107 research outputs found

    Instantons and 2d Superconformal field theory

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    A recently proposed correspondence between 4-dimensional N=2 SUSY SU(k) gauge theories on R^4/Z_m and SU(k) Toda-like theories with Z_m parafermionic symmetry is used to construct four-point N=1 super Liouville conformal block, which corresponds to the particular case k=m=2. The construction is based on the conjectural relation between moduli spaces of SU(2) instantons on R^4/Z_2 and algebras like \hat{gl}(2)_2\times NSR. This conjecture is confirmed by checking the coincidence of number of fixed points on such instanton moduli space with given instanton number N and dimension of subspace degree N in the representation of such algebra.Comment: 13 pages, exposition improved, references adde

    A & B model approaches to surface operators and Toda theories

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    It has recently been argued by Alday et al that the inclusion of surface operators in 4d N=2 SU(2) quiver gauge theories should correspond to insertions of certain degenerate operators in the dual Liouville theory. So far only the insertion of a single surface operator has been treated (in a semi-classical limit). In this paper we study and generalise this proposal. Our approach relies on the use of topological string theory techniques. On the B-model side we show that the effects of multiple surface operator insertions in 4d N=2 gauge theories can be calculated using the B-model topological recursion method, valid beyond the semi-classical limit. On the mirror A-model side we find by explicit computations that the 5d lift of the SU(N) gauge theory partition function in the presence of (one or many) surface operators is equal to an A-model topological string partition function with the insertion of (one or many) toric branes. This is in agreement with an earlier proposal by Gukov. Our A-model results were motivated by and agree with what one obtains by combining the AGT conjecture with the dual interpretation in terms of degenerate operators. The topological string theory approach also opens up new possibilities in the study of 2d Toda field theories.Comment: 43 pages. v2: Added references, including a reference to unpublished work by S.Gukov; minor changes and clarifications

    The Liouville side of the Vortex

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    We analyze conformal blocks with multiple (semi-)degenerate field insertions in Liouville/Toda conformal field theories an show that their vector space is fully reproduced by the four-dimensional limit of open topological string amplitudes on the strip with generic boundary conditions associated to a suitable quiver gauge theory. As a byproduct we identify the non-abelian vortex partition function with a specific fusion channel of degenerate conformal blocks

    Deformed planar topological open string amplitudes on Seiberg-Witten curve

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    We study refined B-model via the beta ensemble of matrix models. Especially, for four dimensional N=2 SU(2) supersymmetric gauge theories with N_f=0,1 and 2 fundamental flavors, we discuss the correspondence between deformed disk amplitudes on each Seiberg-Witten curve and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of the corresponding irregular one point block of a degenerate operator via the AGT correspondence. We also discuss the relation between deformed annulus amplitudes and the irregular two point block of the degenerate operator, and check a desired agreement for N_f=0 and 1 cases.Comment: 27 pages. v2: minor changes and references added. v3: minor corrections and one reference adde

    Shorter sleep duration and better sleep quality are associated with greater tissue density in the brain

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    Poor sleep quality is associated with unfavorable psychological measurements, whereas sleep duration has complex relationships with such measurements. The aim of this study was to identify the associations between microstructural properties of the brain and sleep duration/sleep quality in a young adult. The associations between mean diffusivity (MD), a measure of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and sleep duration/sleep quality were investigated in a study cohort of 1201 normal young adults. Positive correlations between sleep duration and MD of widespread areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the dopaminergic systems, were identified. Negative correlations between sleep quality and MD of the widespread areas of the brain, including the PFC and the right hippocampus, were also detected. Lower MD has been previously associated with more neural tissues in the brain. Further, shorter sleep duration was associated with greater persistence and executive functioning (lower Stroop interference), whereas good sleep quality was associated with states and traits relevant to positive affects. These results suggest that bad sleep quality and longer sleep duration were associated with aberrant neurocognitive measurements in the brain in healthy young adults

    Normal values for nuclear cardiology: Japanese databases for myocardial perfusion, fatty acid and sympathetic imaging and left ventricular function

