58 research outputs found

    Frontal sinus adenocarcinoma

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    CONTEXT: Paranasal sinus cancer is considered rare, with an incidence of less than 1 per 100,000 per year, with the frontal sinus being the primary site in only 0.3%. We report a case of adenocarcinoma arising in the frontal sinus. DESIGN: Case report. CASE REPORT: A 59-year-old woman, secretary, came in February 1998 with a 4-month history of low intensity frontal headache. She denied contact with wood dust. On examination a non-tender swelling was noted over her right forehead next to the medial aspect of the right orbit. CT scan showed a soft-tissue mass involving frontal sinus with intracranial invasion through the posterior wall. The anterior ethmoid sinus and the medial aspect of the right orbit were also involved. MRI demonstrated dural thickening in communication with the frontal mass. She underwent an en-bloc tumor resection by craniotomy including orbital clearance. Histology revealed an adenocarcinoma. After surgery she had tumor recurrence, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy were started resulting in partial improvement.CONTEXTO: O câncer dos seios paranasais é considerado raro com uma incidência menor que 1 por 100.000 por ano. O seio frontal é o sítio primário em apenas 0,3% dos casos. A seguir relatamos um caso de adenocarcinoma do seio frontal. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Relato de caso. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 59 anos, secretária, com queixa de quatro meses de cefaléia frontal de leve intensidade (fevereiro de 1998). Negava contato com serragem. Ao exame notava-se um abaulamento frontal à direita, adjacente a borda medial da órbita direita, de característica endurecida. A tomografia computadorizada mostrava um tumor com densidade de partes moles preenchendo o seio frontal com invasão intracraniana através da parede posterior. O seio etmoidal anterior e a borda medial da órbita direita também estava envolvida. A ressonância nuclear magnética demonstrava espessamento dural em comunicação com o tumor. A paciente foi submetida a exérese tumoral em bloco através de craniotomia bicoronal incluindo exenteração orbitária à direita. O exame histopatológico revelou adenocarcinoma. Após a cirurgia a paciente apresentou recidiva tumoral com resposta parcial a radioterapia e quimioterapia.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of OtorhinolaryngologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of NeurosurgeryUNIFESP, EPM, Department of OtorhinolaryngologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of NeurosurgerySciEL

    Evaluation of Bone Heating, Drill Deformation, and Drill Roughness After Implant Osteotomy: Guided Surgery and Classic Drilling Procedure

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    Purpose: This study evaluated and compared bone heating, drill deformation, and drill roughness after several implant osteotomies in the guided surgery technique and the classic drilling procedure. Materials and Methods: The tibias of 20 rabbits were used. The animals were divided into a guided surgery group (GG) and a control group (CG); subgroups were then designated (G0, G1, G2, G3, and G4, corresponding to drills used 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 times, respectively). Each animal received 10 sequential osteotomies (5 in each tibia) with each technique. Thermal changes were quantified, drill roughness was measured, and the drills were subjected to scanning electron microscopy. Results: Bone temperature generated by drilling was significantly higher in the GG than in the CG. Drill deformation in the GG and CG increased with drill use, and in the CG a significant difference between GO and groups G3 and G4 was observed. In the GG, a significant difference between GO and all other groups was found. For GG versus CG, a significant difference was found in the 40th osteotomy. Drill roughness in both groups was progressive in accordance with increased use, but there was no statistically significant difference between subgroups or between GG and CG overall. Conclusion: During preparation of implant osteotomies, the guided surgery technique generated a higher bone temperature and deformed drills more than the classic drilling procedure. The increase in tissue temperature was directly proportional to the number of times drills were used, but neither technique generated critical necrosis-inducing temperatures. Drill deformation was directly proportional to the number of times the drills were used. The roughness of the drills was directly proportional to the number of reuses in both groups but tended to be higher in the GG group

    Alterações histológicas com a idade nas cartilagens da articulação cricoaritenóidea

