400 research outputs found

    Geen basis voor verlaging onderste leeftijdsgrens van bevolkingsonderzoek op baarmoederhalskanker

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    Doel:\ud Nagaan of de onderste leeftijdsgrens van het bevolkingsonderzoek op baarmoederhalskanker verlaagd moet worden.\ud \ud Opzet:\ud Retrospectieve data-analyse.\ud \ud Methode:\ud Uit de Nederlandse Kankerregistratie werden alle gevallen geselecteerd van invasieve baarmoederhalskanker, gediagnosticeerd in de periode 1989-2003. Voor de leeftijdsgroep van 25-39 jaar waren ook gegevens beschikbaar over 2004 en 2005. Gegevens over sterfte werden verkregen via het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. Trends werden beschreven met behulp van de geschatte jaarlijkse procentuele verandering en β€˜joinpoint’-analyse.\ud \ud Resultaten:\ud Bij de 25-29-jarigen varieerde het aantal gevallen van baarmoederhalskanker van 0 tot 9 per jaar. De incidentie van baarmoederhalskanker daalde in de leeftijdsgroepen van 35-39 en 45-49 jaar (respectievelijk p < 0,001 en p = 0,012). Het aantal vrouwen dat stierf aan baarmoederhalskanker fluctueerde per jaar en daalde in de leeftijdsgroepen van 30-34 en 35-39 jaar (respectievelijk p = 0,01 en p = 0,03).\ud \ud Conclusie:\ud De incidentie- en sterftecijfers van baarmoederhalskanker onder vrouwen jonger dan 30 jaar zijn heel laag en stijgen niet. Met het verlagen van de onderste leeftijdsgrens van het bevolkingsonderzoek zouden veel afwijkingen worden opgespoord die normaliter in regressie zouden gaan. Omdat de voordelen van het verlagen van de leeftijdsgrens niet opwegen tegen de nadelen in termen van overbehandeling en angst heeft deze verlaging volgens ons op dit moment geen zin

    Why do Particle Clouds Generate Electric Charges?

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    Grains in desert sandstorms spontaneously generate strong electrical charges; likewise volcanic dust plumes produce spectacular lightning displays. Charged particle clouds also cause devastating explosions in food, drug and coal processing industries. Despite the wide-ranging importance of granular charging in both nature and industry, even the simplest aspects of its causes remain elusive, because it is difficult to understand how inert grains in contact with little more than other inert grains can generate the large charges observed. Here, we present a simple yet predictive explanation for the charging of granular materials in collisional flows. We argue from very basic considerations that charge transfer can be expected in collisions of identical dielectric grains in the presence of an electric field, and we confirm the model's predictions using discrete-element simulations and a tabletop granular experiment

    Maximum tumor diameter is not an independent prognostic factor in high-risk localized prostate cancer

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    Contains fulltext : 69173.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVES: Previous studies suggest that maximum tumor diameter (MTD) is a predictor of recurrence in prostate cancer (PC). This study investigates the prognostic value of MTD for biochemical recurrence (BCR) in patients with PC, after radical prostatectomy (RP), with emphasis on high-risk localized prostate cancer. METHODS: RP specimens of 542 patients were evaluated with a median follow-up of 39.5 months (range 0.6-150 months). MTD was defined as the largest diameter of the largest tumor; high-risk as >or=T2c or PSA level>20 ng/ml or Gleason score>or=8 and BCR as two consecutive PSA levels>0.10 ng/ml. Proportional hazards multivariable regression models were composed to determine prognostic factors for BCR. RESULTS: Overall, 114 patients developed BCR after RP. The overall 5-year risk of BCR was 25% (95% CI=20.4-29.6), and median MTD was 24 mm (range 1-65). MTD in the total and high-risk group was associated with total tumor volume, volume of the largest tumor, pre-operative PSA levels, and Gleason score. In a univariable analyses, MTD was weakly associated with risk of BCR (HR=1.02 per mm increase, 95% CI=1.002-1.035, P=0.024) in the total group; in the high-risk group this association was lost (HR=1.01, 95%CI=0.99-1.03, P=0.18). Multivariable analyses indicated that positive surgical margins, higher Gleason score, advanced pathological stage, and multiple tumors were the main prognostic factors for BCR irrespective of the risk profile. MTD did not provide additional information. CONCLUSIONS: MTD is not an independent prognostic factor for BCR in patients treated with RP, irrespective of the risk profile

    A proposed potential role for increasing atmospheric CO2 as a promoter of weight gain and obesity

