15 research outputs found

    Lymphedema quality of life questionnaire (LYMQOL): cross-cultural adaptation and validation in Italian women with upper limb lymphedema after breast cancer

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    Purpose: There is growing interest in measures that assess upper-limb lymphedema after breast cancer. Since no validated Italian version of the Lymphedema Quality of Life Questionnaire for upper limbs (LYMQOL-UL) exists, we aimed to culturally adapt and validate an Italian version (LYMQOL-UL-IT) in order to allow its use in Italian patients.Materials and methods: The LYMQOL-UL-IT was developed by means of forward-backward translation, review by an expert committee and a test of the pre-final version to evaluate its comprehensibility. The psychometric testing included reliability by internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC(2.1)), measurement error by calculating the minimum detectable change (MDC95), construct validity by confirmatory factor analysis, and evaluation of a priori hypotheses about the correlations between the four LYMQOL-UL domains, single items of the LYMQOL-UL, and measures of health-related quality of life and pain intensity (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient).Results: The consensus-based version of LYMQOL-UL-IT was administered to 139 patients with upper-limb stable secondary iatrogenic lymphedema after breast cancer. The adapted questionnaire was well accepted as it was completed in less than 10 min, without missing answers or comprehension problems. Internal consistency was acceptable (alpha = 0.92-0.95). Test-retest reliability was good-to-excellent (ICC(2.1) = 0.73-0.96). The MDC95 for the four domains of the questionnaire was as follows: 0.64 scale points for Function, 0.40 for Appearance, 0.53 for Symptoms, and 0.81 for Mood. Factor analysis confirmed a 4-dimensional structure as originally conceived and the a priori hypotheses were met.Conclusion: The LYMQOL-UL-IT is reliable, sensitive to change and valid in patients with upper-limb stable secondary iatrogenic lymphedema after breast cancer. It can be used for clinical and research purposes

    A single exercise session improves side-effects of chemotherapy in women with breast cancer : an observational study

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    Background: To measure changes in four common chemotherapy related side-effects (low energy, stress, nausea and pain) immediately after a single exercise session within the first week after treatment. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with chemotherapy-treated breast cancer, participating in a multi-centre randomised controlled study, the Physical Training and Cancer study (Phys-Can) were included in this sub-study. The Phys-Can intervention included endurance and resistance training. Before and after a single training session (endurance or resistance) within the first week of chemotherapy, energy and stress were measured with the Stress-Energy Questionnaire during Leisure Time, and nausea and pain were assessed using a Visual Analog Scale 0-10. Paired t-tests were performed to analyse the changes, and linear regression was used to analyse associations with potential predictors. Results: Thirty-eight participants performed 26 endurance training sessions and 31 resistance training sessions in the first week after chemotherapy. Energy and nausea improved significantly after endurance training, and energy, stress and nausea improved significantly after resistance training. Energy increased (p = 0.03 and 0.001) and nausea decreased (p = 0.006 and 0.034) immediately after a single session of endurance or resistance training, and stress decreased (p = 0.014) after resistance exercise. Conclusions: Both endurance and resistance training were followed by an immediate improvement of common chemotherapy-related side-effects in patients with breast cancer. Patients should be encouraged to exercise even if they suffer from fatigue or nausea during chemotherapy