sub>2 </sub>can effectively replace industrial CO<sub>2 </sub>for sampling of <it>An. gambiae s.s</it>.. This will significantly reduce costs and allow sustainable mass-application of odour-baited devices for mosquito sampling in remote areas.</p