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    Human obesity has evolved into a global epidemic. Interestingly, a similar trend has been observed in many animal species, although diet composition, food availability and physical activity have essentially remained unchanged. This suggests a common factorβ€”potentially an environmental factor affecting all species. Coinciding with the increase in obesity, atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased more than 40%. Furthermore, in modern societies, we spend more time indoors, where CO2 often reaches even higher concentrations. Increased CO2 concentration in inhaled air decreases the pH of blood, which in turn spills over to cerebrospinal fluids. Nerve cells in the hypothalamus that regulate appetite and wakefulness have been shown to be extremely sensitive to pH, doubling their activity if pH decreases by 0.1 units. We hypothesize that an increased acidic load from atmospheric CO2 may potentially lead to increased appetite and energy intake, and decreased energy expenditure, and thereby contribute to the current obesity epidemic

    Selective Processing of Multiple Features in the Human Brain: Effects of Feature Type and Salience

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    Identifying targets in a stream of items at a given constant spatial location relies on selection of aspects such as color, shape, or texture. Such attended (target) features of a stimulus elicit a negative-going event-related brain potential (ERP), termed Selection Negativity (SN), which has been used as an index of selective feature processing. In two experiments, participants viewed a series of Gabor patches in which targets were defined as a specific combination of color, orientation, and shape. Distracters were composed of different combinations of color, orientation, and shape of the target stimulus. This design allows comparisons of items with and without specific target features. Consistent with previous ERP research, SN deflections extended between 160–300 ms. Data from the subsequent P3 component (300–450 ms post-stimulus) were also examined, and were regarded as an index of target processing. In Experiment A, predominant effects of target color on SN and P3 amplitudes were found, along with smaller ERP differences in response to variations of orientation and shape. Manipulating color to be less salient while enhancing the saliency of the orientation of the Gabor patch (Experiment B) led to delayed color selection and enhanced orientation selection. Topographical analyses suggested that the location of SN on the scalp reliably varies with the nature of the to-be-attended feature. No interference of non-target features on the SN was observed. These results suggest that target feature selection operates by means of electrocortical facilitation of feature-specific sensory processes, and that selective electrocortical facilitation is more effective when stimulus saliency is heightened

    Long-term health-related and economic consequences of short-term outcomes in evaluation of perinatal interventions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many perinatal interventions are performed to improve long-term neonatal outcome. To evaluate the long-term effect of a perinatal intervention follow-up of the child after discharge from the hospital is necessary because serious sequelae from perinatal complications frequently manifest themselves only after several years. However, long-term follow-up is time-consuming, is not in the awareness of obstetricians, is expensive and falls outside the funding-period of most obstetric studies. Consequently, short-term outcomes are often reported instead of the primary long-term end-point. With this project, we will assess the current state of affairs concerning follow-up after obstetric RCTs and we will develop multivariable prediction models for different long-term health outcomes. Furthermore, we would like to encourage other researchers participating in follow-up studies after large obstetric trials (> 350 women) to inform us about their studies so that we can include their follow-up study in our systematic review. We would invite these researchers also to join our effort and to collaborate with us on the external validation of our prediction models.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A systematic review of neonatal follow-up after obstetric studies will be performed. All reviews of the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth group will be assessed for reviews on interventions that aimed to improve neonatal outcome. Reviews on interventions primary looking at other aspects than neonatal outcome such as labour progress will also be included when these interventions can change the outcome of the neonate on the short or long-term. Our review will be limited to RCTs with more than 350 women. Information that will be extracted from these RCTs will address whether, how and for how long follow-up has been performed. However, in many cases long-term follow-up of the infants will not be feasible. An alternative solution to limited follow-up could be to develop prediction models to estimate long-term health outcomes of the newborn based on specific perinatal outcomes and other covariates. For the development of multivariable prediction models for several health outcomes, we will use data available from a Dutch cohort study of preterm (< 32 weeks) and/or small for gestational age infants (< 1500 g). These infants were born in The Netherlands in 1983 and followed until they reached the age of 19.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The systematic review will provide insight in the extent and methods used for follow-up assessments after obstetric RCTs in the past. The prediction models can be used by future studies to extrapolate short-term outcomes to a long-term horizon or to indicate for which neonates long-term follow-up is required, as their outcomes (either absence or presence of sequelae) cannot be adequately predicted from short-term outcomes and clinical background characteristics.</p

