11 research outputs found

    Diagnostic value of computed tomography, radiography and ultrasonography in metacarpophalangeal joint disorders in horses

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    In modern society the work and athletic performance of horses has led to a very important animal production sector in which Brazil possesses the third largest horse stock. Among all equine lesions described, metacarpophalangeal (fetlock) joint lesions are considered one of the main causes of lameness. Consequently, there is a need to improve the understanding and diagnosis of these injuries. The most efficient imaging diagnostic methods for the fetlock region are computed tomography, radiography and ultrasound. Imaging studies of the anatomical structures involving this joint are extremely important to obtain a more precise diagnose. The present study was performed in order to evaluate the capacity of different imaging diagnostic modalities to detect a variety of lesions in different fetlock structures. Twenty horses (Equus caballus) used for horsemanship activities were referred to the Department of Animal Reproduction and Veterinary Radiology of São Paulo State University, Botucatu campus, with clinical signs of metacarpophalangeal joint injuries. Horses were submitted to radiographic and ultrasonographic exam and computed tomography scan. Image analysis revealed a significant capacity of these methods to characterize lesions in this region. However, computed tomography provided broader and better evaluation of lesions in bones and adjacent structures, because it allows the analysis to be performed on three-dimensional projections, with attenuation coefficients (window selections) and tissue density measurement through Hounsfield Units (HU)

    Root growth of tomato seedlings intensified by humic substances from peat bogs

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    Peats are an important reserve of humified carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. The interest in the use of humic substances as plant growth promoters is continuously increasing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bioactivity of alkaline soluble humic substances (HS), humic (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) isolated from peats with different decomposition stages of organic matter (sapric, fibric and hemic) in the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, state of Minas Gerais. Dose-response curves were established for the number of lateral roots growing from the main plant axis of tomato seedlings. The bioactivity of HA was greatest (highest response in lateral roots at lowest concentration) while FA did not intensify root growth. Both HS and HA stimulated root hair formation. At low concentrations, HS and HA induced root hair formation near the root cap, a typical hormonal imbalance effect in plants. Transgenic tomato with reporter gene DR5::GUS allowed the observation that the auxin-related signalling pathway was involved in root growth promotion by HA

    Retrospectiva da produção científica do SIBRACEn: (1988-1994) Retrospectiva de la producción científica del SIBRACEn: (1988-1994) Retrospective analysis of the scientific production presented at the Brazilian Symposium on Nursing Communication - SIBRACEn: (1988-1994)

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    Buscou-se identificar algumas características da produção científica acerca da Comunicação em Enfermagem tendo-se como amostra os trabalhos de temas livres apresentados nos quatro eventos - Simpósio Brasileiro de Comunicação em Enfermagem (1988, 1990, 1992 e 1994). Verificou-se que a maioria dos autores é composta por docentes, que realizam as investigações preferencialmente em grupos, enfocando principalmente como sujeitos as díades (profissionais e clientela), estabelecendo como objeto de estudo aspectos da interação (qualidade e efetividade), bem como aspectos da produção/utilização do conhecimento em Enfermagem. O contexto interpessoal é o usualmente mais pesquisado. A área mais estudada é a assistencial e o ambiente é o hospitalar. As investigações são na maioria do tipo não experimento. Os resultados arrolados pelos seus autores evidenciam aspectos de inadequação da comunicação nas áreas da assistência (incluindo a administração), da educação (principalmente da clientela) e da pesquisa. Ao mesmo tempo percebe-se a tendência subjacente de busca de soluções inovadoras, bem como avanço no conhecimento do processo de comunicação.<br>En este estudio se buscó identificar algunas características de la producción científica sobre Comunicación en Enfermería tenendo en consideración los trabajos presentados en los cuatro eventos del Simpósio Brasileño de Comunicación en Enfermería (1988, 1990, 1992 y 1994). Se verificó que la mayoría de los autores está compuesta por docentes, que realizan sus investigaciones en grupos, enfocando principalmente como sujetos las diades (profesionales y clientela), estabeleciendo como objeto de estudio aspectos de la interacción (cualidad y efectividad) y aspectos de la producción/utilización del conocimiento en Enfermería. El contexto interpersonal es lo más investigado. El área más estudiada es la asistencial y el ambiente es el hospital. La mayoría de las investigaciones son del tipo no experimento. Los resultados evidenciaron aspectos de inadecuacidad de la comunicación en área de asistencia (incluyendo la administración), educación (principalmente la clientela) e investigación. Al mismo tiempo, percíbese una tendencia de búsqueda por soluciones innovadoras, también por el avance del conocimento sobre el proceso de comunicación.<br>The present study had the purpose of identifying characteristics of the scientific production on Nursing Communication based on a sample of papers presented at four events of the Brazilian Symposium on Nursing Communication (1988, 1990, 1992 and 1994). The majority of authors were faculty, who developed research mainly in groups, focussing as subjects the dyad (professionals and clientele), establishing as objects of their studies aspects of interaction (quality and effectiveness) as well as aspects of the production and utilization of Nursing knowledge. Interpersonal context was the most investigated, care was the area most studied and the usual environment was the hospital. Research were mainly of non-experimental type. Results evidenced aspects of communication inadequateness in areas of care (including administration), education (mainly of clientele) and research. At the same time, authors perceived the trend towards innovative solutions and improvement of knowledge on the communication process