573 research outputs found


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    Guru dalam menyampaikan materi memerlukan alat bantu perantara agar proses penyampaian materi   lebih mudah dan tepat sasaran. Adapun cara tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran yaitu media berbasis komputer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kemampuan dan pengetahuan guru dalam menerapkan media pembelajaran berbasis komputer, kendala dan upaya yang dilakukan guru dalam menerapkan media tersebut.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar Nusaharapan Permai, Kelurahan Katimbang, Kecamatan Biringkanayya, Kota Makassar. Kemudian teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan menggunakan     observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.  Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan guru-guru sudah mampu menerapkan media berbasis komputer. Guru sudah terampil dalam memanfaatkan sarana teknologi dan mengembangkan materi menjadi produk media berbasis komputer yang menarik, dan mudah diaplikasikan dalam pembelajaran. Tidak ada hambatan yang berarti bagi guru dalam menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis komputer. Upaya yang dilakukan guru yaitu dengan pengembangan diri melalui pelatihan dan pemanfaatan sarana dan prasarana teknogi yang sudah disediakan oleh sekolah

    Creating a virtual support group in an interactive narrative:a companionship game for cancer patients

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    Over one in five cancer patients are affected by feelings of loneliness [1]. This paper proposes a text-based game aimed at affected cancer patients, in which the player develops relationships with non-player characters in the context of a fictitious cancer support group. This would be designed with the aim of alleviating patient loneliness and fostering a sense of companionship. This work is part of an interdisciplinary project led by Abertay University and partnered with Macmillan Cancer Support, exploring the ways in which interactive storytelling can be used to support cancer patients. The game’s narrative and characters will be designed drawing on real patient experiences gathered in interviews. The game will go through several iterations of feedback and rewriting in response to focus groups held with patients and healthcare professionals.</p

    Budaya Kerja Aparatur Pemerintah di Kecamatan Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    This study aimed to determine the behavior of Administrative Pemrintah work culture in Bukit Batu subdistrict Bengkalis. This study focused on the performance of the government in Kecamtan Aparutur Bukit Batu to the ministry. Based on the background of the problem, the study aims to identify and analyze the behavior of Government Personnel Work culture in Bukit Batu subdistrict Bengkalis. The research method is qualitative, with the technique of collecting data through observation, interviewing and documents .The results of the field studies showed that the behavior of the work culture of government officials in Bukit Batu subdistrict is not going well, the government apparatus in Bukit Batu subdistrict performance undisciplined, because the maintenance in the process of exchange of letters did not go as timely or efficient. aside from the lack of discipline permaslahan that is in the performance of the Government apparatus was the lack of friendliness in the waiters to the people in the district of Bukit Batu Bengkalis regency, and aside from the lack of awareness of the Apparatus of the societal conditions. This makes the problem so that the government apparatus is not capable of being a good guideline for people in the District Bukit Batu Bengkalis

    Pengawasan Pemerintah Kota Dumai terhadap Usaha Karaoke Tahun 2013-2014

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    Karaoke businesses in Kota Dumai growing very rapidly. Karaoke is a business that provides space, equipment and facilities for singing to the accompaniment of recorded music as well as provide restaurant or restaurant. There are deviations resulting from the presence of the karaoke business. So the karaoke business supervision is essential to prevent penympangan-deviations.The method used in this study is qualitative methods of data processed not in the form of numbers, but in the form of an explanation that describes the shape of the state, process, certain events. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, documentation and observation.Results of this study illustrate that the implementation of the supervision of the karaoke business in Kota Dumai still not performing well, ranging from preventive and repressive control, and no firmness in imposing sanctions. This is evidenced by the presence of karaoke places that do not have a license, which provides a moral violation female commercial sex workers, selling illegal liquor-liquor, selling drugs, breaking the operating hours and other things that are contrary to Dumai Mayor Regulation No. 21 Year 2013 About Procedures and Procedures for Tourism Business License.Keywords : Monitoring , Preventive , Repressiv