    Development of a multiplex DNA-based traceability tool for crop plant materials

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    The authenticity of food is of increasing importance for producers, retailers and consumers. All groups benefit from the correct labelling of the contents of food products. Producers and retailers want to guarantee the origin of their products and check for adulteration with cheaper or inferior ingredients. Consumers are also more demanding about the origin of their food for various socioeconomic reasons. In contrast to this increasing demand, correct labelling has become much more complex because of global transportation networks of raw materials and processed food products. Within the European integrated research project β€˜Tracing the origin of food’ (TRACE), a DNA-based multiplex detection tool was developedβ€”the padlock probe ligation and microarray detection (PPLMD) tool. In this paper, this method is extended to a 15-plex traceability tool with a focus on products of commercial importance such as the emmer wheat Farro della Garfagnana (FdG) and Basmati rice. The specificity of 14 plant-related padlock probes was determined and initially validated in mixtures comprising seven or nine plant species/varieties. One nucleotide difference in target sequence was sufficient for the distinction between the presence or absence of a specific target. At least 5% FdG or Basmati rice was detected in mixtures with cheaper bread wheat or non-fragrant rice, respectively. The results suggested that even lower levels of (un-)intentional adulteration could be detected. PPLMD has been shown to be a useful tool for the detection of fraudulent/intentional admixtures in premium foods and is ready for the monitoring of correct labelling of premium foods worldwide

    Does the evidence about health risks associated with nitrate ingestion warrant an increase of the nitrate standard for drinking water?

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    Several authors have suggested that it is safe to raise the health standard for nitrate in drinking water, and save money on measures associated with nitrate pollution of drinking water resources. The major argument has been that the epidemiologic evidence for acute and chronic health effects related to drinking water nitrate at concentrations near the health standard is inconclusive. With respect to the chronic effects, the argument was motivated by the absence of evidence for adverse health effects related to ingestion of nitrate from dietary sources. An interdisciplinary discussion of these arguments led to three important observations. First, there have been only a few well-designed epidemiologic studies that evaluated ingestion of nitrate in drinking water and risk of specific cancers or adverse reproductive outcomes among potentially susceptible subgroups likely to have elevated endogenous nitrosation. Positive associations have been observed for some but not all health outcomes evaluated. Second, the epidemiologic studies of cancer do not support an association between ingestion of dietary nitrate (vegetables) and an increased risk of cancer, because intake of dietary nitrate is associated with intake of antioxidants and other beneficial phytochemicals. Third, 2–3 % of the population in Western Europe and the US could be exposed to nitrate levels in drinking water exceeding the WHO standard of 50 mg/l nitrate, particularly those living in rural areas. The health losses due to this exposure cannot be estimated. Therefore, we conclude that it is not possible to weigh the costs and benefits from changing the nitrate standard for drinking water and groundwater resources by considering the potential consequences for human health and by considering the potential savings due to reduced costs for nitrate removal and prevention of nitrate pollution

    Efficacy of polyethylene glycol adhesion barrier after gynecological laparoscopic surgery: Results of a randomized controlled pilot study

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    Postoperative adhesions are the most frequent complication of peritoneal surgery, causing small bowel obstruction, female infertility and chronic pain. This pilot study assessed the efficacy of a sprayable polyethylene glycol (PEG) barrier in the prevention of de novo adhesions. 16 patients undergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgery were randomly assigned by shuffled sealed envelopes to receive either the adhesion barrier or no adhesion prevention. Incidence and severity of adhesions were scored at eight sites in the pelvis and reassessed by second look laparoscopy. Adhesion prevention was considered successful if no de novo adhesion were found at second look laparoscopy. One patient was excluded before randomization. Nine patients were randomized to treatment and six patients to control group. De novo adhesions were found in 0/9 patients who received the PEG barrier compared to 4/6 without adhesion prevention (0% vs. 67%, P = 0.01). Reduction in adhesion score was significantly greater in patients receiving PEG barrier (βˆ’2.6 vs. βˆ’0.06, P = 0.03). Meta-analysis of three randomized trials demonstrated that PEG barrier reduces the incidence of adhesions (odds ratio [OR] = 0.27; 95% CI 0.11–0.67). From this study, PEG barrier seems effective in reducing postoperative formation of de novo adhesions

    A Re-Examination of Global Suppression of RNA Interference by HIV-1

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    The nature of the interaction between replicating HIV-1 and the cellular RNAi pathway has been controversial, but it is clear that it can be complex and multifaceted. It has been proposed that the interaction is bi-directional, whereby cellular silencing pathways can restrict HIV-1 replication, and in turn, HIV-1 can suppress silencing pathways. Overall suppression of RNAi has been suggested to occur via direct binding and inhibition of Dicer by the HIV-1 Tat protein or through sequestration of TRBP, a Dicer co-factor, by the structured TAR element of HIV-1 transcripts. The role of Tat as an inhibitor of Dicer has been questioned and our results support and extend the conclusion that Tat does not inhibit RNAi that is mediated by either exogenous or endogenous miRNAs. Similarly, we find no suppression of silencing pathways in cells with replicating virus, suggesting that viral products such as the TAR RNA elements also do not reduce the efficacy of cellular RNA silencing. However, knockdown of Dicer does allow increased viral replication and this occurs at a post-transcriptional level. These results support the idea that although individual miRNAs can act to restrict HIV-1 replication, the virus does not counter these effects through a global suppression of RNAi synthesis or processing
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