58 research outputs found
Two tectono-sedimentary domains, which were deformed during the Neogene and evolved into two large structural sectors, characterize the Sicilian Jurassic: the Maghrebides and Peloritani. Africa margin sediments, passing downward to Triassic successions and perhaps originally to Paleozoic deposits, characterize the former. The latter belongs to the European "Calabrian Arc", where the Jurassic transgressively rests on a continental substrate (i.e. the crystalline Variscan basement). These domains are characterized by four sedimentary facies: shallow platform-derived limestones; condensed seamount-type red limestones; nodular limestones with ammonites; deep radiolarites and shales. These facies are illustrated in a dozen of stratigraphic logs. The drowning of most Triassic-Liassic carbonate platforms or ramps and the deepening of adjacent basins came with inferred Jurassic strike-slip tectonics, connected to the relative movement of Africa (Gondwanan part) vs Europe (Laurasian part); the same strike-slip tectonics may have caused scattered intraplate volcanic seamounts found in Maghrebides. During the Jurassic the Maghrebide realm was characterized by the interfingering of basins and carbonate platforms. During the Early and Middle Liassic, carbonate platforms and ramps were dominant. Since Toarcian either radiolarites in some basins or Ammonite-bearing calcareous muds developed with intervening basaltic flows, and were accompanied by condensed pelagic carbonates on the ensialic seamount-type highs. The Peloritani realm displays similar characteristics, but with later transgression on the basement, several strike-slip basins and without any volcanoes
Sicilian Jurassic Phisiography and Geologic Realms
Two tectono-sedimentary domains, which were deformed during the Neogene and evolved into two large structural sectors, characterize the Sicilian Jurassic: the Maghrebides and Peloritani. Africa margin sediments, passing downward to Triassic successions and perhaps originally to Paleozoic deposits, characterize the former. The latter belongs to the European "Calabrian Arc", where the Jurassic transgressively rests on a continental substrate (i.e. the crystalline Variscan basement). These domains are characterized by four sedimentary facies: shallow platform-derived limestones; condensed seamount-type red limestones; nodular limestones with ammonites; deep radiolarites and shales. These facies are illustrated in a dozen of stratigraphic logs. The drowning of most Triassic-Liassic carbonate platforms or ramps and the deepening of adjacent basins came with inferred Jurassic strike-slip tectonics, connected to the relative movement of Africa (Gondwanan part) vs Europe (Laurasian part); the same strike-slip tectonics may have caused scattered intraplate volcanic seamounts found in Maghrebides. During the Jurassic the Maghrebide realm was characterized by the interfingering of basins and carbonate platforms. During the Early and Middle Liassic, carbonate platforms and ramps were dominant. Since Toarcian either radiolarites in some basins or Ammonite-bearing calcareous muds developed with intervening basaltic flows, and were accompanied by condensed pelagic carbonates on the ensialic seamount-type highs.
The Peloritani realm displays similar characteristics, but with later transgression on the basement, several strike-slip basins and without any volcanoes
Depositional environment and biofacies characterisation of the Triassic (Carnian to Rhaetian) carbonate succession of Punta Bassano (Marettimo Island, Sicily)
The aims of this study are to reconstruct the geological setting of the Punta Bassano series (Marettimo Island, Egadi Archipelago, western Sicily) and its palaeogeographic evolution. The reference section for the Upper Triassic of Marettimo shows an alternation of marl and limestone beds together with brecciated levels. The limestones are both homogeneous mudstones with evaporite pseudomorphs and laminated with fenestrae. Foraminiferal, palynomorph, and ostracod associations constrain the Punta Bassano sequence to the Carnian-Rhaetian interval. The Punta Bassano succession represents a shallow inner ramp, ranging from open-marine environment with good water circulation to lagoonal and peritidal protected environments. Freshwater input from rivers or groundwater on the carbonate ramp is indicated by the ostracod microfauna. The comparison of facies and microfauna with those from other sequences of the Mediterranean Upper Triassic (Pyrenees, Corsica, Sardinia, and Tunisia) allows us to confine the Punta Bassano sedimentation to the northern margin of the Tethys, between the Corsican and the Pyrenean depositional setting. These new results indicate that Marettimo Island, which is considered a single structural element being formed by four tectonic units, is a piece of the southern margin of the European Plate, displaced over a longer distance to become part of the other Egadi Islands, when the Corso-Sarde block made its rotation and successive collision with the North African Margi
