23 research outputs found

    Preplant 1,3-D treatments test well for perennial crop nurseries, but challenges remain

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    Preplant fumigation with methyl bromide commonly is used in open-field perennial crop nurseries in California for control of plant-parasitic nematodes, pathogens and weeds. Because this fumigant is being phased out, alternatives are needed to ensure the productivity of the perennial crop nursery industry as well as the ornamental, orchard and vineyard production systems that depend on clean planting stock. As part of the USDA Area-Wide Pest Management Program for Integrated Methyl Bromide Alternatives, several perennial crop nursery projects were conducted in California from 2007 to 2011 to test and demonstrate registered alternative fumigants and application techniques that maximize performance and minimize environmental impacts. The project was designed to evaluate shank application and soil surface sealing methods intended to reduce aboveground emission and improve soil performance of 1,3-dichloropropene, a leading methyl bromide alternative for nurseries. In these garden rose and tree nursery experiments, 1,3-dichloropropene treatments performed well regardless of application techniques. In this article, we highlight recent research and discuss the significance and remaining challenges for adoption of methyl bromide alternatives in this unique nursery stock production system

    Preplant 1,3-D treatments test well for perennial crop nurseries, but challenges remain

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    Preplant fumigation with methyl bromide commonly is used in open-field perennial crop nurseries in California for control of plant-parasitic nematodes, pathogens and weeds. Because this fumigant is being phased out, alternatives are needed to ensure the productivity of the perennial crop nursery industry as well as the ornamental, orchard and vineyard production systems that depend on clean planting stock. As part of the USDA Area-Wide Pest Management Program for Integrated Methyl Bromide Alternatives, several perennial crop nursery projects were conducted in California from 2007 to 2011 to test and demonstrate registered alternative fumigants and application techniques that maximize performance and minimize environmental impacts. The project was designed to evaluate shank application and soil surface sealing methods intended to reduce aboveground emission and improve soil performance of 1,3-dichloropropene, a leading methyl bromide alternative for nurseries. In these garden rose and tree nursery experiments, 1,3-dichloropropene treatments performed well regardless of application techniques. In this article, we highlight recent research and discuss the significance and remaining challenges for adoption of methyl bromide alternatives in this unique nursery stock production system

    Desempenho agronômico do sorgo em função de doses e épocas de aplicação do herbicida 2,4-D Agronomic performance of sorghum as a response to 2,4-D application dosage and times

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    A cultura do sorgo está inserida no plano atual de manejo dos sistemas agrícolas nos cerrados, todavia são escassos os estudos em campo quanto à seletividade e comportamento da cultura ao herbicida 2,4-D. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar os efeitos do 2,4-D sobre o crescimento das plantas, a produção de fitomassa seca e fitomassa verde e a produtividade de grãos na cultura do sorgo. O experimento foi realizado entre janeiro e maio de 2008, em Nova Xavantina-MT, em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico. O sorgo (cultivar Buster) foi semeado em área cultivada sob sistema de plantio direto, em espaçamento de 0,50 m entre linhas, distribuindo-se 10 sementes por metro. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, envolvendo quatro doses de 2,4-D (0, 335, 670 e 1.005 g ha-1) e quatro épocas de aplicação (pré-semeadura, três folhas expandidas, seis folhas expandidas e pré-florescimento). Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. O controle de plantas daninhas na cultura foi realizado manualmente, com utilização de enxada. Verificou-se efeito fitotóxico à cultura do sorgo pelo 2,4-D aos 15 dias após a aplicação (DAA), independentemente da dose ou época de aplicação. O incremento das doses de 2,4-D provocou redução linear da altura de plantas, acúmulo de fitomassa verde e acúmulo de fitomassa seca, tanto aos 30 DAA quanto no ponto de rolagem. A aplicação do 2,4-D prejudica a produtividade do sorgo, especialmente em doses acima de 1.005 g ha-1 e.a. e em aplicações tardias. De maneira geral, a utilização do 2,4-D em pré-semeadura mostrou-se uma boa alternativa no manejo das plantas daninhas na cultura do sorgo.<br>Sorghum is part of the current plan of agricultural system management for the cer rado. However, few field studies have been carried out on this culture's behavior and selectivity towards herbicide 2,4 D. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2,4-D on plant growth, dry matter production and green biomass and grain yield in sorghum. The experiment was conducted between January and May 2008 in Nova Xavantina-MT in dystrophic Oxisol. Sorghum (cv. Buster) was sown in a cultivated area under no-tillage, with 0.50 m spacing between rows, and ten seeds distributed per meter. Treatments were arranged in a 4 x 4, involving four levels of 2,4-D (0, 335, 670, and 1.005 g ha -1 ) and four application times (pre-sowing, three fully-expanded leaves, six leaves, and pre-flowering).A randomized block design was used, with four replica tions. Weed control in the culture was performed manually, using a hoe. Toxic effects caused to sorghum by 2,4-D were observed at 15 days after application (DAA), regardless of dose or time of application. The increasing levels of 2,4-D caused a linear reduction in plant height, biomass and green dry matter accumulation, both at 30 DAA as the point of rollover. The application of 2,4-D affected sorghum yield, especially at doses above 1.005 g ha -1 and late applications. In general, the use of 2,4-D in pre-sowing proved to be a good alternative for the management of weeds in sorghum crop