12 research outputs found


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    本研究では7週間×2回の長期臨床実習(実習I・II)を控えた健康な男子学生18名(年齢21.6±0.6歳)を対象とし、ライフスタイルと自覚的疲労が身体組成に及ぼす影響を調べ、肥満予防への効果について検討することを目的とした。身体組成値はBoCA x1(Body Composition Analyzer)を用いて体脂肪率、腹部脂肪レベル、皮下脂肪断面積、内臓脂肪断面積、基礎代謝量/体重を測定し、自覚的疲労度の調査に自覚症しらべ(日本産業衛生学会)を実施した。実習I・II各々の前後をパターン1 .2. として、実習期間中のライフスタイル調査結果より分類した2群において身体組成値の変化量と自覚的疲労との関連を検討した。ライフスタイルの違いによる各身体組成値の変化量に有意な差は認められなかったが、パターン1. の身体組成値では朝食摂取群で有意な減少がみられた。また、自覚的疲労ではパターン1. の睡眠の質不良群で有意に高い値を示した。以上より、若年健常者においても、日常的な朝食摂取と十分な休養がもたらす身体への効果は肥満予防の一助となることが示唆された

    Amicrobial pustulosis associated with IgA nephropathy and Sjögren's syndrome

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    Amicrobial pustulosis is a rare clinical entity characterized by a relapsing pustular eruption, primarily involving the skin folds. We describe a case of amicrobial pustulosis associated with autoimmune diseases (APAD). The patient suffered from IgA nephropathy and Sjögren's syndrome. Skin symptoms were alleviated dramatically after corticosteroid pulse therapy and tonsillectomy

    Effects of Levocarnitine on Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity in Hemodialysis Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background and Aims: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of mortality in patients with end-stage kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease patients often exhibit a deficiency in l-carnitine due to loss during hemodialysis (HD). We studied the effects of l-carnitine supplementation on brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), a marker of atherosclerosis, in HD patients. Methods: This was a prospective, open-label, randomized, parallel controlled, multi-center trial testing the anti-atherosclerotic efficacy of oral l-carnitine administration (20 mg/kg/day). HD patients (n = 176, mean age, 67.2 ± 10.3 years old; mean duration of HD, 54 ± 51 months) with plasma free l-carnitine deficiency (<40 μmol/L) were randomly assigned to the oral l-carnitine group (n = 88) or control group (n = 88) and monitored during 12 months of treatment. Results: There were no significant differences in baseline clinical variables between the l-carnitine and control groups. l-carnitine supplementation for 12 months significantly increased total, free, and acyl carnitine levels, and reduced the acyl/free carnitine ratio. The baPWV value decreased from 2085 ± 478 cm/s at baseline to 1972 ± 440 cm/s after six months (p < 0.05) to 1933 ± 363 cm/s after 12 months (p < 0.001) of l-carnitine administration, while no significant changes in baPWV were observed in the control group. Baseline baPWV was the only factor significantly correlated with the decrease in baPWV. Conclusions: l-carnitine supplementation significantly reduced baPWV in HD patients. l-carnitine may be a novel therapeutic strategy for preventing the progression of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

    Omaezallene from Red AlgaLaurenciasp.: Structure Elucidation, Total Synthesis, and Antifouling Activity

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    Natural antifouling products have been the subject of considerable attention. We screened marine algae for antifouling activity and discovered omaezallenes, the new bromoallene-containing natural products isolated from the red alga Laurencia sp. Described is the isolation, structure elucidation, and total syntheses of omaezallenes. The relative and absolute configurations of natural omaezallenes were unambiguously established through total synthesis. The antifouling activities and ecotoxicity of omaezallenes were also evaluated