Nella parte nord-occidentale della Sicilia, la Formazione Mufara costituisce la base comune delle successioni appartenenti ai domini paleogeografici Panormide e Imerese. Questa formazione, costiruita da un'alternanza di marne gialle e di calcari marnosi, calcareniti e calciruditi, affiora in modo discontinuo in tutta la regione presa in esame. Inclusi nelle marne si osservano anche blocchi esotici di calcari grigi recifali d'affinità Panormide. Lo studio micropaleontologico (Conodonti, Palinomorfi) dei calcari marnosi e marne ha permesso di attribuire a questa successione un'età carnica (Tuvaliano, con esclusione del Tuvaliano terminale). L'analisi sedimentologica dei livelli calcarenitici e calciruditici, che contengono una microfauna a Foraminiferi d'età ladino-carnica e d'affinità Panormide, induce a ritenere un'origine torbiditica per le intercalazioni calcaree della Formazione Mufara ed anche ad attribuire un'età ante-norica all'individuazione della piattaforma Panormide
Fogli 609-596, Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia
Il Servizio Geologico Nazionale ha unificato i Fogli 609 "Termini Imerese" e 596 "Capo Plaia" in un unico Foglio denominato 609/596 "Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia" allo scopo di uniformare i rilievi e raccoglierne la descrizione in un unico volume delle Note Illustrative. Il Foglio 609/596 "Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia" della Carta Geologica d’Italia in scala 1:50.000 è stato realizzato nell’ambito del Progetto CARG con i fondi della Legge 67/88 - Legge 226/99 con una convenzione tra Servizio Geologico Nazionale ora ISPRA) e Regione Siciliana. Le aree ricadono interamente nella Provincia di Palermo, comprendono la fascia marina del Golfo di Termini Imerese fino al promontorio di Capo Plaia, la regione dei Monti di Termini Imerese e Trabia ad ovest e il settore occidentale del gruppo montuoso delle Madonie ad est. Tra questi rilievi si sviluppa un’ampio settore collinare inciso dai fiumi Torto e Imera settentrionale (o Fiume Grande)
Association of kidney disease measures with risk of renal function worsening in patients with type 1 diabetes
Background: Albuminuria has been classically considered a marker of kidney damage progression in diabetic patients and it is routinely assessed to monitor kidney function. However, the role of a mild GFR reduction on the development of stage 653 CKD has been less explored in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic role of kidney disease measures, namely albuminuria and reduced GFR, on the development of stage 653 CKD in a large cohort of patients affected by T1DM. Methods: A total of 4284 patients affected by T1DM followed-up at 76 diabetes centers participating to the Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (Associazione Medici Diabetologi, AMD) initiative constitutes the study population. Urinary albumin excretion (ACR) and estimated GFR (eGFR) were retrieved and analyzed. The incidence of stage 653 CKD (eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) or eGFR reduction > 30% from baseline was evaluated. Results: The mean estimated GFR was 98 \ub1 17 mL/min/1.73m2 and the proportion of patients with albuminuria was 15.3% (n = 654) at baseline. About 8% (n = 337) of patients developed one of the two renal endpoints during the 4-year follow-up period. Age, albuminuria (micro or macro) and baseline eGFR < 90 ml/min/m2 were independent risk factors for stage 653 CKD and renal function worsening. When compared to patients with eGFR > 90 ml/min/1.73m2 and normoalbuminuria, those with albuminuria at baseline had a 1.69 greater risk of reaching stage 3 CKD, while patients with mild eGFR reduction (i.e. eGFR between 90 and 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) show a 3.81 greater risk that rose to 8.24 for those patients with albuminuria and mild eGFR reduction at baseline. Conclusions: Albuminuria and eGFR reduction represent independent risk factors for incident stage 653 CKD in T1DM patients. The simultaneous occurrence of reduced eGFR and albuminuria have a synergistic effect on renal function worsening
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