2,313 research outputs found

    Economy, Technology and the Environment: The Islamic Middle Way

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    Dr. Ahmad considers some specifics of the ways in which the Qur\'an, the Prophetic traditions and Islamic law lead toward a path of moderation between extremes, in terms of both belief and behavior: in favor of free markets, but with property rights clearly defined to prevent fraud and unfairness; in favor of technology, but not materialism; and with a concept of trusteeship of the environment that accommodates both development and stewardship

    Islamic Contributions to Modern Scientific Methods

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    The author suggests that the rise of modern science was not a revolutionary development confined to modern Europe, hut an evolutionary process that began in the Islamic civilization. He reviews those elements of the Islamic religious outlook that appear to have transformed science from the deductive methodology of the ancient Greeks to the inductive approach of tnodernity. Finally, he suggests that the supposed inherent tension between religion and science is a consequence of the sudden exposure of medieval European culture to the \"new\" scientific paradigm that had evolved in the Muslim World

    American and Muslim Perspectives on Freedom of Religion

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    The Impact of Information and Technology in Education

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    Learning technology continues to develop along with the times. In the implementation of daily learning, we often encounter the use of information and technology developments in the world of education, as is often done by teachers or lecturers, namely combining information and technology tools in the learning process. However, information and technology will not only bring positive benefits, but will also have a negative impact. The development of information science and technology has a positive impact by increasing the openness and dissemination of information and knowledge from and to all over the world across the boundaries of space and time. The negative impact is the occurrence of changes in behavior, ethics, norms, rules, or morals of life that are contrary to the ethics, norms, rules, and morals of life that exist in society. &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to know whether there was any correlation between students' vocabulary mastery and their reading speed. Futhermore, in this quantitative research, the correlation research design is used. The population of this research was the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Mulya Kencana. The sample of this research was 77 students taken from VIII A, VIII E, and VIII F class. In collecting the data, this research was distributing vocabulary test to assess students’ vocabulary mastery. Besides, to measure students’ reading speed conducted reading speed test with WPM (Word Per Minute) Technique to students. Because the normality of vocabulary test was 0.008 less than 0.05 then the vocabulary test is not normal. So the hyphotesis was change from Pearson Product Moment to Spearman Rho Correlation Formula SPSS 16.0 version. After doing the hypothetical testing, the result demonstrated that there was strong positive correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading speed. Based on the data analysis computed by SPSS, it was obtained that rxy (0.306) is bigger than r table (0.220). It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Based on this research, there was low positive correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading speed at the second semester of eighth grade of SMP N 3 Mulya Kencana in the academic year of 2019/2020


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    In this study, new way to handle the determination of interfacial tension for asphaltenic crude oil and C02 using parachor method is proposed. Parachor is one empirical method that can be use to predict interfacial tension and is widely used in the industry. Parachor method is dependent on the phase density, molecular weight, parachor value for each components and the scaling exponent. Early studies defined the value of the scaling exponent to be 3.67, 3.88,3.91 and 4.00. However, these proposed values are not design to predict the 1FT for crude oil that contain asphaltenes more than 0.01%. As a result, the predicted 1FT gave an error when comparing the results with the laboratory determination. This paper used four types of asphaltenic crude oil that contain different percentage of asphalt. The samples are Dulang Crude Oil, Iraq Ratawi Crude Oil, and mixture of 80% Dulang Crude and 20% Iraq Ratawi Crude, and 20% Dulang Crude and 80% Iraq Ratawi Crude. To compare the empirical method, this project implemented 1FT pendant drop experiment as the main laboratory work. This paper compared the 1FT value from the experiment and the empirical method in order to come up with a method to encounter the error

    Bima “Biogas Mandiri” Hasil Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tahu Dengan Digester Anaerob Tipe Fixe Dome Untuk Terciptanya Energi Pedesaan, Adiwerna, Tegal