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    PURPOSE: Analysis of ossification, bone marrow formation, perichondrium thickness, muscle fibers, collagen fibers and elastic fibers quantities of cricoid and arytenoid cartilages. Design: Correlation morphologic study. METHODS: Twenty-four cricoarytenoid joints were obtained from Caucasian male fresh cadavers divided into three groups with eight specimens in each: group I - adolescents, from 15 to 20; group II - adults, from 25 to 35; and group III - elderly, from 60 to 75. The specimens were stained with H-E; trichrome; Picrosirius; and elastic stain. Histometry was performed for quantitative analysis. Bonferroni Test, Fisher Test and the Variance Analysis were used. RESULTS: At the microscopic analysis, the group I specimens presented typical hyaline cartilage, thin perichondrium, bulky muscle fibers and were surrounded by collagen fibers. In group II, there were ossification in small well defined central areas of four specimens, with lamellar bone tissue. In two of these cases there were central bone cavity full of fat tissue. The other parameters were similar to group I. In group III, most part of hyaline cartilage was replaced by typical lamellar bone tissue with poorly outlined haversian systems. Hematopoietic tissue was noted in six cases and fat tissue in the other two. Perichondrium was thicker. Small muscle fibers were smaller and surrounded by collagen in great quantity. Elastic fibers were present in small quantity in the outer portion of perichondrium in all the groups. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of its lack in adolescence, ossification occurs in cricoid and arytenoid cartilages during adulthood and intensifies with age; bone marrow is formed in ossification tissue with hematopoietic tissue in group III; perichondrium becomes thicker in group III; muscle tissue atrophies in group III and is replaced by collagen fibers; these fibers thicken with age; and elastic fibers is always present in the perichondrium in low quantity.OBJETIVO: Análise da ossificação, formação de medula óssea, espessura do pericôndrio, da quantidade de fibras musculares, de colágeno e eláticas das cartilagens cricóidea e aritenóidea. Desenho: Estudo morfológico comparativo. MÉTODOS: Vinte e quatro articulações crico-aritenóideas foram obtidas de cadáveres frescos caucasianos masculinos, divididos em três grupos com oito espécimes cada: grupo I - adolescentes, de 15 a 20 anos; grupo II - adultos, de 25 a 35; e grupo III - idosos, de 60 a 75. Os espécimes foram corados com H.E.; tricrômio; Picrosirius; e coloração para fibras elásticas. Histometria foi realizada para a análise quantitativa. Teste de Bonferroni, Teste Exato de Fisher e a Análise de Variância foram utilizados. RESULTADOS: À análise microscópica, os espécimes do grupo I apresentaram cartilagem hialina típica, pericôndrio fino, fibras musculares espessas e cercadas por colágeno em pequena quantidade. No grupo II, havia ossificação em pequenas áreas centrais bem definidas em quatro espécimes, com tecido ósseo lamelar. Em dois desses casos, havia uma cavidade óssea central preenchida por tecido adiposo. Os demais parâmetros foram similares ao grupo I. No grupo III, a maior parte da cartilagem hialina estava substituída por típico tecido ósseo lamelar com sistemas de Havers. Tecido hematopoiético foi observado em seis casos e tecido adiposo nos outros dois. O pericôndrio estava espesso. As fibras musculares estavam menores e cercadas por colágeno em grande quantidade. Fibras elásticas estavam presentes em pequena quantidade na porção externa do pericôndrio em todos os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de sua ausência na adolescência, a ossificação occorreu nas cartilagens cricóidea e aritenóidea durante a idade adulta e intensificou-se com a idade; medula óssea é formada no tecido de ossificação com tecido hematopoiético no grupo III; o pericôndrio tornou-se espesso no grupo III; as fibras musculares atrofiaram no grupo III e foram substituídas por fibras de colágeno; estas fibras espessaram-se com a idade; e as fibras elásticas estavam sempre presentes no pericôndrio em pequena quantidade.UNIFESP-EPMUNIMESUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Aging histological changes in the cartilages of the cricoarytenoid joint