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    Abstrak Adanya pengesahan revisi UU KPK membuat masyarakat dan mahasiswa beranggapan bahwa terdapat upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintahan Joko Widodo untuk melemahkan KPK selaku independen dalam upaya mencegah dan menanggulangi tindak pidana korupsi. Oleh karena itu, mahasiswa seluruh Indonesia juga mahasiswa Kota Pekanbaru melakukan berbagai aksi untuk menolak kebijakan pemerintah tersebut. Namun, pasca pengesahan revisi rancangan undang-undang KPK tersebut tidak membuat mahasiswa Kota Pekanbaru untuk terus melakukan aksi lebih banyak untuk menekan presiden mengeluarkan Perppu untuk membatalkan pengesahan revisi undang-undang KPK tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi mahasiswa Kota Pekanbaru dalam konsep Partisipasi Politik berdasarkan 4 kriteria yang diberikan oleh Paige dan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab menrunnya frekuensi aksi demonstrasi mahasiswa Kota Pekanbaru pasca pengesahan Revisi UU KPK Tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan campuran antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Kota Pekanbaru berada pada posisi “radikal militan” pada 4 kriteria yang diberikan oleh Paige dan faktor penyebab menurunnya aksi di antaranya adalah perubahan strategi ke judicial review, adanya masalah internal organisasi, dan adanya intervensi dari pihak mengaku intel. The ratification of the revision of the KPK Law makes the public and students think that there are efforts made by the Joko Widodo government to weaken the KPK as an independent in an effort to prevent and tackle corruption. Therefore, students from all over Indonesia as well as students from Pekanbaru City took various actions to reject this government policy. However, after the ratification of the revision of the KPK law draft did not make Pekanbaru City students continue to take more action to pressure the president to issue a Perppu to cancel the ratification of the KPK law revision. This study aims to determine the position of Pekanbaru City students in the concept of Political Participation based on the 4 criteria given by Paige and to determine the factors causing the decrease in the frequency of student demonstrations in Pekanbaru City after the ratification of the 2019 KPK Law Revision. This study uses a mixed approach between quantitative and qualitative. The results of this study indicate that Pekanbaru City students are in a “radical militant” position on the 4 criteria given by Paige and the factors causing the decline in action include a change in strategy to a judicial review, an internal organizational problem, and an intervention from parties claiming to be intelligence

    Responsivitas Walikota Terhadap Permasalahan Yang Terjadi Di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2015-2017

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    This research is intended to know the evaluation of society to responsiveness of Mayor of Pekanbaru in overcoming the problem of relocation of street hawker in lotus street and waste management. This study focused on the response of Mayor to the public on the complaints of the services provided. Based on the background of the problem, this study aims to know and analyze the responsiveness of the mayor to the problems that occurred in the city of Pekanbaru 2015-2017. The research method used in this research is qualitative descriptive, with data collection techniques used is through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the field study showed that the assessment of street vendors in the lotus street and the people of Pekanbaru city to the responsiveness of the Mayor still not fully in accordance with the wishes society, This can be seen the results of research, observation and interviews that have been done by the author of six indicators of responsiveness by Zetihaml. The mayor has not met the indicators properly. From the results analyzed the authors pointed out that the lack of maximum service given by Mayor is due to lack of seriousness, speed, timeliness, and accuracy He in providing services to street vendors and people of Pekanbaru city. while for indicators of attitude and communication, as well as access provided by Mayor has been considered good because of his hospitality and the provision of access for people who want to complain to him. So in this study the authors concluded that the level of responsiveness Walikota Not fully responsive in responding to any complaints from the community for services that have been given

    Perencanaan Pembangunan di Kecamatan Langgam Tahun 2012

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    The result of development planning in the district of Langgam in 2012 shows that there ara many planning proposals from the public who are not accommodated well, the proposal in the absence of the proposed project from the bottom, and the approach is top-down planning.The purpose of study is to determine the development planning in the district of Langgam and find out the cause of why the district development planning of Langgam patterned top-down planning.This research used descriptive qualitative research method. The primary data obtained through interview with people who understood local development planning; The secondary data obtained from relevant agencies such as District Office of Langgam and District Development Planning of Regency Pelalawan.The results found that; First, many proposal of public who are not accomodated and not realized by local governments, and inversely proportional to the proposed project arrived-suddenly appread at the end of the discussion of regional development planning. Second, the development planning process that lead to top-down approach, the cause is as follows: First, the public regarded as supporters of the planner is not executing. Second, planning is the desire of the public is not a necessity. Third, the interests of the elite.The Lat, the presence of resource constraints.Key words: Development Planning, District of Langgam, Communit