26 research outputs found

    Connected Stability Analysis of Delay Systems via the Matrix-Valued Lyapunov Function

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    By the method of combining the matrix-valued Lyapunov functional and comparison theorem, connected Lyapunov stability and practical stability of large scale delay system are studied deeply. A series of new sufficient conditions are proposed. These results are not only of theoretical but also of practical value.Методом об‘єднання матрично-значних функціоналів Ляпунова і теореми порівняння досліджено зв‘язну стійкість за Ляпуновим і практичну стійкість великих систем з запізненням. Запропоновано ряд нових достатніх умов. Результати мають не лише теоретичний сенс, але також практичне значення

    Uncertain Dynamical Systems

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    Uncertain dynamical systems: stability and motion control

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    This self-contained book provides systematic instructive analysis of uncertain systems of the following types: ordinary differential equations, impulsive equations, equations on time scales, singularly perturbed differential equations, and set differential equations. Each chapter contains new conditions of stability of unperturbed motion of the above-mentioned type of equations, along with some applications. Without assuming specific knowledge of uncertain dynamical systems, the book includes many fundamental facts about dynamical behaviour of its solutions.Giving a concise review of current

    Stability Analysis of Rotary Motions of a Quadcopter*

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