1,208 research outputs found

    An investigation into the performance and representation of a stochastic evolutionary neural tree

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    Copyright Springer.The Stochastic Competitive Evolutionary Neural Tree (SCENT) is a new unsupervised neural net that dynamically evolves a representational structure in response to its training data. Uniquely SCENT requires no initial parameter setting as it autonomously creates appropriate parameterisation at runtime. Pruning and convergence are stochastically controlled using locally calculated heuristics. A thorough investigation into the performance of SCENT is presented. The network is compared to other dynamic tree based models and to a high quality flat clusterer over a variety of data sets and runs

    Comparative performances of stochastic competitive evolutionary neural tree (SCENT) with neural classifiers

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    A stochastic competitive evolutionary neural tree (SCENT) is described and evaluated against the best neural classifiers with equivalent functionality, using a collection of data sets chosen to provide a variety of clustering scenarios. SCENT is firstly shown to produce flat classifications at least as well as the other two neural classifiers used. Moreover its variability in performance over the data sets is shown to be small. In addition SCENT also produces a tree that can show any hierarchical structure contained in the data. For two real world data sets the tree captures hierarchical features of the data.Peer reviewe

    High performance associative memory models and weight dilution

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    The consequences of diluting the weights of the standard Hopfield architecture associative memory model, trained using perceptron like learning rules, is examined. A proportion of the weights of the network are removed; this can be done in a symmetric and asymmetric way and both methods are investigated. This paper reports experimental investigations into the consequences of dilution in terms of: capacity, training times and size of basins of attraction. It is concluded that these networks maintain a reasonable performance at fairly high dilution rates.Final Accepted Versio

    Molecular self-organisation in a developmental model for the evolution of large-scale artificial neural networks

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    We argue that molecular self-organisation during embryonic development allows evolution to perform highly nonlinear combinatorial optimisation. A structured approach to architectural optimisation of large-scale Artificial Neural Networks using this principle is presented. We also present simulation results demonstrating the evolution of an edge detecting retina using the proposed methodology

    The analysis of animate object motion using neural networks and snakes

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    This paper presents a mechanism for analysing the deformable shape of an object as it moves across the visual field. An object’s outline is detected using active contour models, and is then re-represented as shape, location and rotation invariant axis crossover vectors. These vectors are used as input for a feedforward backpropagation neural network, which provides a confidence value determining how ‘human’ the network considers the given shape to be. The network was trained using simulated human shapes as well as simulated non-human shapes, including dogs, horses and inanimate objects. The network was then tested on unseen objects of these classes, as well as on an unseen object class. Analysis of the network’s confidence values for a given animated object identifies small, individual variations between different objects of the same class, and large variations between object classes. Confidence values for a given object are periodic and parallel the paces being taken by the object

    Hierarchical topological clustering learns stock market sectors

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    The breakdown of financial markets into sectors provides an intuitive classification for groups of companies. The allocation of a company to a sector is an expert task, in which the company is classified by the activity that most closely describes the nature of the company's business. Individual share price movement is dependent upon many factors, but there is an expectation for shares within a market sector to move broadly together. We are interested in discovering if share closing prices do move together, and whether groups of shares that do move together are identifiable in terms of industrial activity. Using TreeGNG, a hierarchical clustering algorithm, on a time series of share closing prices, we have identified groups of companies that cluster into clearly identifiable groups. These clusters compare favourably to a globally accepted sector classification scheme, and in our opinion, our method identifies sector structure clearer than a statistical agglomerative hierarchical clustering metho

    The development of iHARP: a multiple instruction issue processor chip

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.---- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.During the last decade RISC ideas on processor architecture have become widely accepted. RISC architectures achieve significant performance advantages over CISC architectures by striving to execute one instruction per cycle. However, a traditional RISC architemre can never execute more than one instruction per cycle. Achieving further performance improvements beyond RISC depends on developing processors which fetch and execute more than one operation in each processor cycle.Final Accepted Versio