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    Myocardial normal databases for stress myocardial perfusion study have been created by the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Working Group. The databases comprised gender-, camera rotation range- and radiopharmaceutical-specific data-sets from multiple institutions, and normal database files were created for installation in common nuclear cardiology software. Based on the electrocardiography-gated single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), left ventricular function, including ventricular volumes, systolic and diastolic functions and systolic wall thickening were also analyzed. Normal databases for fatty acid imaging using 123I-beta-methyl-iodophenyl-pentadecanoic acid and sympathetic imaging using 123I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine were also examined. This review provides lists and overviews of normal values for myocardial SPECT and ventricular function in a Japanese population. The population-specific approach is a key factor for proper diagnostic and prognostic evaluation

    Vertices, Vortices & Interacting Surface Operators

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    We show that the vortex moduli space in non-abelian supersymmetric N=(2,2) gauge theories on the two dimensional plane with adjoint and anti-fundamental matter can be described as an holomorphic submanifold of the instanton moduli space in four dimensions. The vortex partition functions for these theories are computed via equivariant localization. We show that these coincide with the field theory limit of the topological vertex on the strip with boundary conditions corresponding to column diagrams. Moreover, we resum the field theory limit of the vertex partition functions in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions formulating their AGT dual description as interacting surface operators of simple type. Analogously we resum the topological open string amplitudes in terms of q-deformed generalized hypergeometric functions proving that they satisfy appropriate finite difference equations.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; v.2 refs. and comments added; v.3 further comments and typo

    Sparse Representation of Brain Aging: Extracting Covariance Patterns from Structural MRI

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    An enhanced understanding of how normal aging alters brain structure is urgently needed for the early diagnosis and treatment of age-related mental diseases. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a reliable technique used to detect age-related changes in the human brain. Currently, multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) enables the exploration of subtle and distributed changes of data obtained from structural MRI images. In this study, a new MVPA approach based on sparse representation has been employed to investigate the anatomical covariance patterns of normal aging. Two groups of participants (group 1∶290 participants; group 2∶56 participants) were evaluated in this study. These two groups were scanned with two 1.5 T MRI machines. In the first group, we obtained the discriminative patterns using a t-test filter and sparse representation step. We were able to distinguish the young from old cohort with a very high accuracy using only a few voxels of the discriminative patterns (group 1∶98.4%; group 2∶96.4%). The experimental results showed that the selected voxels may be categorized into two components according to the two steps in the proposed method. The first component focuses on the precentral and postcentral gyri, and the caudate nucleus, which play an important role in sensorimotor tasks. The strongest volume reduction with age was observed in these clusters. The second component is mainly distributed over the cerebellum, thalamus, and right inferior frontal gyrus. These regions are not only critical nodes of the sensorimotor circuitry but also the cognitive circuitry although their volume shows a relative resilience against aging. Considering the voxels selection procedure, we suggest that the aging of the sensorimotor and cognitive brain regions identified in this study has a covarying relationship with each other

    Adiposity is Associated with Regional Cortical Thinning

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    BACKGROUND: Although obesity is associated with structural changes in brain grey matter, findings have been inconsistent and the precise nature of these changes is unclear. Inconsistencies may partly be due to the use of different volumetric morphometry methods, and the inclusion of participants with comorbidities that exert independent effects on brain structure. The latter concern is particularly critical when sample sizes are modest. The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between cortical grey matter and body mass index (BMI), in healthy participants, excluding confounding comorbidities and using a large sample size. SUBJECTS: A total of 202 self-reported healthy volunteers were studied using surface-based morphometry, which permits the measurement of cortical thickness, surface area and cortical folding, independent of each other. RESULTS: Although increasing BMI was not associated with global cortical changes, a more precise, region-based analysis revealed significant thinning of the cortex in two areas: left lateral occipital cortex (LOC) and right ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). An analogous region-based analysis failed to find an association between BMI and regional surface area or folding. Participants' age was also found to be negatively associated with cortical thickness of several brain regions; however, there was no overlap between the age- and BMI-related effects on cortical thinning. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the key effect of increasing BMI on cortical grey matter is a focal thinning in the left LOC and right vmPFC. Consistent implications of the latter region in reward valuation, and goal control of decision and action suggest a possible shift in these processes with increasing BMI.We thank all the participants and the staff of the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre. This work was supported by the Bernard Wolfe Health Neuroscience Fund (NM, HZ, ISF, PCF), the Wellcome Trust (RGAG/144 to N.M, RGAG/188 to ISF, RNAG/259 to PCF) and the Medical Research Council (G0701497 to KDE).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ijo.2016.42