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    Berdasarkan segala aspek kehidupan yang dituntut untuk berkembang guna memenuhi standar kualitas hidup manusia yang lebih tinggi, yang disertai adanya faktor perusak lingkungan berupa limbah.Hal demikian mendorong kami untuk berinovasi menciptakan teknologi tepat guna yang membantu mengatasi perihal tersebut.Minimnya kesadaran serta pengetahuan akan pengolahan limbah produksi tahu, mengakibatkan pencemaran lingkungan di area sekitar tempat pembuangan limbah tahu berupa bau yang tidak sedap serta lingkungan yang kotor akibat buangan limbah. Upaya masyarakat dukuh Pesalakan,kecamatan Adiwerna , Tegal, dengan membuat IPAL pengolah limbah tahu , dirasa kurang optimal dalam mengakomodasi keseluruhan produksi limbah tahu dari masyarakat dilingkungannya.Dengan demikian untuk mengatasi perihal tersebut maka pengolahan limbah yang tidak tertampung IPAL dapat diatasi dengan teknologi berupa reaktor biodigester.Limbah yang tidak tersalurkan tentunya dapat diolah dan dijadikan gas yang bermanfaat untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari warga dan mampu menjadi energi terbarukan.Dengan pengadaan biodigester, di proyeksikan mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dukuh Pesalakan, dan menjadikannnya sebagai desa percontohan sebagai desa mandiri energi.Kata kunci : “Inovasi”, ”teknologi tepat guna”, “limbah tahu”, “biodigester”,  “energi terbarukan

    KONSEP MASLAHAH DALAM KOMPILASI HUKUM ISLAM (KHI): SATU TINJAUAN SYARAK KE ATAS LARANGAN PERNIKAHAN ANTARA AGAMA: The Concept of Maslahah in The Compilation of Islamic Laws of Indonesia (KHI): a Shari’a view on The Prohibition of Interreligious Marriage

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    The mission of maslahah in Islam is to preserve the purposes of the law with the preservation of religion, life, intellect, descendant, and property. Thus, maslahah aimed to realise the prosperity by ensuring the interests of society fairly to achieve the happiness of the world and hereafter. The concept of maslahah is always being used as a guide by muslim scholars to resolve contemporary Muslim’s problems. There are numbers of current issues which are associated with this concept in deriving Islamic laws. For instance, Interreligious marriage. The texts had been deciding the status of law. However, there are also certain scholars used maslahah in deriving of Islamic laws regardless as the principles the basic of maslahah. This article aimed to explain the concept of maslahah according to the Muslim scholars of Jurisprudence and to analyze the application of this concept in the deriving Islamic laws focused on the Compilation of Islamic Laws of Indonesia (KHI).Misi Maslahah dalam Islam adalah untuk menjaga kehendak dan tujuan syarak dengan menjaga agama, jiwa, akal, nasab, dan harta. Oleh itu, maslahah bertujuan untuk mensejahterakan dengan menjamin kepentingan masyarakat secara adil demi kebahagian dunia dan akhirat. Banyak isu semasa yang dikaitkan dengan maslahah dalam menentukan status suatu hukum. Misalnya, pernikahan pasangan yang berlainan agama. Teks-teks syar’iy secara jelas telah menentukan status hukumnya. Namun begitu, ramai di kalangan cendikia muslim yang mencuba menggunakan pertimbangan maslahah dalam menentukan suatu hukum dengan mengetepikan prinsip yang sebenarnya asas ke atas maslahat tersebut. Kertas kerja ini memberikan tumpuan kepada hakikat maslahah mengikut pandangan ulama usul serta menganalisis pemakaian konsep tersebut dalam menentukan sesebuah hukum yang ditumpukan pada Kompilasi Hukum Islam

    Factors Affecting the Participation of Sugarcane and Tobacco Farmers in Farmer Groups, Associations and Cooperatives in Indonesia

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    The revitalization of farmer organizations has become the central paradigm in agricultural development. In Indonesia, increasing farmer participation in farmer groups, associations and cooperatives is the strategy to revitalize farmer organizations. This study aimed to determine the factors influencing farmers' participation in farmer groups, associations and cooperatives. This study employed data from the Sugarcane and Tobacco Plantation Farm Household Survey in 2014, consisting of 8,831 (70.73%) sugarcane farmers and 3,645 (29.27%) tobacco farmers. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors contributing to farmers' participation in each organization. The results showed that harvest area, access to extension and contract farming positively affect farmers’ participation in organizations. Farmers' age and education positively affect their participation in associations and cooperatives but do not significantly affect their group participation. Land tenure has an ununiform effect on farmer participation in each organization. Tenant farmers are less likely to participate in farmer groups and cooperatives, but they tend to participate in associations. Meanwhile, the owner farmers are less likely to join cooperatives. Government support positively influences farmer group participation, shows a negative effect on participation in associations and has a non-significant effect on participation in cooperatives. Finally, farmers' wealth gives a positive effect on their participation in cooperatives, a negative effect on their participation in associations and a non-significant effect on farmer groups. These results depict that farmer groups are more inclusive than cooperatives and associations
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