24 research outputs found

    Feelings of burden among family caregivers of people with spinal cord injury in Turkey

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    Study design: The study was designed as a cross-sectional survey. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine the level of feelings of burden in family caregivers of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Turkey, and to explore its predictors. Setting: Turkey. Methods: One hundred family caregivers of people with SCI completed measures of burden of caregiving, depression, social support and physical health. The SCI participants completed a measure of functional independence. Multivariate statistics and structural equation modeling (SEM) were conducted to identify significant predictors of caregiver burden. Results: Caregiver burden was significantly related to caregivers’ feelings of depression. SEM analysis showed that social support from family and from friends predicted caregiver burden via depression. Caregivers’ age, sex, educational level, physical health and household income did not significantly predict their feelings of depression or burden. Conclusions: Our findings revealed that support received from both families and friends is an important source for alleviating the depressive feelings of caregivers and, in return, their burden in the caregiving. In Turkey, high support from family members is expected and is important for psychological well-being, yet the current study showed that the support received from friends also has unique contribution to the well-being of the caregivers of persons with SCI. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of supportive relationships between family as well as friends for the caregivers who may have to provide lifetime care for their family member with special needs.WOS:000407265700012Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072PMID: 28169295Science Citation Index Expanded - Social Sciences Citation IndexQ2 - Q3ArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETAğustos2017YÖK - 2016-1

    Cefaléia enxaquecosa e síndrome do prolapso da válvula mitral: a propósito de 50 casos

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    São analisados 50 pacientes com prolapso da válvula mitral e diagnóstico clínico de enxaqueca. Todos foram submetidos a avaliação cardiocirculatória para garantir adequada correlação clínica entre ambas as enfermidades. Realizamos comparação entre idade, duração e frequência dos ataques cefalálgicos, relacionandoos ao prolapso da válvula mitral. São comentados os benefícios terapêuticos proporcionados a estes pacientes. A análise dos dados apresentados sugere frequência usual de enxaquecosos entre portadores de degeneração mixomatosa valvular mitral

    Macroadenoma pituitário não hemorrágico produzindo oclusão reversível de artéria carótida interna: a respeito de um caso Non-hemorragic pituitary macroadenoma producing reversible internal carotid artery occlusion: case report

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    Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente com macroadenoma pituitário não hemorrágico produzindo oclusão reversível de artéria carótida interna. A obstrução da artéria carótida interna por tumor pituitário é rara, particularmente na ausência de apoplexia hipofisária. A correlação neurorradiológica torna-se de fundamental importância para demonstrar a oclusão completa ou trombose do vaso afetado. O completo restabelecimento pós-cirúrgico do fluxo sangüíneo da artéria carótida interna torna-se imperativo para a completa regressão sintomatológica.<br>The case of woman with diagnosis on non-hemorragic pituitary macroadenoma producing reversible occlusion of the internal carotid artery is presented. The obstruction of the internal carotid artery by a pituitary tumor is rare, particularly in the absence of hypophyseal apoplexy. The neuroradiological correlation becomes fundamentally important to demonstrate the complete occlusion or thrombosis of the affected vessel. The complete restablishment of blood flow of the internal carotid artery after surgery becomes imperative for the complete symptomatological regression

    Sindrome de Van der Knaap megalencefalia com leucodistrofia: a respeito de dois casos na mesma família Van Der Knaap syndrome (megalencephaly with leukodystrophy): report of two cases in the same family

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    Relatamos os casos de dois irmãos, com quatro e seis anos de idade, com achados característicos da síndrome de Van Der Knaap. Discutimos os seus aspectos clínicos e radiológicos, assim como suas peculiaridades. Comparamos aos dados da literatura e analisamos os possíveis mecanismos etiopatogênicos envolvidos.<br>We report on two brothers, aged four and six years-old, evidencing the Van Der Knaap syndrome. Clinical and radiological aspects are discussed as well their peculiarities. Data are compared with related literature, as etiopathogenic mechanisms possibly involved

    Visualização do manto cerebral após tratamento de hidrocéfalo congênito: relato de um caso

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    O propósito deste registro é relatar o caso de recém-nascido com hidrocefalia que, após derivação ventrículo-peritoneal passou a apresentar evolução próxima ao normal do ponto de vista neurológico, bem como visualização à tomografia computadorizada do manto cerebral não observado em exame feito anteriormente