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    PURPOSE: Analysis of ossification, bone marrow formation, perichondrium thickness, muscle fibers, collagen fibers and elastic fibers quantities of cricoid and arytenoid cartilages. Design: Correlation morphologic study. METHODS: Twenty-four cricoarytenoid joints were obtained from Caucasian male fresh cadavers divided into three groups with eight specimens in each: group I - adolescents, from 15 to 20; group II - adults, from 25 to 35; and group III - elderly, from 60 to 75. The specimens were stained with H-E; trichrome; Picrosirius; and elastic stain. Histometry was performed for quantitative analysis. Bonferroni Test, Fisher Test and the Variance Analysis were used. RESULTS: At the microscopic analysis, the group I specimens presented typical hyaline cartilage, thin perichondrium, bulky muscle fibers and were surrounded by collagen fibers. In group II, there were ossification in small well defined central areas of four specimens, with lamellar bone tissue. In two of these cases there were central bone cavity full of fat tissue. The other parameters were similar to group I. In group III, most part of hyaline cartilage was replaced by typical lamellar bone tissue with poorly outlined haversian systems. Hematopoietic tissue was noted in six cases and fat tissue in the other two. Perichondrium was thicker. Small muscle fibers were smaller and surrounded by collagen in great quantity. Elastic fibers were present in small quantity in the outer portion of perichondrium in all the groups. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of its lack in adolescence, ossification occurs in cricoid and arytenoid cartilages during adulthood and intensifies with age; bone marrow is formed in ossification tissue with hematopoietic tissue in group III; perichondrium becomes thicker in group III; muscle tissue atrophies in group III and is replaced by collagen fibers; these fibers thicken with age; and elastic fibers is always present in the perichondrium in low quantity

    Cricoarytenoid joint: histological changes during aging

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of HistologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of HistologySciEL

    Morphological parameters of Sesbania virgata (CAZ.) Pers and Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) seedlings cultivated in substrate fertilized with urban waste compost

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do composto de lixo urbano nos parâmetros morfológicos de mudas de sesbânia e de angico. Os substratos de cultivo tiveram as seguintes proporções de composto e de amostras de subsolo de Neossolo Quartzarênico ou de Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (%): 0:100; 20:80; 40:60; 60:40 e 80:20, sem a utilização de fertilização mineral. As sementes de sesbânia foram inoculadas com a estirpe recomendada BR 5401. Os parâmetros morfológicos das mudas de sesbânia e angico, suas relações e índice de qualidade de Dickson (IQD) foram determinados aos 56 e 120 dias após a semeadura, respectivamente para cada espécie. Os efeitos dos substratos nos parâmetros morfológicos das mudas de sesbânia e angico variaram de acordo com as proporções do substrato. Para o angico, a adição do composto proporcionou aumento na altura da parte aérea, razão entre massa seca de parte aérea por massa seca de raiz e IQD. Para sesbânia, a adição do composto de lixo ao substrato proporcionou aumento na altura da parte aérea, diâmetro do coleto, massa seca de raiz, da parte aérea e total, razão entre massa seca da parte aérea por massa seca de raiz, IQD e número de nódulos. A obtenção de máxima produção de matéria seca total, diâmetro do coleto e IQD foi de 57:43, sendo, portanto, esta a proporção composta de lixo:solo recomendada para a produção de mudas de sesbânia.This work aimed to evaluate the effect of urban waste compost on morphological parameters of "sesbânia" and "angico" seedlings. The substrates had the following proportion of compost and subsoil samples of Quartz-Sand Neosol or Red-Yellow Latosol (%): 0:100; 20:80; 40:60; 60:40 and 80:20, without mineral fertilizer. Seeds of Sesbania virgata were inoculated with the recommended strain BR 5401. Morphological parameters of seedlings, their relationships and the Dickson Index of Quality (IQD) were determined to "sesbânia" and "angico" at 56 and 120 days after sowing respectively. The substrate effect on morphological parameters of "sesbânia" and "angico" seedlings varied according to substrate proportion. Compost addition caused increase in height, shoot and root dry matter weight ratio and IQD of "angico", therefore not being recommend any one of the substrate proportions to this species. As for "sesbânia", shoot, root and total dry matter weight, stem diameter, shoot area, shoot and root dry matter weight ratio, IQD and number of nodules were directly related to the addition of waste compost to the substrate. Maximum production of total dry matter weight, stem diameter and IQD were obtained with the proportion 57:43. Thus, we recommend this e proportion of waste compost and soil for the production of "sesbânia" seedlings